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This script checks that a website is responding with a 200 using FSharp
// From
//This script checks that a website is responding with a 200.
//This might be useful as the basis for a post-deployment smoke test
#r @"..\Packages\FSharp.Data\lib\net40\FSharp.Data.dll"
open FSharp.Data
let queryServer uri queryParams =
let response = Http.Request(uri, query=queryParams, silentHttpErrors = true)
Some response
| :? System.Net.WebException as ex -> None // | :? Matching on subtypes - crude polymorphism
let sendAlert uri message =
printfn "Error for %s. Message=%O" uri message
// match...with explanation
// match is the new switch/case...except that matter is important!
let checkServer (uri, queryParams) =
match queryServer uri queryParams with
| Some response ->
printfn "Response for %s is %O" uri response.StatusCode
if (response.StatusCode <> 200) then
sendAlert uri response.StatusCode
| None ->
sendAlert uri "No response"
let google = "", ["q", "fsharp"]
let bad = "http://example.bad", []
[google; bad]
|> List.iter checkServer
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