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Last active December 11, 2021 07:14
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Experiment - Redefining Functor to work with both curried and uncurried functions
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (pure)
import Data.Function.Uncurried (Fn2, mkFn2, runFn2)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Newtype (class Newtype, wrap)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)
import Prelude as Prelude
import Safe.Coerce (coerce)
import TryPureScript as TryPureScript
## Idea of this experiment
What if the Monad type class hierarchy was redefined
so as to enable either curried or uncurried functions?
- Applicative doesn't play well when we can only define an
uncurried version or curried version but not both.
If we define both in the same type class,
then everything does continue to work.
- PureScript's inliner for uncurried functions breaks
when we use code in this way. However,
if it was updated for this, I believe we'd pay
for one less closure allocation for most `bind`s
and `apply`s in our code
(note: this is an unverified claim)
class Functor :: (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class Functor f where
map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
map :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> (f a -> f b)
-- Note: pseudo-syntax, backticks don't work at the type-level
map :: forall a b. (a -> b) `Function` (f a -> f b)
map :: forall a b. Function (a -> b) (f a -> f b)
-- Hm....
data Function a b :: Type -> Type -> Type
class FunctorIsh :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class FunctorIsh function f where
map :: forall a b. function (a -> b) (f a -> f b)
-- Note: pseudo-syntax, backticks don't work at the type-level
map :: forall a b. function (a -> b) ((f a) `Function` (f b))
map :: forall a b. function (a -> b) (Function (f a) (f b))
-- Hm... now what do we need to do to get rid of that `Function`
-- and get something more like this...
map :: forall a b. function (a -> b) (f a) (f b)
-- | Functor, but where the function used, `fn`, is either
-- | an uncurried function (e.g. `gmap(aToB, fa)`)
-- | or a curried function (e.g. `gmap(aToB)(fa)`).
class GFunctor :: (Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GFunctor fn f where
gmap :: forall a b. fn (a -> b) (f a) (f b)
-- Normally, we would write a type alias here.
-- However, the newtype is necessary because defining
-- it as a type alias and then writing
-- `forall a b. GFunctor CurriedFn2 f =>`
-- is rejected by the compiler because
-- "Type synonym `CurriedFn2` is partially applied.
-- Type synonyms must be applied to all of their type arguments."
newtype CurriedFn2 a b c = CurriedFn2 (a -> b -> c)
derive instance Newtype (CurriedFn2 a b c) _
-- Choose your curried/uncurried `map`
-- `c` prefix = curried function (aka normal `map`)
-- `uc` prefix = uncurried function (aka performant `map`)
cMap :: forall f a b. GFunctor CurriedFn2 f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
cMap = coerce (gmap :: CurriedFn2 (a -> b) (f a) (f b))
ucMap :: forall f a b. GFunctor Fn2 f => Fn2 (a -> b) (f a) (f b)
ucMap = gmap
-- or maybe...?
ucMap :: forall f a b. GFunctor Fn2 f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ucMap = runFn2 gmap
class GApply :: (Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GFunctor fn f <= GApply fn f where
gapply :: forall a b. fn (f (a -> b)) (f a) (f b)
cApply :: forall f a b. GApply CurriedFn2 f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
cApply = coerce (gapply :: CurriedFn2 (f (a -> b)) (f a) (f b))
ucApply :: forall f a b. GApply Fn2 f => Fn2 (f (a -> b)) (f a) (f b)
ucApply = gapply
-- Ugh, Applicative... Why does `pure` take only one argument rather than two!?
-- We can't have a superclass relationship with `Apply fn f`
-- because then the `fn` type variable is unknowable with only
-- the `a` and `f a` types in `gpure`'s type signature:
class GApply fn f <= GApplicative f where ...
gpure :: forall a. a -> f a
-- Moreover, we don't want to push the `fn` type variable into `GApplicative`
-- because then we need to add a useless arg since the `fn`
-- takes two arguments, not one.
-- This doesn't affect the uncurried function because we can
-- just pass in `Unit`, but it does incur another closure
-- allocation for the curried function.
class GApply fn f <= GApplicative fn f where
gpure :: forall a. fn Unit a (f a)
-- uncurried: no issue, just ignore the argument
gpure :: forall a. Fn2 Unit a (f a) -- `gpure(unit, a)`
-- curried: unit is a waste!
gpure :: forall a. Unit -> a -> f a -- `gpure(unit)(a)`
-- So, here's a workaround/hack
-- 1. `fn` not mentioned below but `gpure` is still defined...
class GApplicativeHack f where
gpure :: forall a. a -> f a
-- 2. Define `Applicative` by extending both `GApply` and `GApplicative'`
class GApplicative :: (Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class (GApply fn f, GApplicativeHack f) <= GApplicative fn f
-- 3. Define a global instance. Any other instance is an orphan instance.
instance (GApply fn f, GApplicativeHack f) => GApplicative fn f
-- Solution:
-- Developer implements a `GApplicativeHack` instance, but uses the
-- `GApplicative` type class for constraints.
-- Moving on to `Bind`!
class GBind :: (Type -> Type -> Type -> Type) -> (Type -> Type) -> Constraint
class GApply fn f <= GBind fn f where
gbind :: forall a b. fn (f a) (a -> f b) (f b)
cBind :: forall f a b. GBind CurriedFn2 f => f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
cBind = coerce (gbind :: CurriedFn2 (f a) (a -> f b) (f b))
ucBind :: forall f a b. GBind Fn2 f => Fn2 (f a) (a -> f b) (f b)
ucBind = gbind
-- And finally `Monad`
( GApplicative fn f
, GBind fn f
) <= GMonad fn f
-- Let's do an easy type, `Maybe`.
instance GFunctor Fn2 Maybe where
gmap = mkFn2 \f -> case _ of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just a -> Just (f a)
instance GFunctor CurriedFn2 Maybe where
gmap = wrap
instance GApply Fn2 Maybe where
gapply = mkFn2 case _, _ of
Just f, Just a -> Just (f a)
_, _ -> Nothing
instance GApply CurriedFn2 Maybe where
gapply = wrap Prelude.apply
instance GApplicativeHack Maybe where
gpure = Just
instance GBind Fn2 Maybe where
gbind = mkFn2 \mb f -> case mb of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just a -> f a
instance GBind CurriedFn2 Maybe where
gbind = wrap Prelude.bind
instance GMonad Fn2 Maybe
instance GMonad CurriedFn2 Maybe
-- Alright! Let's test it out and see if it works!
-- Be sure to check out the outputted JavaScript at the end.
main :: Effect Unit
main = TryPureScript.render =<< TryPureScript.withConsole do
log $ show curriedWorks
log $ show uncurriedInlinerWorks
log $ show uncurriedInlinerFails1
log $ show uncurriedInlinerFails2
curriedWorks :: Maybe Int
curriedWorks = let bind = cBind in do
a <- Just 1
b <- Just 2
c <- Just 3
gpure (a + b + c)
uncurriedInlinerWorks :: Maybe Int
uncurriedInlinerWorks =
runFn2 ucBind (Just 1) \a ->
runFn2 ucBind (Just 2) \b ->
runFn2 ucBind (Just 3) \c ->
gpure (a + b + c)
uncurriedInlinerFails1 :: Maybe Int
uncurriedInlinerFails1 = let bind = runFn2 ucBind in
bind (Just 1) \a ->
bind (Just 2) \b ->
bind (Just 3) \c ->
gpure (a + b + c)
uncurriedInlinerFails2 :: Maybe Int
uncurriedInlinerFails2 = let bind = runFn2 ucBind in do
a <- Just 1
b <- Just 2
c <- Just 3
gpure (a + b + c)
Last Question:
Is there ever a time where a type CAN implement the curried monad type class hierarchy
but CANNOT implement the uncurried one? In other words, what if we defined
both the curried and uncurried versions in the same type class?
If PureScript had default implementations natively (rather than the 'default' functions
demonstrated for only `Functor2` below), this would be trivial to support.
class Functor2 f where
cMap2 :: forall a b. (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ucMap2 :: forall a b. Fn2 (a -> b) (f a) (f b)
-- Example of PureScript's current "default" implementations.
-- These either produce a runtime exception or loop forever
-- (I can't recall which) if both are used in the same
-- type class instance. In short, define one of the members
-- and the second one can be implemented using the first.
cMap2Default :: forall f a b. Functor2 f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
cMap2Default = runFn2 ucMap2
ucMap2Default :: forall f a b. Functor2 f => Fn2 (a -> b) (f a) (f b)
ucMap2Default = mkFn2 cMap2
-- For example...
instance Functor2 Identity where
ucMap2 = mkFn2 \f (Identity a) -> Identity (f a)
cMap2 = cMap2Default
class Functor2 f <= Apply2 f where
cApply2 :: forall a b. f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
ucApply2 :: forall a b. Fn2 (f (a -> b)) (f a) (f b)
-- Hey! We solved the ApplicativeHack issue!
class Apply2 f <= Applicative2 f where
pure2 :: forall a. a -> f a
class Apply2 f <= Bind2 f where
cBind2 :: forall a b. f a -> (a -> f b) -> f b
ucBind2 :: forall a b. Fn2 (f a) (a -> f b) (f b)
class (Applicative2 f, Bind2 f) <= Monad2 f
Now, rather than using the curried version of bind
we could hypothetically used the uncurried version of bind
for our do notations
answerLastQuestion :: Effect Unit
answerLastQuestion = do
log $ show curriedVsUncurriedBindUsage
-- Maybe's instances are defined at bottom of this file
curriedVsUncurriedBindUsage :: Maybe Int
curriedVsUncurriedBindUsage =
-- For our main do notation, we use uncurried bind
-- because the second argument is ALWAYS known
-- (assuming the inliner was updated to handle this...)
let bind = runFn2 ucBind2 in do
a <- Just 1
b <- Just 2
-- but for any binds that happen on the right side
-- of the `<-`, we have the OPTION of using
-- either one.
c <- (Just 3) `cBind` \three -> Just (three + 0)
d <- (Just 0) `runFn2 ucBind2` \zero -> Just (zero + 0)
pure2 (a + b + c + d)
instance Functor2 Maybe where
cMap2 =
ucMap2 = ucMap
instance Apply2 Maybe where
cApply2 = Prelude.apply
ucApply2 = ucApply
instance Applicative2 Maybe where
pure2 = Prelude.pure
instance Bind2 Maybe where
cBind2 = Prelude.bind
ucBind2 = ucBind
instance Monad2 Maybe
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