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Joshimuz's GTA:SA 2nd Any% Community Race Details

After the huge success of the first community race, with over 150 sign ups and over 50 finishers, making it the largest GTA:SA Speedrun Race ever, it's time for the sequel! SIGN UP NOW

Just finished your run, or had to stop somewhere, or couldn't start and want to rant about it? Fill in the FINISHERS FORM

Got some really cool moments from your run that didn't make it to the official broadcast? Submit them in my discord's community-race-clips channel!


Starting Date

The race will start at 10:00 CET of the 6th of January 2024.
The date and time was picked based on the results of the signup form on the 9th of December. The most popular date/time combo was chosen.
The signup form remains open, but the date starting time question is closed and won't count towards the actual start date after that point, to give people time to prepare for that day, book time off, etc.
Even if you can't make the start date/time, please try to do the run anyway in your own time and fill out the finishers form! While it's cool to start at the same time as everyone else, it's not essential.


The race will be organised in my Discord server with the "Community Racer" role (that you can get from the "Channels & Roles" page) and associated text+voice channels. If you want to join the race I'd HIGHLY RECOMMEND using this as all communication on the race to the racers will be in these channels, however if you just want to turn up on the day and play by yourself that's cool too.
We'll have lots of Voice Channels open on the day of the race for you to chill with your fellow racers in! We'll also be doing race commentary in there so if you want to get randomly interviewed (probably at the end of your run) make sure to join!

Skill Classes

All skill levels are welcome! I'm using a multi class system to put people into groups for the race so you can hopefully have some fun races with people of similar skill leve in SA.
The signup form tries to do a good job of placing people into the appropriate class using a few questions.
The classes aren't enforced, and no awards/prizes will be given out, so don't worry if you feel like you're in the wrong one. I'll only be using it for stream layouts, suggested discord voice rooms, and fun graphs and stuff after the race!

Class Overview

  • Class S: Active and competitive runners of GTA:SA Any%/No Major Glitches
  • Class A: Previously active competitive runners, currently active runners and runners of other GTA games who are confident with the SA route
  • Class B: Casual runners and runners of other categories/GTA games
  • Class C: Previous SA run finishers, casual runners of other GTA games and active speedrunners of non-GTA games
  • Class D: SA run finishers who took over 12 hours, people with a lot of knowledge of SA but no run, or casual speedrunners of other games
  • Class E: People who never tried anything like this before!
  • Class F: Those who are here just to goof around and have fun

Race Rules

The following rules apply mostly to competitive people/Class S runners. Feel free to bend them if you're 7 hours into your Class D run if it helps you

Any% Category

The race will officially be in the "Any%" category, but that doesn't mean you have to use glitches or even any strategies at all, it simply means that I'd like you to beat the game as fast as possible with whatever methods you like outside of intentional cheating.
Remember that "Any% No Major Glitches" is still "Any%".

Game Versions

You can play on whatever version of the game you would like including but not limited to:
PS2, PC Original/Steam/Silent Patch/GInput, Emulator, Modern Consoles, Mobile, Windows Store or Definitive Editions.
And while I expect competitive people/Class S runners to use a leaderboard legal setup, you may also use whatever mods you like to make the game comfortable for you to play on.
If you don't know what version to use I'd recommend the original PC version from either disc, steam or other sources 😉 and following this guide by English Ben on how to downgrade your game to 1.01 (you don't need the full 30 minutes of video for this).

Save Files

Normally for speedruns it's only legal to use save files that were created during the run itself, however for this race I suggest using "race" rules instead:
If for whatever reason you find yourself in a situation where you need to load a save (like your game crashed) but you don't have one you made during the race that you feel is "close enough" you may load a speedrun backup save file, or a save file from someone else in the race.
This save file however must be at a point from before you crashed. You cannot skip missions/progress.

  • Game crashed at the end of Monster X8, before the mission is completed. You may load a save from before Monster.
  • Game crashed on the way to Flight School, after Monster X8 is completed. You may load a save (such as Anakeen's Any% Saves) from after Monster.

I'd still recommend saving a lot though...

LiveSplit (Timer)

I have made splits for a beginner-friendly No Major Glitches route if you'd like to use LiveSplit.
You can download them from my Discord channel, or these links:
LiveSplit program
LiveSplit layout
LiveSplit splits
To get auto-splitting working (Highly recommended, only for PC Original version not Definitive Edition) you will need to load all the files linked and right click LiveSplit -> Edit Splits -> Activate the Auto-Splitter.


I/tduva might try to make highlights of the race. I won't be able to cover everything on my stream, so I can't just use my own footage, so I'd like to get Twitch Clips/Highlights from people who are streaming the race.
If you want to be involved in that, please remember to turn on Store Past Broadcasts in your Twitch settings, so you can highlight your run/make clips after and have them saved on Twitch.
This is also important if you wish to submit your run to the Speedrun Leaderboards. Please keep in mind you will need to follow the rules for your chosen category if you wish to submit to the leaderboards.

Important Beginner Tips to not get stuck

Time of day sensitive missions

Some missions require a certain time of day to start (usually between 20:00 and 6:00). The easiest way to advance time is to save to jump forwards 6 hours. In the splits these missions have "@20-6" in their names. The first and most important one is Life's a Beach which doesn't have a save point nearby, so I would recommend saving until roughly 18:00 before starting OG Loc (the mission before Life's a Beach).

Special controls missions

There are 3 missions/vehicles that require special controls:

  • Cesar Vialpando and the Low Rider's hydraulics
  • Robbing Uncle Sam and the Forklift's forks
  • Vertical Bird and the Hydra's thrust nozzles

With default controls these require use of a Num Pad. If you don't have a Num Pad on your Keyboard (or don't want to use it) then I highly recommend rebinding the "Special CTRL Left/Right/Up/Down" in Vehicles Controls to something you can use.
For those using the Steam version, your "Special CTRL Up" and "Special CTLR Down" controls are flipped!

Lung Capacity

The mission Amphibious Assault requires level 2 Lung capacity in order to start it. Swim underwater to get XP in Lung capacity. Keep an eye on the popups in the top left for when your level increases, once you've seen two lung capacity level ups you'll be high enough level to start the mission (you can also check on the stats screen to see how much you have). This will take roughly 2 minutes of underwater time.

Buying the Airstrip

In the mission Verdant Meadows you will need to buy the Airstrip Property. This requires $80,000, so be careful to not spend too much money during the San Fierro/Desert sections. If you do run out of money and don't know what to do, the simplest way to earn it (NOT the fastest) is to do Firetruck vehicle side missions.

Gang Territories

At the end of the game, you'll need to capture 35.85% of gang territories in order to start the last mission. This means capturing 14 extra territories (size doesn't matter) in addition to the 5 you get from missions. You might lose territory to gang wars that start on their own, so you might need to capture more than that. Check the GANGS section of the stats screen to see how much territory percentage you have. Once you have enough you'll need to answer a new phonecall from Sweet before you can start the last mission (don't panic if it says you need to capture more territory before you answer this call, it's incorrect)

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