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Last active January 17, 2017 16:32
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#!/usr/bin/env python
# A library that provides a Python interface to the Telegram Bot API
# Copyright (C) 2015-2016
# Leandro Toledo de Souza <>
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser Public License
# along with this program. If not, see [].
""" This module contains helper functions """
import copy
import re
from telegram import MessageEntity
def extract_chat_and_user(update):
Helper method to get the sender's chat and user objects from an arbitrary update
update (:class:`telegram.Update`): The update presumably containing chat or user objects
tuple: of (chat, user), with None-values if no object could not be found in the update.
user = None
chat = None
if update.message:
user = update.message.from_user
chat =
elif update.edited_message:
user = update.edited_message.from_user
chat =
elif update.inline_query:
user = update.inline_query.from_user
elif update.chosen_inline_result:
user = update.chosen_inline_result.from_user
elif update.callback_query:
user = update.callback_query.from_user
chat = if update.callback_query.message else None
return chat, user
def extract_message_text(update):
Helper method to get the message text from an arbitrary update
update (:class:`telegram.Update`): The update presumably containing message text
str: The extracted message text
ValueError: If no message text was found in the update
if update.message:
return update.message.text
elif update.edited_message:
return update.edited_message.text
elif update.callback_query:
return update.callback_query.message.text
raise ValueError("Update contains no message text.")
def extract_entities(update):
Helper method to get parsed entities from an arbitrary update
update (:class:`telegram.Update`): The update presumably containing entities
dict[:class:`telegram.MessageEntity`, ``str``]: A dictionary of entities mapped to the
text that belongs to them, calculated based on UTF-16 codepoints.
ValueError: If no entities were found in the update
if update.message:
return update.message.parse_entities()
elif update.edited_message:
return update.edited_message.parse_entities()
elif update.callback_query:
return update.callback_query.message.parse_entities()
raise ValueError("No message object found in update, therefore no entities available.")
def parse_markdown_from_update(update):
Creates a markdown-formatted string from the markup entities found in the supplied update.
update (:class:`telegram.Update`): The update presumably containing entities
ValueError: If no entities were found in the update
entities = copy.deepcopy(extract_entities(update))
text = extract_message_text(update)
for e in entities:
inserted = None
pos = e.offset
length = e.length
if e.type == MessageEntity.TEXT_LINK:
text = "{}[{}]({}){}".format(text[:pos], text[pos:pos + length], e.url, text[pos + length:])
inserted = 4 + len(e.url)
elif e.type == MessageEntity.BOLD:
text = text[:pos] + '*' + text[pos:pos + length] + '*' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 2
elif e.type == MessageEntity.ITALIC:
text = text[:pos] + '_' + text[pos:pos + length] + '_' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 2
elif e.type == MessageEntity.CODE:
text = text[:pos] + '`' + text[pos:pos + length] + '`' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 2
elif e.type == MessageEntity.PRE:
text = text[:pos] + '```\n' + text[pos:pos + length] + '\n```' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 6
# update offsets of all entities to the right
if inserted:
for other in entities:
if other.offset > pos:
other.offset += inserted
return text
def parse_html_from_update(update):
Creates an html-formatted string from the markup entities found in the supplied update.
update (:class:`telegram.Update`): The update presumably containing entities
ValueError: if no entities were found in the update
entities = copy.deepcopy(extract_entities(update))
text = extract_message_text(update)
for e in entities:
inserted = None
pos = e.offset
length = e.length
if e.type == MessageEntity.TEXT_LINK:
text = '{}<a href="{}">{}</a>{}'.format(text[:pos], e.url, text[pos:pos + length], text[pos + length:])
inserted = 15 + len(e.url)
elif e.type == MessageEntity.BOLD:
text = text[:pos] + '<b>' + text[pos:pos + length] + '</b>' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 7
elif e.type == MessageEntity.ITALIC:
text = text[:pos] + '<i>' + text[pos:pos + length] + '</i>' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 7
elif e.type == MessageEntity.CODE:
text = text[:pos] + '<code>' + text[pos:pos + length] + '</code>' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 13
elif e.type == MessageEntity.PRE:
text = text[:pos] + '<pre>' + text[pos:pos + length] + '</pre>' + text[pos + length:]
inserted = 11
# update offsets of all entities to the right
if inserted:
for other in entities:
if other.offset > pos:
other.offset += inserted
return text
def escape_markdown(text):
"""Helper function to escape telegram markup symbols"""
escape_chars = '\*_`\['
return re.sub(r'([%s])' % escape_chars, r'\\\1', text)
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