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Last active November 23, 2020 22:13
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Create Todo
const fs = require("fs");
const createTodo = (title, todo) => {
try {
// check if the json file exists
fs.access('todos.json', (err) => {
// if it does not exist, create a new json file
if (err){
fs.writeFileSync('todos.json', JSON.stringify([]))
// read from the todo.json if it exists
const todoBuffer = fs.readFileSync("todos.json");
// convert it to string
let dataJSON = todoBuffer.toString();
// parse the data
const todos = JSON.parse(dataJSON);
// check if the todo title exists
const duplicateTodo = todos.find((todo) => {
return todo.title === title;
if (!duplicateTodo) {
title: title,
todo: todo,
dataJSON = JSON.stringify(todos);
fs.writeFileSync("todos.json", dataJSON);
console.log("New Todo Added");
} else {
console.log("New Todo title has already been used");
console.log("An error occured, try again")
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