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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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Doing a "cast" from Unicode strings to look-alike ASCII characters
# coding=utf-8
import string
sourcemap = u"àáâãäåÀÁÂÃÄÅèéêëÈÉÊËìíîïÌÍÎÏòóôõöÒÓÔÕÖùúûüÙÚÛÜýÿÝñÑ¿¡";
destmap = "aaaaaaAAAAAAeeeeEEEEiiiiIIIIoooooOOOOOuuuuUUUUyyYnN?!";
def scrub(s, replacement_char=''):
"""Returns a new string with accented characters replaced by the closest ASCII character available.
This is conceptually similar to multiple passes with maketrans+translate."""
scrubbed_sentence = "";
for letter in s:
if letter in string.ascii_letters or letter in string.digits or letter in string.punctuation or letter == ' ':
scrubbed_sentence += str(letter);
elif letter in sourcemap:
scrubbed_sentence += destmap[sourcemap.index(letter)];
scrubbed_sentence += replacement_char;
return scrubbed_sentence;
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