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Created May 23, 2024 18:19
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// Name: Bookmarks
// Keyword: bm
import "@johnlindquist/kit"
import { join } from "path"
import type { Choice } from "@johnlindquist/kit"
import sqlite3 from "sqlite3"
import type { Bookmark, Folder, Root } from "../lib/models"
const SUPPORTED_BROWSERS = ["Chrome", "Vivaldi"] as const
type SupportedBrowser = (typeof SUPPORTED_BROWSERS)[number]
const cacheDefaults = { favicons: null as { [url: string]: string } | null }
const cache = await db(cacheDefaults)
const browserKind = (await env("BOOKMARKS_BROWSER_KIND", {
name: "Which Browser do you use?",
})) as SupportedBrowser
const { bookmarksJsonFile, faviconsDbFile } = getBrowserInstallationFiles(browserKind)
const favicons = await loadFavicons(faviconsDbFile)
const root = (await readJson(bookmarksJsonFile)) as Root
let bookmarks = root.roots.bookmark_bar.children
// Initializing an array to keep track of the navigation history
const historyStack: (Folder | Bookmark)[][] = []
type OptionValue = "go-back" | Folder | Bookmark
function buildChoices() {
const createChoice = (item: Folder | Bookmark) => {
if (item.type === "folder") {
return {
// Folder icon (can't put it in the code due to a Kit bug)
html: `📁 ${}`,
value: item,
} as Choice<OptionValue>
return {
description: item.url,
keyword: item.meta_info?.Nickname,
img: favicons[item.url],
value: item,
} satisfies Choice<OptionValue>
// Generating options based on current level of bookmarks
let choices: Choice<OptionValue>[] =
// Adding a "go back" option if there is a history in the stack
if (historyStack.length > 0) {
choices = [{ name: "⤴️ ..", description: "Go back", value: "go-back" }, ...choices]
return choices
// Loop to handle user interaction and navigation within bookmarks
while (true) {
const lastSelection = await arg(
name: "Select A Bookmark!",
shortcuts: [
name: "Update Favicons",
visible: true,
bar: "right" as const,
key: "ctrl+u",
onPress: async () => {
await loadFavicons(faviconsDbFile, false)
setName("Select A Bookmark!")
if (lastSelection === "go-back") {
bookmarks = historyStack.pop()
const { type, name } = lastSelection
if (type === "folder") {
// push the old bookmarks into the stack
bookmarks = bookmarks.find((bookmark) => === name).children
if (type === "url") {
exec(`open "${lastSelection.url}"`)
console.log("Unknown type", type)
function getBrowserInstallationFiles(browserKind: SupportedBrowser) {
const platform: string = process.platform.toLowerCase()
const installDir = (() => {
switch (true) {
case browserKind === "Chrome" && platform.includes("linux"):
return home(".config", "google-chrome", "Default")
case browserKind === "Chrome" && platform.includes("darwin"):
return home("Library", "Application Support", "Google", "Chrome", "Default")
case browserKind === "Chrome" && platform.includes("win32"):
return home("AppData", "Local", "Google", "Chrome", "User Data", "Default")
case browserKind === "Vivaldi" && platform.includes("win32"):
return home("AppData", "Local", "Vivaldi", "User Data", "Default")
throw new Error(
`Not implemented: It is unknown where the ${browserKind} bookmarks path for platform ${process.platform} is. Please help us out with a pull request!`,
if (!pathExistsSync(installDir)) {
throw new Error(
`${browserKind} bookmarks path determined to be at '${installDir}' according to system platform, but nothing exists at that location. Is ${browserKind} installed?`,
return {
bookmarksJsonFile: join(installDir, "Bookmarks"),
faviconsDbFile: join(installDir, "Favicons"),
} as const
async function loadFavicons(faviconsDbFile: string, allowCached = true) {
if (allowCached && cache.favicons) {
return cache.favicons
setHint("Loading Favicons...")
const db = new sqlite3.Database(faviconsDbFile, sqlite3.OPEN_READONLY, (err) => {
if (err) {
throw err
type BookmarkFavicon = { page_url: string; image_data: Buffer }
const result = await new Promise<BookmarkFavicon[] | "locked">((resolve, reject) => {
db.all<{ page_url: string; image_data: Buffer }>(
"SELECT page_url, image_data FROM icon_mapping INNER JOIN favicons ON = icon_mapping.icon_id INNER JOIN main.favicon_bitmaps fb on = fb.icon_id",
async (err, rows) => {
if (err) {
if ("code" in err && err.code === "SQLITE_BUSY") {
if (result === "locked") {
return await databaseLockedPrompt(faviconsDbFile)
const b64Map = result.reduce((agg, row) => {
const { page_url, image_data } = row
const b64 = `data:image/jpeg;base64,${image_data.toString("base64")}`
agg.set(page_url, b64)
return agg
}, new Map<string, string>())
const b64Data = Object.fromEntries(b64Map.entries())
cache.favicons = b64Data
return b64Data
async function databaseLockedPrompt(faviconsDbFile: string) {
const choice = await select(
hint: "Cannot read the Favicons database while the browser is still running. Please close it completely to cache the Favicons and continue to try again.",
multiple: false,
{ name: "Retry", value: "retry" },
{ name: "Continue without Favicons", value: "without" },
switch (choice) {
case "without":
return new Map<string, string>()
case "retry":
return await loadFavicons(faviconsDbFile, false)
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