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Created September 27, 2016 06:20
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Demonstration of Scalaz as a Scala utility library.
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
val list = List(1,2,3,4)
//syntactic sugar
(1 == 2) ? 'a' | 'b'
1 == 2 option 'a'
1.some === none[Int] // typesafe option
'a' =/= 'b'
1.some | 2 //getOrElse
'a'.some |+| none
//List is a Semigroup
list |+| list // Monoidal append aka mappend
Map(1 -> 1) |+| Map(1 -> 2)
//List is a Monoid
mzero[List[Int]] |+| list
//List is a Functor + 1)
(1, 2, 3) map {_ + 1} //applied only to the last element of the tuple
//List is an Applicative Functor
^(list, list) {_ |+| _}
(list |@| list){_ |+| _} // Applicative Builder
//List is also a Monad
List(1.some , 2.some).flatMap(_ |+| 3.some)
// Utility functions
list.foldMap(_ + 1)
List(list, List(5,6,7,8)).join
//Lifting a function
val f = Functor[List].lift( (_:Int) * 2)
f(List(1,2,3)) // a -> b => fa -> fb flatmap does this.
//<*> is a special kind of flatmap which takes a functor and another functor with a function inside it.
3.some <*> {(_: Int) + 5}.some
(1 |-> 50) filter { x => x.shows contains '7' }
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