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Created April 7, 2021 02:15
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A Rust-language decision tree implementation with no external dependencies.
//use serde::{Serialize, Deserialize};
use std::collections::HashMap;
// If you have serde, serialization is available with this derive chain:
//#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default)]
pub struct DecisionTree {
feature: usize,
threshold: f32,
class: bool,
class_probability: f32,
left_subtree: Option<Box::<DecisionTree>>,
right_subtree: Option<Box::<DecisionTree>>,
impl DecisionTree {
pub fn new() -> Self {
DecisionTree { ..Default::default() }
pub fn get_decision_feature(&self) -> usize {
pub fn predict(&self, example: &Vec<f32>) -> bool {
let (cls, _) = self.predict_with_confidence(example);
pub fn predict_with_confidence(&self, example: &Vec<f32>) -> (bool, f32) {
if let (Some(ls), Some(rs)) = (&self.left_subtree, &self.right_subtree) {
if example[self.feature] < self.threshold {
} else {
} else {
(self.class, self.class_probability)
pub fn train(&mut self, examples: &Vec<&Vec<f32>>, labels:&Vec<bool>, max_depth:u32) {
self.threshold = 0.5f32;
// If this tree is 100% uniform (perfectly decides the data), we don't have to do more work.
// Check if this is the case.
let mut num_positive = 0;
let mut num_negative = 0;
for c in labels {
if *c {
num_positive += 1;
} else {
num_negative += 1;
// Find class purity.
if num_positive > num_negative {
self.class = true;
self.class_probability = num_positive as f32 / (num_positive+num_negative) as f32;
} else {
self.class = false;
self.class_probability = num_negative as f32 / (num_positive+num_negative) as f32;
// We might not be able to go further.
if num_positive == 0 || num_negative == 0 || max_depth == 0 {
// We actually do have work to do. Find the feature which maximizes information gain.
let mut best_gini_impurity = 1000f32;
let mut best_feature = 0;
for candidate_feature in 0..examples[0].len() {
// TODO: Calculate midpoint.
let impurity = gini_impurity(examples, labels, candidate_feature, self.threshold);
if impurity > 0f32 && impurity < best_gini_impurity {
best_gini_impurity = impurity;
best_feature = candidate_feature;
// Now we have our optimal split.
self.feature = best_feature;
// Make the left examples.
let mut left_examples = Vec::<&Vec<f32>>::new();
let mut right_examples = Vec::<&Vec<f32>>::new();
let mut left_labels = Vec::<bool>::new();
let mut right_labels = Vec::<bool>::new();
for (x, y) in examples.into_iter().zip(labels) {
if x[self.feature] < self.threshold {
} else {
let mut left_sub = Box::new(DecisionTree::new());
left_sub.train(&left_examples, &left_labels, max_depth-1);
self.left_subtree = Some(left_sub);
let mut right_sub = Box::new(DecisionTree::new());
right_sub.train(&right_examples, &right_labels, max_depth-1);
self.right_subtree = Some(right_sub);
fn gini_impurity(examples: &Vec<&Vec<f32>>, labels: &Vec<bool>, feature:usize, thresh:f32) -> f32 {
let mut count_true_if_feature = 0;
let mut count_false_if_feature = 0;
let mut count_true_ifnot_feature = 0;
let mut count_false_ifnot_feature = 0;
for (x,y) in examples.iter().zip(labels) {
// Gini impurity = 1.0 - (# T / total)^2 - (# F / total)^2
if x[feature] < thresh {
// ifnot_feature
if *y {
count_true_ifnot_feature += 1;
} else {
count_false_ifnot_feature += 1;
} else {
// if_feature
if *y {
count_true_if_feature += 1;
} else {
count_false_if_feature += 1;
let p_true_given_feature = count_true_if_feature as f32 / (1e-6 + (count_true_if_feature + count_false_if_feature) as f32);
let p_false_given_feature = count_false_if_feature as f32 / (1e-6 + (count_true_if_feature + count_false_if_feature) as f32);
let p_true_given_not_feature = count_true_ifnot_feature as f32 / (1e-6 + (count_true_ifnot_feature + count_false_ifnot_feature) as f32);
let p_false_given_not_feature = count_false_ifnot_feature as f32 / (1e-6 + (count_true_ifnot_feature + count_false_ifnot_feature) as f32);
let gini_impurity_with_feature = 1.0 - (p_true_given_feature*p_true_given_feature) - (p_false_given_feature*p_false_given_feature);
let gini_impurity_without_feature = 1.0 - (p_true_given_not_feature*p_true_given_not_feature) - (p_false_given_not_feature*p_false_given_not_feature);
let total_entries = (count_true_if_feature + count_false_if_feature + count_true_ifnot_feature + count_false_ifnot_feature) as f32;
gini_impurity_with_feature*((count_true_if_feature+count_false_if_feature) as f32/total_entries) + gini_impurity_without_feature*((count_true_ifnot_feature+count_false_ifnot_feature) as f32/total_entries)
mod tests {
use super::*;
macro_rules! assert_approx_eq {
($a:expr, $b:expr) => {
assert!(($a as f32 - $b as f32).abs() < 1e-3f32, "{} !~= {}", $a, $b);
fn test_tree_sanity() {
let mut dt = DecisionTree::new();
// Is this game for children?
// Feat: exploding heads, talking animals, chainsaws, shotgun blasts
let doom = vec![1f32, 0f32, 1f32, 1f32];
let animal_crossing = vec![0f32, 1f32, 1f32, 0f32];
let gta = vec![0f32, 0f32, 1f32, 1f32];
let pokemon = vec![0f32, 1f32, 0f32, 0f32];
let quake = vec![1f32, 0f32, 0f32, 1f32];
let fez = vec![0f32, 0f32, 0f32, 0f32];
let examples = vec![&doom, &animal_crossing, &gta, &pokemon, &quake, &fez];
let labels = vec![false, true, false, true, false, true];
dt.train(&examples, &labels, 4);
let wolfenstein = vec![1f32, 0f32, 1f32, 1f32];
let terraria = vec![0f32, 1f32, 0f32, 0f32];
fn test_tree_sanity_2() {
let mut dt = DecisionTree::new();
// Factor B is the only one that should actually matter.
let a = vec![0f32, 0f32, 0f32];
let b = vec![0f32, 1f32, 0f32];
let c = vec![1f32, 0f32, 0f32];
let d = vec![1f32, 1f32, 0f32];
let examples = vec![&a, &b, &c, &d];
let labels = vec![false, true, false, true];
dt.train(&examples, &labels, 5);
assert_eq!(dt.get_decision_feature(), 1);
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