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Created February 25, 2022 04:32
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Basic Decision Tree in GDScript
# Sample Usage:
# var day_features = [
# # freezing, raining, foggy, sunny
# [0, 1, 0, 0],
# [0, 0, 0, 1],
# [0, 0, 0, 0],
# [0, 0, 1, 0],
# [1, 0, 0, 1],
# [1, 1, 0, 0],
# [1, 0, 1, 0],
# ]
# var day_activities = [
# "lift_weights",
# "run",
# "run",
# "run",
# "lift_weights",
# "lift_weights",
# "lift_weights",
# "lift_weights",
# ]
# var dt =
# dt.train(day_features, day_activities)
# print_debug(dt.predict_with_probability([0, 0, 0, 0]))
# Begin
class_name DecisionTree
var left
var right
var label_confidence: Dictionary
var feature: int # The index of the feature used to decide on left or right.
var threshold: float # If the value is less than this, go left.
var impurity_index: float # Used during training.
func predict(sample: Array):
var probabilities = self.predict_with_probability(sample)
var best_conf = 0.0
var prediction = null
for label_name in probabilities:
# Find the max label confidence.
if probabilities[label_name] > best_conf:
best_conf = probabilities[label_name]
prediction = label_name
return prediction
func predict_with_probability(sample: Array):
if self.left == null or self.right == null:
return self.label_confidence
elif sample[self.feature] < self.threshold:
return self.left.predict_with_probability(sample)
else: # Has to be.
return self.right.predict_with_probability(sample)
func save_to_json() -> String:
var as_dict = {
"label_confidence": self.label_confidence,
"feature": self.feature,
"threshold": self.threshold,
"impurity_index": self.impurity_index,
"left": null,
"right": null,
# We're double-encoding json here which is lazy and not efficient.
if self.left != null:
as_dict["left"] = left.save_to_json()
if self.right != null:
as_dict["right"] = right.save_to_json()
return JSON.print(as_dict)
func load_from_json(json_string:String):
var parsed = JSON.parse(json_string)
self.label_confidence = parsed["label_confidence"]
self.feature = parsed["feature"]
self.threshold = parsed["threshold"]
self.impurity_index = parsed["impurity_index"]
if parsed["left"] != null:
self.left = get_script().new()
if parsed["right"] != null:
self.right = get_script().new()
func train(samples: Array, labels: Array, max_depth:int = -1, max_impurity:float = 1.0):
# Generates a decision tree node or None.
# Samples should be an array of arrays.
# Labels should be an array of strings or classes.
# max_depth should be the maximum depth OR -1 for unlimited.
# Find the impurity of this category so we can maximize information gain.
var probability_by_category = _probability_by_category(labels)
var num_categories:int = len(probability_by_category)
self.label_confidence = probability_by_category
# Special case where everything is the same.
# Don't bother to split because we can't get better.
if num_categories < 2:
return self
# Find the best feature to use for a split.
var best_split_column:int = 0
var best_split_value:float = 0.0
var lowest_impurity_index:float = 100000.0
for candidate_column in range(0, len(samples[0])):
# Try splitting on this candidate column.
# For now, assume that this column is a boolean.
var left_candidate_labels = []
var right_candidate_labels = []
for idx in range(0, len(samples)):
if samples[idx][candidate_column] < 0.5:
var left_impurity_index = 1.0 - _calculate_gini_impurity(left_candidate_labels)
var right_impurity_index = 1.0 - _calculate_gini_impurity(right_candidate_labels)
var weighted_impurity_index = (float(len(left_candidate_labels))/float(len(labels))*left_impurity_index + float(len(right_candidate_labels))/float(len(labels))*right_impurity_index)
if weighted_impurity_index < lowest_impurity_index:
lowest_impurity_index = weighted_impurity_index
best_split_column = candidate_column
best_split_value = 0.5
# Create the decision tree.
self.feature = best_split_column
self.threshold = best_split_value
self.impurity_index = lowest_impurity_index
if max_depth == 0 or self.impurity_index < 1e-6:# or decision_tree.impurity_index > max_impurity: # Again, ==0, not <0 or != 0.
return self # If we are stopping OR we gain nothing by splitting, return only ourselves.
# If the lowest impurity index is LESS than our impurity index, we don't want to add them.
var left_samples:Array = []
var left_labels:Array = []
var right_samples:Array = []
var right_labels:Array = []
for idx in range(0, len(samples)):
if samples[idx][self.feature] < self.threshold:
# Try and train
var left_candidate = get_script().new()
left_candidate.train(left_samples, left_labels, max_depth-1, self.impurity_index)
self.left = left_candidate
var right_candidate = get_script().new()
right_candidate.train(right_samples, right_labels, max_depth-1, self.impurity_index)
self.right = right_candidate
return self
func _probability_by_category(labels: Array):
var count_by_category:Dictionary = {}
var count = 0.0
for label in labels:
if not count_by_category.has(label):
count_by_category[label] = 0
count_by_category[label] += 1
count += 1.0
var probability_by_category:Dictionary = {}
for category in count_by_category:
probability_by_category[category] = float(count_by_category[category])/float(count)
return probability_by_category
func _probability_to_gini_impurity(probability_by_category:Dictionary) -> float:
# Sum of the squares of probabilities.
var gini_impurity = 0.0
for category in probability_by_category:
var probability = probability_by_category[category]
gini_impurity += probability*probability
return gini_impurity
func _calculate_gini_impurity(labels: Array) -> float:
# A helper method which goes straight to gini impurity from the labels.
# Gini impurity is the sum of the squares of the probability.
# Gini impurity _index_ is 1-gini impurity.
var p_by_category = _probability_by_category(labels)
return _probability_to_gini_impurity(p_by_category)
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