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Last active July 30, 2018 19:28
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Proposed 90-day plan

A project plan for Joshy's first 90 days with the RChain marketing team.


  • Rholang tutorial
    • Intermediate skill-level audience
    • Example motivated
    • Includes exercises and questions
    • Possible integration with
  • Rnode installation and use videos
    • One overview of what RNode can do
    • Installation instructions (written and video) for each major platform.
  • Blog Presence
    • Only if time permits
    • Be visible on the RChain blog, especially at first
  • Example dapps and documentation
    • Coordinate with Glen and other developers
    • First POC-style dapp with minimal rholang and UI code
      • Accompanying step-by-step tutorial
    • Write up tutorials to create an example gallery
  • Exercises and support materials for Greg's Design of Computational Calculi course
    • Hopefully in coordination with Jake Gillberg and RCL
  • Educational workshops
    • Low priority for noe
    • Conference circuit
    • Sessions with reflective?
    • Partnering with schools or universities?
  • Contribute to E-learning team's work
    • Work with blockspaces
    • Review current work
    • Advise curriculum design

Milestones / Timeline

03 July - First two weeks

  • Complete 8 lessons in rholang tutorial
  • Get bio, picture, quote to blog team
  • Write one blog introducing computational models
    • Greg's DoCC Course
    • Collaborate with Leah
    • Time permitting
  • Collaborate with Steve W to sketch out tutorial and rnode videos in new website
  • Form plan with Glen and Dan Connolley for first POC Dapp
  • Both Joshy and Coop sign SOW

17 August

No new milestones in this period. Joshy will be on vacation with very limited availability.

31 August - Before Rcon

  • Finish 12 lessons in rholang tutorial
    • Posted properly on new website
    • Covering mutable state and unforgeable names
  • Have first POC Dapp working
    • Tutorial is at least sketched if not complete
    • Will likely build on RChainAPI.js project
  • Using RNode video posted
    • Platform-specific install instructions published at least in blog

07 September - At and Just after Rcon

  • Sign genesis block, validate test net
    • Blog about process
    • Set expectations for main net launch
    • (Hopefully) Instill confidence in rhoc rev swap
  • Should I lead something here?
    • Maybe a rholang workshop, or POC Dapp session
    • Maybe at Eth Berlin?
    • Maybe recap of rcon eth Berlin, etc.

End of September

  • 3 total example dapps
    • Revise first POC after RCon feedback
    • Create two more including tutorials
  • Cover OCaps in rholang tutorial
  • Cover Casper
    • At minimum, post a blog
    • Ideally, have some interactive learning tools
    • Weighting blocks
    • Fork choice rule
  • Progress on DoCC exercises -- Low priority
    • Cover at least three of Greg's videos
  • Establish rholang help office hours?
    • Probably one per week.
    • Maybe part of colab?

End of October

  • Begin filling holes in developer UX
    • RMetamask
    • Truffle
    • Others as informed by writing example Dapps
  • 5 total example dapps
  • Rholang tutorial maturing to near-complete form
  • Blog schedule established - TBD
  • Collaborative learning
  • Continue to guide E-learning curriculum
  • Continue office hours
  • Conference Schedules

Key Performance Indicators

  • Attendance in office hours
  • Contributors to POC projects
    • Either PRs or Issues open
  • Tutorial usage
    • How many users begin to skim
    • How many continue onto lesson 2?
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