This is sort of a blend between Ted Morin's excellent cross platform movement dictionary and codepoke's single stroke commands dictionary.
I've been using it intermittently for a couple weeks and I'm happy with it. I'm still slow because I haven't practiced it and don't actually use it much, but I've found it easy to remember what the strokes are, and most of the modifier combos are pretty comfortable for me.
It uses STK
to indicate a navigation command on the right, and then P/W/H/R are Super, Control, Alt, and Shift, respectively. You can use these by themselves to press and release the bare modifier (e.g. Super to open the Windows menu, Alt to toggle application menus).
This is mirrored on the right by -LGT, and P/B/F/R are Super/Control/Alt/Shift. Combine this with a fingerspelt letter for key combos. I did not define these alone: they only work as part of a combo.
The navigation commands are extended from Ted's dictionary:
- -R, -P, -B, -G are arrow keys: left/up/down/right.
- -F and -L are Backspace and Delete (upper diagonals).
- -RPG and -FBL are page-up and page-down (upward and downward facing triangles).
- -FPL and -RBG are Home and End (all up, all down).
- -FR and -LG are Escape and Tab (both left, both right).
- -RB is Enter (down and left, like the return arrow).
- -RP is forward slash, -PG is backslash.
The F-keys are given by the numbers 1 through 12.
I've included two generated dictionaries below: one with conventional numbers for the F-keys, and one with the left-hand Nimble Numbers instead.