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Last active January 7, 2017 15:54
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import random
import math
from collections import defaultdict
import os
import numpy as np
import textwrap
import sys
class Chromosome:
gene_dict = {
"0001": "1",
"0010": "2",
"0011": "3",
"0100": "4",
"0101": "5",
"0110": "6",
"0111": "7",
"1000": "8",
"1001": "9",
"1010": "+",
"1011": "-",
"1100": "*",
"1101": "/",
def __init__(self, genome, target): = target
if genome:
self.genome = genome
self.genome = Chromosome.random_genome()
# Allows sorting of an array of Chromosomes based on fitness.
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(,
# Return a string version of the binary genome as numbers/operators
def decode_genome(self):
# Split the genome into 4 genes
genes = textwrap.wrap(self.genome, 4)
# decode the binary genes into string form.
decoded_genes = [Chromosome.lookup_gene(gene) for gene in genes]
# Validate the genome
if not Chromosome.validate_genome(decoded_genes):
return None
# If valid, join the genome together and return
return "".join(decoded_genes)
# Boolean value which represents if the genome is viable for evaluation.
def is_viable(self):
# note: "not not" just converts truthy/falsey value to True/False
return not not self.decode_genome()
# Return the value of the chromosome.
def value(self):
if not self.is_viable():
return None
return eval(self.decode_genome())
# Measures fitness of a chromosome based on absolute difference between target and value.
def fitness(self):
if not self.is_viable():
return None
return sys.maxint
return 1.0/((**2)
# Create a random 20 gene 'genome string'
def random_genome():
return ''.join([str(x) for x in np.random.randint(2, size=(20,))])
# Converts binary gene to literal version.
def lookup_gene(gene):
return Chromosome.gene_dict[gene]
except KeyError:
return ""
# Takes an array of genes.
# Validates genome is mathematically operable.
def validate_genome(genes):
# First gene must be a number
number_required = True
for gene in genes:
is_number = False
# Try to convert string value into an int.
# If line above doesn't throw an error, string is number.
is_number = True
except ValueError:
if number_required and (not is_number):
return False
elif (not number_required) and is_number:
return False
elif gene == genes[-2]:
number_required = True
elif gene == "":
elif number_required and is_number:
# next run, number is not required.
number_required = False
elif (not number_required) and (not is_number):
# next run, number is required.
number_required = True
# Return true if loop completes without failure.
return True
### OPTIONS ###\
# The value that is sought through evolution.
target_value = 42
# Number of chromosomes to start with.
starting_population = 200
# Breeding can be between 0 and 1 inclusive.
breeding_proportion = 0.5
# Kill proportion. Controls how many of the inviable solutions die per generation
# Killing of inviable genomes is 0.005 by default.
kill_chance = 0.005
# Mutation chance can be between 0.000 and 1. 0.001 recommended.
mutation_chance = 0.01
# How many iterations of breeding/mutation are allowed.
generations_limit = 1000
# If true, breeding is random, not based on fitness.
# If falsem, population is sorted on fitness, and breeding
# occurs between chromosomes of similar fitness.
breeding_shuffle = True
# Number of trials to run with parameters above.
trials = 5
#### END OPTIONS ####
population = [Chromosome(None, target_value) for _ in range(starting_population)]
def reset():
global population
population = [Chromosome(None, target_value) for _ in range(starting_population)]
# Breed two chromosomes by selecting a random pivot index
# and swapping the genes after that pivot forming
# two new offspring.
def breed(chrom1, chrom2):
# select a pivot that ensures at least one base swaps
pivot = random.randint(1, (len(chrom1.genome)-2))
new_chrom1 = chrom1.genome[:pivot] + chrom2.genome[pivot:]
new_chrom2 = chrom2.genome[:pivot] + chrom1.genome[pivot:]
return (Chromosome(new_chrom1, target_value), Chromosome(new_chrom2, target_value))
# Mutate a chromosome by choosing a random location
# and 'flipping' the gene at that location.
def mutate(chrom):
mutation_location = random.randint(0, (len(chrom.genome)-1))
bases = list(chrom.genome)
# Flip the base
bases[mutation_location] = str((int(bases[mutation_location])-1)**2)
return Chromosome("".join(bases), target_value)
# Determine if a chromosome matches the desired value.
def eval_population():
for chromosome in population:
if chromosome.value() == target_value:
return chromosome
return False
generations = 0
def run_simulation(simulation_index):
global generations
global population
# Counter for generations that have passed.
generations = 0
# Loop until a solution is found, or the generation limit is reached, or
# the population dies out.
while not eval_population() and (generations < generations_limit) and (len(population) > 0):
# print "trial:", simulation_index+1, "/", trials, "generation: ", generations + 1, "/", generations_limit,"\r",
# Kill some chromosomes, if configured to do so.
# if kill_chance > 0:
population = [x for x in population if not ((not x.is_viable()) and (1000*kill_chance >= random.randint(1, 1000)))]
if breeding_shuffle:
# Shuffle chromosome order to randomise breeding.
# Breed the number of pairs based on breeding proportion.
num_breeding_pairs = int((len(population)/2)*breeding_proportion)
for index in range(0, num_breeding_pairs, 2):
(new_crom1, new_crom2) = breed(population[index], population[index+1])
population[index] = new_crom1
population[index+1] = new_crom2
# Mutate some chromosomes based on chance.
for index, chromosome in enumerate(population):
if 1000*mutation_chance >= random.randint(1, 1000):
population[index] = mutate(chromosome)
generations += 1
# Run analysis on parameters.
results = []
spell = input("What do you want to spell?\n")
for character in spell:
target_value = ord(character)
success_case = None
while not success_case:
success_case = eval_population()
results.append([character, ord(character), success_case.genome, success_case.decode_genome()])
print results[len(results)-1]
print "Full genome:" + "".join([result[2] for result in results])
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