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Last active April 8, 2020 21:04
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  • Save JoseJuan81/606dbaa59bc0a042d42835dfa9491504 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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license: mit
letter frequency
A 0.08167
B 0.01492
C 0.02782
D 0.04253
E 0.12702
F 0.02288
G 0.02015
H 0.06094
I 0.06966
J 0.00153
K 0.00772
L 0.04025
M 0.02406
N 0.06749
O 0.07507
P 0.01929
Q 0.00095
R 0.05987
S 0.06327
T 0.09056
U 0.02758
V 0.00978
W 0.0236
X 0.0015
Y 0.01974
Z 0.00074
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const data = [
{ area: 'Sistema de control', percentage: 4, average: 15 },
{ area: 'Control de Calidad', percentage: 24 },
{ area: 'Control de la Información', percentage: 50 },
{ area: 'Sistema de Gestión', percentage: 11 },
{ area: 'Mantenimiento', percentage: 63 },
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.text(d => d.area + ':' + d.percentage + '%');
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