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Created June 29, 2015 04:24
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import fetchData from './lib/fetchData';
import Fetch from './lib/Fetch';
export default {
// fetchData.js
import Promise from 'bluebird';
export default (routes, ...args) => {
const promises = routes
// Get route fetchers
.map(route => route.handler.fetchers)
// Filter out missing fetchers
.filter(fetchers => fetchers)
// Ensure fetchers are in an array
.map(fetchers => Array.isArray(fetchers) ? fetchers : [fetchers])
// Generate an array of fetcher promises
.map(fetchers => Promise.all( => fetcher(...args))));
return Promise.all(promises);
// Fetch.js
import React from 'react';
export default (fetchers) => (ComposedComponent) => class extends React.Component {
static fetchers = fetchers;
render() {
return <ComposedComponent {...this.props} />
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