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Forked from dreispt/odoo-requests
Last active November 30, 2017 22:10
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Munin plugins for Odoo
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
# Munin plugin for transactions/minute
case $1 in
exit 0
exit 0
echo graph_category openerp
echo graph_title openerp rpc request count
echo graph_vlabel num requests/minute in last 5 minutes
echo requests.label num requests
exit 0
# watch out for the time zone of the logs => using date -u for UTC timestamps
result=$(tail -60000 /var/log/odoo/odoo-syslog.log | grep "object.execute_kw time" | awk "BEGIN{count=0} (\$1 \" \" \$2) >= \"`date +'%F %H:%M:%S' -ud '5 min ago'`\" { count+=1; } END{print count/5}")
echo "requests.value ${result}"
exit 0
#%# family=manual
#%# capabilities=autoconf suggest
# Munin plugin for response time
case $1 in config)
echo graph_category openerp echo
graph_title openerp rpc requests min/average response time
echo graph_vlabel seconds
echo graph_args --units-exponent -3
echo min.label min
echo min.warning 1
echo min.critical 5
echo avg.label average
echo avg.warning 1
echo avg.critical 5
exit 0
# watch out for the time zone of the logs => using date -u for UTC timestamps
result=$(tail -60000 /var/log/odoo/odoo-syslog.log | grep "object.execute_kw time" | awk "BEGIN{sum=0;count=0} (\$1 \" \" \$2) >= \"`date +'%F %H:%M:%S' -ud '5 min ago'`\" {split(\$8,t,\":\");time=0+t[2];if (min==\"\") { min=time}; sum += time; count+=1; min=(time>min)?min:time } END{print min, sum/count}")
echo -n "min.value "
echo ${result} | cut -d" " -f1
echo -n "avg.value "
echo ${result} | cut -d" " -f2
exit 0
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