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Last active June 16, 2020 16:18
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More Roll20 Macros
// This one uses the selected token's character sheet and pulls the stats to make a combat roll. It also asks if you wanna spend more power, and it decrements the ship's power at the end
&{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} - Fire Disruptor Cannon}} {{Difficulty= 2 + 1 per band outside of Close}} {{ Normal Roll=[[ 1d20<[[ @{attribute} + @{discipline} ]]cs<@{discipline}cf20 ]] [[ 1d20<[[ @{attribute} + @{discipline} ]]cs<@{discipline}cf20 ]] }} {{ Extra Roll= [[ 1d20<[[ @{attribute} + @{discipline} ]]cs<@{discipline}cf20 ]] }} {{ Ship Assist= [[ 1d20<[[ @{ship_weapons} + @{ship_security} ]]cs<@{ship_security}cf20 ]] }} {{Damage Roll= [[ [[ @{ship_security} + @{ship_scale} + 2 ]]t[Challenge-Dice] ]] }} {{Extra Damage =?{Extra Damage (extra power spent) |0} }}{{Qualities=Vicious 1}}
!setattr --sel --mute --mod --power|-?{Amount of power spent|1}
// I have a bunch of these in the abilities tab on my NPC's for each of their weapons. When its their turn I can just select their token and click on the weapon they're going to use.
// Unarmed Combat
&{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} - Unarmed Attack}} {{Difficulty= Opposing Check}} {{ Normal Roll=[[ 1d20<[[ @{daring} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] [[ 1d20<[[ @{daring} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] }} {{ Extra Roll= [[ 1d20<[[ @{daring} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] }} {{Damage Roll= [[ [[ @{security} + 1 ]]t[Challenge-Dice] ]] }} {{Effects=Knockdown}}
// A Knife
&{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} - Dagger}} {{Difficulty= Opposing Check}} {{ Normal Roll=[[ 1d20<[[ @{daring} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] [[ 1d20<[[ @{daring} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] }} {{ Extra Roll= [[ 1d20<[[ @{daring} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] }} {{Damage Roll= [[ [[ @{security} + 2 ]]t[Challenge-Dice] ]] }} {{Qualities=Vicious 1, Deadly}}
// A Rifle, the last line plays a pew pew sound effect
&{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} - Disruptor Rifle}} {{Difficulty= 2}} {{ Normal Roll=[[ 1d20<[[ @{control} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] [[ 1d20<[[ @{control} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] }} {{ Extra Roll= [[ 1d20<[[ @{control} + @{security} ]]cs<@{security}cf20 ]] }} {{Damage Roll= [[ [[ @{security} + 4 ]]t[Challenge-Dice] ]] }} {{Effects=Vicious 1}} {{Qualities=Accurate}}
!roll20AM --play|t-laser
// You can make as many of these as you want easily for ship actions, I've justed pasted the one I use for SFW.
// I also message myself the rules when I use the macro, just to help manage the things.
/w gm (pg 223) This Task increases in Difficulty by 1 for each range category beyond Close between the ship and the chosen target. If this succeeds, then the vessel’s next Attack, before the end of the sensor operator’s next Turn, gains the Piercing 2 quality, ignoring two of the target’s Resistance per Effect rolled. Further, if any bonus d20s are purchased for that next attack, it in inflicts +1 damage for each bonus d20 purchased.
&{template:default} {{name=@{selected|token_name} - Scan for Weakness}} {{Difficulty= 1 + Extra range bands beyond Close}} {{ Normal Roll=[[ 1d20<[[ @{attribute} + @{discipline} ]]cs<@{discipline}cf20 ]] [[ 1d20<[[ @{attribute} + @{discipline} ]]cs<@{discipline}cf20 ]] }} {{ Extra Roll= [[ 1d20<[[ @{attribute} + @{discipline} ]]cs<@{discipline}cf20 ]] }} {{ Ship Assist= [[ 1d20<[[ @{ship_sensors} + @{ship_security} ]]cs<@{ship_security}cf20 ]] }}
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