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Created December 15, 2019 04:23
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The Raspberry Pi code running my mom's Christmas present.
import numpy
import picamera
import picamera.array
import random
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from time import sleep
camera_width = 320
camera_height = 240
arma_pin = 32
armb_pin = 33
trigger_pin = 40
arma_start_pw = 0
armb_start_pw = 0
def setup():
"""Configure GPIO pins and camera, returning a tuple of armA, armB, and camera."""
# GPIO PWM mapping:
# GPIO12 = PWM0 = Pin 32
# GPIO18 = PWM0 = Pin 12
# GPIO13 = PWM1 = Pin 33
# GPIO19 = PWM1 = Pin 35
GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD) # Easier to use pin numbers IMHO.
GPIO.setup(arma_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(armb_pin, GPIO.OUT)
GPIO.setup(trigger_pin, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)
arma_pwm = GPIO.PWM(arma_pin, 2000)
armb_pwm = GPIO.PWM(armb_pin, 2000)
camera = picamera.PiCamera() # .rotation, .resolution, .framerate
return (arma_pwm, armb_pwm, camera)
def capture_image_to_disk(camera):
def capture_image_as_numpy_array(camera):
output = numpy.empty((camera_height, camera_width, 3), dtype=numpy.uint8)
with picamera.array.PiRGBArray(camera) as output:
camera.resolution = (camera_width, camera_height)
camera.capture(output, 'rgb')
return (output.array.max(axis=2)//3)
def save_matrix_as_pgm(filename, matrix):
# PGM is greyscale only.
width = matrix.shape[1]
height = matrix.shape[0]
with open(filename, 'wt') as fout:
fout.write(f"{width} {height}\n")
for y in range(height):
for x in range(width):
fout.write(str(int(matrix[y,x])) + " ")
def matrix_to_point_array(matrix):
# Convert from this matrix into a point list.
# The darker the value, the more likely there is to be a point and the less it moves.
points = list()
width = matrix.shape[1]
height = matrix.shape[0]
mean = matrix.mean()
std = matrix.std()
high = matrix.max()
window_size = 2
for y in range(window_size, height-window_size):
for x in range(window_size, width-window_size):
# Select a block around this point and check if luminance is less than the mean.
luminance = matrix[y,x]
window = matrix[y-window_size:y+window_size, x-window_size:x+window_size]
window_mean = window.mean()
add_point = False
if luminance > mean or luminance >= window_mean or abs(luminance - window_mean) < 0.1:
add_point = False # Region is too bright or too boring.
elif luminance < window_mean or luminance < mean-2*std:
add_point = random.random() > (luminance/high) # Region is dark or interesting.
if add_point:
dx = random.random()*window_size
dy = random.random()*window_size
points.append((x+dx, y+dy))
return points
def get_path_through_points(points):
"""Given a list of points, return an array of indices which corresponds to a path through them."""
# Greedy nearest-first solution.
distance = lambda a,b: (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2
visited_points = set()
unvisited_points = [i for i in range(len(points))]
path = list()
current_point = unvisited_points[0]
while unvisited_points:
print(100.0*(1.0 - len(unvisited_points)/float(len(points))))
# Find the nearest distance.
nearest_idx = unvisited_points[0]
nearest_dist = distance(points[current_point], points[nearest_idx])
for candidate_idx in unvisited_points[1:]:
dist = distance(points[current_point], points[candidate_idx])
if dist < nearest_dist:
nearest_idx = candidate_idx
nearest_dist = dist
# Have a new nearest point.
current_point = nearest_idx
return path
def DEBUG_get_path_through_points(points):
"""Given a list of points, return an array of indices which corresponds to a path through them."""
# Least-cost Hamiltonian path is NP-Hard. TSP is NP-Complete. Dijkstra and A* don't guarantee a path.
# Instead, we take a variant of Prim's algorithm.
neighbor_count = dict() # Keep track of the cardinality of each node.
not_in_tree = list()
in_tree = list()
edges = list()
distance = lambda a,b: (a[0]-b[0])**2 + (a[1]-b[1])**2
# We will want to find those with order 3+ in the future.
for p in points:
neighbor_count[p] = 0 # THIS WILL NOT WORK IF p IS NOT A TUPLE! It must be hashable.
# We build a minimum spanning tree.
current_point = random.choice(points)
while not_in_tree:
# Pick the smallest edge that connects something in the tree to something not in the tree.
new_edge_length = 1e1000
new_edge = ((0,0), (0, 0))
for p1 in in_tree:
for p2 in not_in_tree:
edge_length = distance(p1, p2)
if edge_length < new_edge_length:
new_edge_length = edge_length
new_edge = (p1, p2)
# P2 is not in the tree, so that's the one we worry about.
neighbor_count[new_edge[0]] += 1
neighbor_count[new_edge[1]] += 1
# Now we have a minimum spanning tree.
def debug_point_array_to_matrix(points):
matrix = 255 * numpy.ones((camera_height, camera_width), dtype=numpy.uint8)
for p in points:
x, y = p
matrix[int(min(matrix.shape[0]-1, max(0, y))), int(min(matrix.shape[1]-1, max(0, x)))] = 0
return matrix
def debug_point_list_to_svg(filename, points, path):
with open(filename, 'wt') as fout:
fout.write(f"<svg height=\"{camera_height}\" width=\"{camera_width}\">\n")
for path_a, path_b in zip(path, path[1:]):
p1 = points[path_a]
p2 = points[path_b]
fout.write(f"<line x1=\"{p1[0]}\" y1=\"{p1[1]}\" x2=\"{p2[0]}\" y2=\"{p2[1]}\" style=\"stroke:rgb(0, 0, 0);stroke-width:1\" />\n")
def main():
pwmA, pwmB, camera = setup()
while True:
#if GPIO.input(trigger_pin):
if True:
res = capture_image_as_numpy_array(camera)
res = (res - res.min())/(1e-6+res.max()-res.min())
save_matrix_as_pgm("/home/pi/test.pgm", res*255)
points = matrix_to_point_array(res)
if not points:
print("Too few points! Image is too uniform!")
path = get_path_through_points(points)
#res = debug_point_array_to_matrix(points)
#save_matrix_as_pgm("/home/pi/text.pgm", res)
debug_point_list_to_svg("/home/pi/test.svg", points, path)
if __name__=="__main__":
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