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Created April 29, 2014 14:26
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FEC Contributions Histogram with Nice Bins
import math, io, csv, zipfile, pickle
datadir = '/home/user/data/fec'
def fec_file(name, cycle):
# read the comma-separated header field names
with open('%s/%s_header_file.csv' % (datadir, name)) as header:
fieldnames = list(csv.reader(header))[0]
# read through the data file
with zipfile.ZipFile('%s/' % (datadir, name, cycle)) as data:
stream =[0])
stream = io.TextIOWrapper(stream, encoding="latin-1") # not actually sure of encoding
for row in csv.DictReader(stream, fieldnames=fieldnames, delimiter='|', doublequote=False, quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE):
yield row
def load_committees():
committees = set()
for row in fec_file('cm', '12'):
if row['CMTE_TP'] in ("H", "S"):
return committees
def make_histogram(transaction_types, committees):
# count up the contributions by exact amount
counts = { }
for row in fec_file('indiv', '12'):
if row['AMNDT_IND'] != 'N': continue # skip amended filings
if row['ENTITY_TP'] != 'IND': continue # should always be IND
if transaction_types is not None and row['TRANSACTION_TP'] not in transaction_types: continue
if row['CMTE_ID'] not in committees: continue # not a House/Senate committee
# row['TRANSACTION_PGI'] is [PGOCRSE]YYYY (primary, general, etc. plus election year)
amount = int(row['TRANSACTION_AMT'])
if amount < 0: continue # not sure why we'd have a negative trasaction on a non-refund record, but whatever
counts[amount] = counts.get(amount, 0) + 1
return counts
# The transaction types we want are:
# 15: Contribution
# 15E: Earmarked Contribution (the target committee is the filer)
# The transaction types we exclude are:
# 10: Non-Federal Receipt from Person
# 11: Tribal Contribution
# 15C: Contribution from Candidate (I think that means in a self-funded campaign)
# 19: Electioneering Communication Donation Received (not sure why an individual would do this)
# 20Y, 21Y, 22Y: Refund: Non-Federal / Tribal / Individual Contribution
# 24I: Earmarked Intermediary Out (the intermediary is the filer, maybe OTHER_ID has the target?)
# 24T: Earmarked Intermediary Treasury Out
# The committee types we want are:
# H/S: House/Senate candidate committee
# Get the IDs of the committees for congressional candidates only.
committees = load_committees()
# Get the counts of contributions to those committees by countribution
# dollar amount.
counts = make_histogram( ('15', '15E'), committees)
#with open('data.pickle', 'wb') as f:
# pickle.dump(counts, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
# ...or...
#counts = pickle.load(open("data.pickle", "rb"))
# Create smart buckets so that the bucket means line up with the most
# common contribution amounts ($250, $500, $1000, $2500). Actually all
# the contributions above the $1000 bucket have an average lower than
# $2500.
buckets = [250, 500, 1000, 2500, 9999999]
bucket_count = 0
bucket_sum = 0
for amount, count in sorted(counts.items()):
bucket_count += count
bucket_sum += amount * count
bucket_average = int(round(float(bucket_sum) / float(bucket_count)))
if bucket_average >= buckets[0]:
extra_count = 0
if bucket_average > buckets[0]:
# this dollar amount stepped slightly too far, so include
# in this bucket only some of the contributions at this amount
prev_count = bucket_count-count
prev_sum = bucket_sum-(amount*count)
extra_count = count - (buckets[0]*prev_count - prev_sum) / (amount - buckets[0])
bucket_count -= extra_count
bucket_sum -= (amount*extra_count)
bucket_average = int(round(float(bucket_sum) / float(bucket_count))) # re-take
print("$%d\t%d\t$%d" % (bucket_average, bucket_count, bucket_sum))
bucket_count = extra_count
bucket_sum = extra_count*amount
print("$%d\t%d\t$%d" % (bucket_average, bucket_count, bucket_sum))
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