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Created October 30, 2019 04:19
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Protobuf used by Burning Man pager app, relay board and network server
syntax = "proto3";
package loranetwork.v1;
import "loranetwork.v1/common.proto";
// The ping sent from the Android/iPhone Device to the BM Pager over BLE.
// To be forwarded to the cloud over LoRa
message PagerCommsTextMessage {
// There is no ID field here because this will be wrapped in a standard LoraPacket
LatLongLocation location = 1;
uint64 unixtimems_creation = 2;
string message_content = 3;
uint32 sender_id = 4;
// Used by the phone and the cloud to acknowledge receipt of messages.
message PagerCommsAck {
uint32 counter = 1;
// Sent periodically to poll the server for new messages.
message PagerCommsPoll {
LatLongLocation location = 1;
uint64 unixtimems_creation = 2;
uint32 sender_id = 3;
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