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Forked from emilypi/optics.hs
Created June 7, 2019 20:52
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{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
module Data.Sheaves.Optics where
type a + b = Either a b
type a * b = (a, b)
type a ^ b = b -> a
infixl 6 +
infixl 7 *
infixr 8 ^
class Profunctor p where
dimap :: (s -> a) -> (b -> t) -> p a b -> p s t
class Profunctor p => Choice p where
left :: p a b -> p (a + c) (b + c)
right :: p a b -> p (c + a) (c + b)
class Profunctor p => Strong p where
first :: p a b -> p (a * c) (b * c)
second :: p a b -> p (c * a) (c * b)
class Profunctor p => Closed p where
closed :: p a b -> p (a^c) (b^c)
class Profunctor p => Traversing p where
stretchl :: p a b -> p ([a] * c) ([b] * c)
stretchr :: p a b -> p (c * [a]) (d * [b])
class (Strong p, Closed p) => Glassed p where
glassed :: p a b -> p (t * a^u) (v * b^w)
class (Choice p, Strong p, Closed p) => Windowed p where
windowed :: p a b -> p (a + (t * a^u)) (b + (v, b^w))
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Optics
type Optic p s t a b = p a b -> p s t
type Iso s t a b = forall p. Profunctor p => Optic p s t a b
type Lens s t a b = forall p. Strong p => Optic p s t a b
type Prism s t a b = forall p. Choice p => Optic p s t a b
type Grate s t a b = forall p. Closed p => Optic p s t a b
type Glass s t a b = forall p. Glassed p => Optic p s t a b
type Window s t a b = forall p. Windowed p => Optic p s t a b
type Traversal s t a b = forall p. Traversing p => Optic p s t a b
type Iso' s a = Iso s s a a
type Prism' s a = Prism s s a a
type Lens' s a = Lens s s a a
type Traversal' s a = Traversal s s a a
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Analogies
type a ~= b = Iso b a b a
type a <= b = Prism' b a
type a .| b = Lens' b a
type a .& b = Traversal' b a
type Log a b = Grate b a b a
type Logg a b = Glass b a b a
type Exp b a = Window b a b a
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Examples
type Z = ()
type S a = a + Z
type One = S Z
type Two = S One
type Three = S Two
type Four = S Three
(&) :: a -> (a -> b) -> b
(&) = flip ($)
_I :: a ~= b
_I = dimap id id
_1 :: a .| (a * b)
_1 = first
_2 :: b .| (a * b)
_2 = second
_Left :: a <= (a + b)
_Left = left
_Right :: b <= (a + b)
_Right = right
_Log :: c -> (Log b a)
_Log c = dimap const ($ c) . closed
_LogBased :: Logg b a
_LogBased = dimap (\a -> (a, const a)) (uncurry (&)) . glassed
_Exponential :: Exp b a
_Exponential = dimap Left (either id (uncurry (&))) . windowed
_Traversing :: a .& ([a] * c)
_Traversing = stretchl
twolethree :: Two <= (Two + One)
twolethree = _Left
onelethree :: One <= (Two + One)
onelethree = _Right
divby2 :: Two .| (Two * Three)
divby2 = _1
divby3 :: Three .| (Two * Three)
divby3 = _2
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --
-- Traversal Example
data Phi p a b where
Phi :: (a -> [u] * c)
-> p u v
-> (b -> [v] * d)
-> Phi p a b
data Theta p a b = forall c. Theta p ([a] * c) ([b] * c)
data Stream where
SCons :: t -> Stream -> Stream
data Analytic a where
Run :: (Stream, a * Analytic a) -> Analytic a
Cons :: a -> Analytic a -> Analytic a
singleton :: a -> Analytic a
singleton a = Cons a (singleton a)
class Profunctor p => Expanding p where
expansion :: p a b -> p (Analytic a) (Analytic b)
type Taylor s t a b = forall p. Expanding p => Optic p s t a b
type a .** b = Taylor a b a b
taylor :: a .** b
taylor = dimap singleton k . expansion
k (Run (_, (a, _))) = a
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