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Created October 12, 2019 23:22
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package workbench
import "core:/sys/win32"
import "core:mem"
import "core:hash"
using import "core:fmt"
using import "../logging"
Hashtable :: struct(Key: typeid, Value: typeid) {
indices: []Key_Index(Key),
values: []Key_Value(Value),
free_places: int,
collisions: int,
Key_Index :: struct(Key: typeid) {
filled: bool,
key: Key,
index: int,
Key_Value :: struct(Value: typeid) {
filled: bool,
value: Value,
next_power_of_2 :: proc(n: int) -> int {
if (n <= 0) {
return 0;
n := n;
n -= 1;
n |= n >> 1;
n |= n >> 2;
n |= n >> 4;
n |= n >> 8;
n |= n >> 16;
n |= n >> 32;
n += 1;
return n;
insert :: proc(using table: ^Hashtable($Key, $Value), key: Key, value: Value) #no_bounds_check {
if f64(free_places) <= f64(len(indices))*0.25 {
old_indices := indices;
old_values := values;
old_length := len(indices);
new_len := next_power_of_2(INITIAL_SIZE + old_length);
indices = make([]Key_Index(Key), new_len);
values = make([]Key_Value(Value), new_len);
free_places = len(indices);
for index in old_indices {
if index.filled {
value := old_values[index.index];
insert(table, index.key, value.value);
key, value := key, value;
key_idx_pair: ^Key_Index(Key);
collided := false;
key_bytes := mem.slice_ptr(cast(^byte)&key, size_of(Key));
h := hash.fnv64(key_bytes);
idx := h % cast(u64)len(indices);
first_idx := idx;
for {
pair := &indices[idx];
if !pair.filled {
key_idx_pair = pair;
collided = true;
idx = (idx + 1) % cast(u64)len(indices);
if idx == first_idx {
assert(key_idx_pair != nil, "indices array was full.");
if collided do collisions += 1;
value_idx: int = -1;
for value, idx in values {
if !value.filled {
value_idx = idx;
assert(value_idx != -1, "values array was full");
values[value_idx] = {true, value};
key_idx_pair^ = {true, key, value_idx};
free_places -= 1;
get :: proc(using table: ^Hashtable($Key, $Value), key: Key) -> Value {
key := key;
key_bytes := mem.slice_ptr(cast(^byte)&key, size_of(Key));
h := hash.fnv64(key_bytes);
idx := h % cast(u64)len(indices);
first_idx := idx;
key_idx_pair: ^Key_Index(Key);
for {
pair := &indices[idx];
if !pair.filled {
if pair.key == key {
key_idx_pair = pair;
idx = (idx + 1) % cast(u64)len(indices);
if idx == first_idx {
panic(tprint("couldn't find key", key));
assert(key_idx_pair != nil, tprint("couldn't find key ", key));
return values[key_idx_pair.index].value;
main :: proc() {
freq := get_freq();
NUM_ELEMS :: 1024 * 10;
my_table: Hashtable(int, int);
insert_start := get_time();
for i in 0..NUM_ELEMS {
insert(&my_table, i, i * 3);
insert_end := get_time();
logln("My map inserting ", NUM_ELEMS, " elements: ", (insert_end-insert_start)/freq, "s");
// logln("collisions: ", my_table.collisions);
odin_table: map[int]int;
insert_start := get_time();
for i in 0..NUM_ELEMS {
odin_table[i] = i * 3;
insert_end := get_time();
logln("Odin map inserting ", NUM_ELEMS, " elements: ", (insert_end-insert_start)/freq, "s");
logln("free_places: ", my_table.free_places, ", len(indices): ", len(my_table.indices));
lookup_start := get_time();
for i in 0..NUM_ELEMS {
val := get(&my_table, i);
lookup_end := get_time();
logln("My map retrieving ", NUM_ELEMS, " elements: ", (lookup_end-lookup_start)/freq, "s");
lookup_start := get_time();
for i in 0..NUM_ELEMS {
val := odin_table[i];
lookup_end := get_time();
logln("Odin map retrieving ", NUM_ELEMS, " elements: ", (lookup_end-lookup_start)/freq, "s");
get_time :: inline proc() -> f64 {
res: i64;
return cast(f64)res;
get_freq :: inline proc() -> f64 {
freq: i64;
return cast(f64)freq;
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