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Created April 3, 2014 03:55
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Ruby Notes: First Checkpoints
The Difference between p and PUTS = Puts results in the value output as a string, whereas p simply outputs the true value of the object
Variables must start with lower case letter:
my_string_variable = "hello world"
p my_string_variable
will print out
hello world
when running a Boolean
my_boolean = true
p my_boolean
will output
You can use commans to define more than one item : a, b = 1, 2
would assign a=1 and b=2
Symbols are like strings, only with less functionality. A Symbol is designated with a colon (:) to the left of a word. Symbols can contain any alpha-numeric character, but they must start with a letter
For example
p :lowdown123 (starts with letter after colon
using underscores such as this my_variable is called SNAKECASE
using various uppercases such as myOldApple is called CAMELCASE
Does normal math operations, ** = exponents (example: 2 ** 3 = 8)
You can assign math variables as numbers: for example
x = 20
p x
x = x + 5
p x will output 25
when comparing to numbers you can use > or < for a boolean return of True False
but for equals, you have to use double equals ( 5 == 5)
You can use variables in math operations such as
jose = 37
melissa = 38
melissa > jose = true
Personal note: If I wanted to get a users name inserted into a greeting I would od the following:
set the variable (name = "Jose")
Then I could print out a greeting with that name such as
p "hello " + name which would result in hello Jose
DRY = Dont repeat yourself
for example
num1 = 3
num2 = 3
p "#{num1} + #{num2} = #{num1 + num2}"
is easier than
18003384752 - for student loans for judy
Cool formula
# principal amount
p = 132_000
# annual rate of interest
r = 0.0541
# number of years
t = 10
# number of times it is compounded
n = 12
# amount accumulated
a = p * (1 + r/n) ** (n*t)
p "After #{t} years, Law school will have cost you an unreasonable #{a} dollars "
this would be great for the site: A calculator for parents to see how much it will cost them
the Pound# Sign is a comment line
the underscore _ replaces other items you cant use in code for readbility, such as a comma
NIL finanlly im going to get this
Square brackets ([]) are used in Ruby to reference locations. so if I ask p "Jose"[4], i wil get "s" for the output. It is trying to find the 4 character in the string which includes the quotes. Now if I tried "Jose"[7] I would get a nil because it doesnt exist.
Methods: Rather than reapat lines of code, you can call a method you defined instead. By calling the method you can make the line reperform its task.
CALL = is to execute the line
Define = defines the method itself, to compose or write a method.
to define a method, you must do the following
def hello
"Hello world"
it must start with def to define it, and end with end to end it
In the above forumla, the word hello is the method name. If I run it after adding ```p hello``` i will get out ```Hello World```
def hello2
a = 1
b = 2
a + b
this one is cool, because it will excute the last line as the output when you ```p hello2```
num1 = 3
num2 = 3
p "3 + 4 = #{num1 + num2}"
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