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Created July 14, 2010 17:33
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  • Save JoshMock/475714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JoshMock/475714 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Recurses through directories and creates a screen capture for each FLV video file and outputs as a JPG.
' Results: Recurses through all subdirectories of FOLDER_TO_SCAN and finds all .FLV files that do not have an associated JPG splash image, then creates one 5 seconds into the video using FFMPEG command line tool.
' Assumes: FFMPEG ( command line tool is installed and its install directory is in the system Path variable.
FOLDER_TO_SCAN = "C:\Folder\to\scan\"
Dim fso, rootFolder, convertedCount
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set rootFolder = fso.GetFolder(FOLDER_TO_SCAN)
convertedCount = 0
GetFolders rootFolder ' Starts recursive file traversal that looks for all FLV files with no associated JPG
Set rootFolder = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
MsgBox "Created preview images for " & convertedCount & " files."
Sub GetFolders(thisFolder)
For Each subfolder In thisFolder.SubFolders
'Recurse to next level of folders
End Sub
Sub GenerateSplashImages(thisFolder)
For Each file In thisFolder.Files
Dim fileName, filePath
fileName = file.Name
filePath = file.Path
' Only checking on FLV files
If (Right(fileName, 4) = ".flv") Then
' Create .jpg version of file name
Dim strSplashImagePath
strSplashImagePath = Left(filePath, Len(filePath) - 4) & ".jpg"
If Not fso.FileExists(strSplashImagePath) Then
' Generate splash file using FFMPEG command line
Dim wsshell
Set wsshell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
' The "-ss 5" part of this command is specifying that it should take a screenshot 5 seconds in.
' TODO: Make a variable called SCREENSHOT_TIME_IN_SECONDS to store this value.
wsshell.Run "ffmpeg -i """ & filePath & """ -r 1 -f image2 """ & strSplashImagePath & """ -t 1 -ss 5", 0, True
Set wsshell = Nothing
convertedCount = convertedCount + 1
End If
End If
End Sub
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