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Last active October 23, 2020 08:48
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#The tranistion model defines how to move from sigma_current to sigma_new
transition_model = lambda x: [x[0],np.random.normal(x[1],0.5,(1,))]
def prior(x):
#x[0] = mu, x[1]=sigma (new or current)
#returns 1 for all valid values of sigma. Log(1) =0, so it does not affect the summation.
#returns 0 for all invalid values of sigma (<=0). Log(0)=-infinity, and Log(negative number) is undefined.
#It makes the new sigma infinitely unlikely.
if(x[1] <=0):
return 0
return 1
#Computes the likelihood of the data given a sigma (new or current) according to equation (2)
def manual_log_like_normal(x,data):
#x[0]=mu, x[1]=sigma (new or current)
#data = the observation
return np.sum(-np.log(x[1] * np.sqrt(2* np.pi) )-((data-x[0])**2) / (2*x[1]**2))
#Same as manual_log_like_normal(x,data), but using scipy implementation. It's pretty slow.
def log_lik_normal(x,data):
#x[0]=mu, x[1]=sigma (new or current)
#data = the observation
return np.sum(np.log(scipy.stats.norm(x[0],x[1]).pdf(data)))
#Defines whether to accept or reject the new sample
def acceptance(x, x_new):
if x_new>x:
return True
# Since we did a log likelihood, we need to exponentiate in order to compare to the random number
# less likely x_new are less likely to be accepted
return (accept < (np.exp(x_new-x)))
def metropolis_hastings(likelihood_computer,prior, transition_model, param_init,iterations,data,acceptance_rule):
# likelihood_computer(x,data): returns the likelihood that these parameters generated the data
# transition_model(x): a function that draws a sample from a symmetric distribution and returns it
# param_init: a starting sample
# iterations: number of accepted to generated
# data: the data that we wish to model
# acceptance_rule(x,x_new): decides whether to accept or reject the new sample
x = param_init
accepted = []
rejected = []
for i in range(iterations):
x_new = transition_model(x)
x_lik = likelihood_computer(x,data)
x_new_lik = likelihood_computer(x_new,data)
if (acceptance_rule(x_lik + np.log(prior(x)),x_new_lik+np.log(prior(x_new)))):
x = x_new
return np.array(accepted), np.array(rejected)
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ghost commented Sep 16, 2019

if (acceptance(x_lik + should be if (acceptance_rule(x_lik +

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Joseph94m commented Sep 17, 2019

Indeed! One of the disadvantages of using a notebook is that you often test with a global function and then decide to send it as an argument bur forget to change it in the body!

I've added an issue on github for that: issue

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