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Last active July 4, 2021 00:59
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Writing Stack-Safe Code - Part 2
module Main where
import Prelude
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..), snd)
import Data.List (range, uncons, head)
import Data.List.Types (List(..), (:))
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import TryPureScript as TryPureScript
start :: Int
start = 1
end :: Int
end = 100_000
highToLowList :: List Int
highToLowList = range end start
lowToHighList :: List Int
lowToHighList = range start end
main :: Effect Unit
main = TryPureScript.render =<< TryPureScript.withConsole do
log $ append "safe version: " $ show $ join $ map head $
zipOpposingOrder_safe highToLowList lowToHighList
-- This has to be run after the safe version because nothing else else will
-- run once the stack-overflow error occurs
log $ append "unsafe version: " $ show $ join $ map head $
zipOpposingOrder_unsafe highToLowList lowToHighList
zipOpposingOrder_unsafe :: forall a b. List a -> List b -> Maybe (List (Tuple a b))
zipOpposingOrder_unsafe revList normalList = map snd $ go revList normalList
go :: List a -> List b -> Maybe (Tuple (List a) (List (Tuple a b)))
go revRemaining normalRemaining = case normalRemaining of
Nil ->
Just $ Tuple revRemaining Nil
Cons headB tail -> do
-- We're using the Maybe monad here to make this easier to read.
-- A `Nothing` will be produced if the normal list had more elements
-- than reversed one did at this particular level or
-- if either one of the lists did at a deeper level
-- finish zipping the tail first and return the remaining
-- elements from the `revRemaining` list
Tuple newRevRemaining newTail <- go revRemaining tail
-- if the `newRevRemaining` has a value, zip it with this
-- level's value, and return the tail for the parent's
-- computation (if any)
{ head: headA, tail: revTail } <- uncons newRevRemaining
pure $ Tuple revTail $ Cons (Tuple headA headB) newTail
zipOpposingOrder_safe :: forall a b. List a -> List b -> Maybe (List (Tuple a b))
zipOpposingOrder_safe reveredList normalList = go reveredList Nil (Left normalList)
-- To keep track of "where" we are in the data structure, we'll
-- maintain our own stack of what else still needs to be done.
-- `Left` values represent items in the normal list we haven't yet changed.
-- They will appear in a reversed order when we start consuming them.
-- `Right` values will either be the final list or the current state
-- of the final list as it is being built.
go :: List a
-> List b
-> Either (List b) (List (Tuple a b))
-> Maybe (List (Tuple a b))
go revList stack = case _ of
Left (Cons head tail) ->
-- we've hit the next element in the list
-- remember, we can't merge the head value yet
-- because it might not be the last element.
go revList (head : stack) (Left tail)
Left Nil ->
-- we've hit the end of the normal list
-- we can now start consuming the stack we've created
go revList stack $ Right Nil
Right val ->
-- `val` is either the end of the final list (i.e. `Nil`)
-- or the current state of the final list since we're
-- still in the process of creating it.
-- We need to look at the stack to see what to do
case stack of
-- `b` is the element next closest to the end of the normal list
-- so we can now zip it together with the revList's next element
-- (if it exists)
Cons b restB -> case revList of
Cons a restA ->
go restA restB $ Right $ (Tuple a b) : val
Nil ->
Nothing -- more elems in normalList than in reversedList
-- the stack is now empty, so we return the final list
-- (assuming there wasn't any other values left in the reverse list).
Nil -> case revList of
Nil -> Just val
Cons _ _ -> Nothing -- more elems in reversedList than in normalList
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