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Created May 23, 2024 18:20
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// Name: Get current Windows Explorer selection
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
import ffi from "ffi-napi"
import winax from "winax"
// Load user32.dll functions for window interaction using ffi-napi
const user32 = new ffi.Library("user32", {
GetForegroundWindow: ["long", []],
GetClassNameA: ["int", ["long", "string", "int"]],
// Function to get class of the current active window
function getActiveWindowClass() {
const hwnd = user32.GetForegroundWindow()
const buf = Buffer.alloc(256)
user32.GetClassNameA(hwnd, buf, 256)
return buf.toString()
// Function to get selected items in Explorer
async function getExplorerSelection() {
const selectedPaths = []
const className = getActiveWindowClass()
// Check if the window class matches Explorer classes
if (!/^(Progman|WorkerW|(Cabinet|Explore)WClass).*$/.test(className)) {
return undefined
// Use ActiveX to interact with Shell.Application
const shell = new winax.Object("Shell.Application")
const windows = shell.Windows()
for (let i = 0; i < windows.Count; i++) {
const window = windows.Item(i)
if (window && window.HWND === user32.GetForegroundWindow()) {
const items = window.Document.SelectedItems()
for (let j = 0; j < items.Count; j++) {
return selectedPaths
const selectedPaths = await getExplorerSelection()
if (selectedPaths === undefined) {
const cache = await db("win-current-selection", { paths: [] }, true)
const previous = cache.paths
if (JSON.stringify(selectedPaths) === JSON.stringify(previous)) {
cache.paths = selectedPaths
console.log({ selectedPaths })
await cache.write()
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