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Created June 5, 2020 09:56
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Save JoshuaManton/551cbdec63003d0930ef86ab6b0edafd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A JSON serializer/deserializer.
package main
import "core:fmt"
import "core:os"
import "core:mem"
import "core:strings"
import rt "core:runtime"
import "core:strconv"
main :: proc() {
file_data, ok := os.read_entire_file("example.json");
lexer: Lexer;
init_lexer(&lexer, cast(string)file_data);
base_node := parse_value(&lexer);
my_value: []Test_Value;
write_value(base_node, &my_value);
// pretty_print(my_value);
serialized := serialize_to_json(&my_value);
os.write_entire_file("serialized.json", transmute([]byte)serialized);
// fmt.println(serialized);
relexer: Lexer;
init_lexer(&relexer, cast(string)serialized);
redeserialized := parse_value(&relexer);
my_value_redeserialized: []Test_Value;
write_value(base_node, &my_value_redeserialized);
Test_Value :: struct {
_id: string,
index: int,
guid: string,
isActive: bool,
balance: string,
picture: string,
age: int,
eyeColor: string,
name: string,
gender: string,
company: string,
email: string,
phone: string,
address: string,
about: string,
registered: string,
latitude: f32,
longitude: f32,
tags: []string,
friends: []Friend,
greeting: string,
favoriteFruit: string,
Friend :: struct {
id: int,
name: string,
make_json_node :: proc(kind: $T) -> ^T {
node := new(JSON_Node);
node.kind = kind;
return cast(^T)node;
parse_value :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> ^JSON_Node {
token, ok := peek(lexer);
if !ok do return nil;
switch token.type {
case .Number: get_next_token(lexer); return cast(^JSON_Node)make_json_node(JSON_Number{token.int_value, token.float_value});
case .String: get_next_token(lexer); return cast(^JSON_Node)make_json_node(JSON_String{token.text}); // todo(josh): escape these strings?
case .Left_Curly: return cast(^JSON_Node)parse_object(lexer);
case .Left_Square: return cast(^JSON_Node)parse_array(lexer);
case .True: get_next_token(lexer); return cast(^JSON_Node)make_json_node(JSON_True{});
case .False: get_next_token(lexer); return cast(^JSON_Node)make_json_node(JSON_False{});
case .Null: get_next_token(lexer); return cast(^JSON_Node)make_json_node(JSON_Null{});
case .Right_Curly: {
return nil;
case .Right_Square: {
return nil;
case .Colon: {
return nil;
case .Comma: {
return nil;
case .EOF: {
return nil;
case .None: {
case: panic(tprint(token.type));
return nil;
parse_object :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> ^JSON_Object {
_, ok := expect(lexer, .Left_Curly);
if !ok do return nil;
fields: [dynamic]Field;
for {
token, ok := peek(lexer);
if !ok do return nil;
if token.type == .Right_Curly {
return make_json_node(JSON_Object{fields[:]});
if token.type != .String {
field_name, ok2 := expect(lexer, .String);
if !ok2 do return nil;
_, ok3 := expect(lexer, .Colon);
if !ok3 do return nil;
value := parse_value(lexer);
if value == nil do return nil;
append(&fields, Field{field_name.text, value});
comma, ok4 := peek(lexer);
if !ok4 do return nil;
if comma.type == .Comma do get_next_token(lexer);
// todo(josh): if we get here that means end of text from within object
return nil;
parse_array :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> ^JSON_Array {
_, ok := expect(lexer, .Left_Square);
if !ok do return nil;
elements: [dynamic]^JSON_Node;
for {
token, ok := peek(lexer);
if !ok do return nil;
if token.type == .Right_Square {
return make_json_node(JSON_Array{elements[:]});
value := parse_value(lexer);
if value == nil do return nil;
append(&elements, value);
comma, ok4 := peek(lexer);
if !ok4 do return nil;
if comma.type == .Comma do get_next_token(lexer);
// todo(josh): if we get here that means end of text from within object
return nil;
unexpected_token :: proc(token: Token) {
error_message(token.location, tprint("Unexpected token: ", token.type));
write_value :: proc(value: ^JSON_Node, dst: ^$Type) {
write_value_ti(value, dst, type_info_of(Type));
write_value_ti :: proc(value: ^JSON_Node, dst: rawptr, ti: ^rt.Type_Info) {
switch kind in &value.kind {
case JSON_Object: {
struct_ti := unwrap_struct_ti(ti);
for field in kind.fields {
for name, idx in struct_ti.names {
offset := struct_ti.offsets[idx];
type := struct_ti.types[idx];
if name == {
write_value_ti(field.value, mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte)dst, cast(int)offset), type);
case JSON_Array: {
switch ti_kind in ti.variant {
case rt.Type_Info_Array: {
array_length := min(len(kind.elements), ti_kind.count);
for idx in 0..<array_length {
array_dst := mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte)dst, cast(int)idx * ti_kind.elem_size);
write_value_ti(kind.elements[idx], array_dst, ti_kind.elem);
case rt.Type_Info_Dynamic_Array: {
memory := make([]byte, len(kind.elements) * ti_kind.elem_size);
for idx in 0..<len(kind.elements) {
array_dst := mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte)&memory[0], idx * ti_kind.elem_size);
write_value_ti(kind.elements[idx], array_dst, ti_kind.elem);
(cast(^mem.Raw_Dynamic_Array)dst)^ = mem.Raw_Dynamic_Array{&memory[0], len(kind.elements), len(kind.elements), {}}; // todo(josh): what do for allocator??
case rt.Type_Info_Slice: {
memory := make([]byte, len(kind.elements) * ti_kind.elem_size);
for idx in 0..<len(kind.elements) {
array_dst := mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte)&memory[0], idx * ti_kind.elem_size);
write_value_ti(kind.elements[idx], array_dst, ti_kind.elem);
(cast(^mem.Raw_Slice)dst)^ = mem.Raw_Slice{&memory[0], len(kind.elements)};
case: panic(tprint(ti_kind));
case JSON_String: {
str_ti := &ti.variant.(rt.Type_Info_String);
if str_ti.is_cstring {
(cast(^cstring)dst)^ = strings.clone_to_cstring(kind.value);
else {
(cast(^string)dst)^ = strings.clone(kind.value);
case JSON_Number: {
switch number_ti in ti.variant {
case rt.Type_Info_Integer: {
if number_ti.signed {
switch number_ti.endianness {
case .Platform: {
switch ti.size {
case 1: (cast(^i8 )dst)^ = cast(i8 )kind.int_value;
case 2: (cast(^i16)dst)^ = cast(i16)kind.int_value;
case 4: (cast(^i32)dst)^ = cast(i32)kind.int_value;
case 8: (cast(^i64)dst)^ = cast(i64)kind.int_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Little: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: (cast(^i16le)dst)^ = cast(i16le)kind.int_value;
case 4: (cast(^i32le)dst)^ = cast(i32le)kind.int_value;
case 8: (cast(^i64le)dst)^ = cast(i64le)kind.int_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Big: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: (cast(^i16be)dst)^ = cast(i16be)kind.int_value;
case 4: (cast(^i32be)dst)^ = cast(i32be)kind.int_value;
case 8: (cast(^i64be)dst)^ = cast(i64be)kind.int_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case: panic(tprint(number_ti.endianness));
else {
switch number_ti.endianness {
case .Platform: {
switch ti.size {
case 1: (cast(^u8 )dst)^ = cast(u8 )kind.int_value;
case 2: (cast(^u16)dst)^ = cast(u16)kind.int_value;
case 4: (cast(^u32)dst)^ = cast(u32)kind.int_value;
case 8: (cast(^u64)dst)^ = cast(u64)kind.int_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Little: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: (cast(^u16le)dst)^ = cast(u16le)kind.int_value;
case 4: (cast(^u32le)dst)^ = cast(u32le)kind.int_value;
case 8: (cast(^u64le)dst)^ = cast(u64le)kind.int_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Big: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: (cast(^u16be)dst)^ = cast(u16be)kind.int_value;
case 4: (cast(^u32be)dst)^ = cast(u32be)kind.int_value;
case 8: (cast(^u64be)dst)^ = cast(u64be)kind.int_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case: panic(tprint(number_ti.endianness));
case rt.Type_Info_Float: {
switch number_ti.endianness {
case .Platform: {
switch ti.size {
case 4: (cast(^f32)dst)^ = cast(f32)kind.float_value;
case 8: (cast(^f64)dst)^ = cast(f64)kind.float_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Little: {
switch ti.size {
case 4: (cast(^f32le)dst)^ = cast(f32le)kind.float_value;
case 8: (cast(^f64le)dst)^ = cast(f64le)kind.float_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Big: {
switch ti.size {
case 4: (cast(^f32be)dst)^ = cast(f32be)kind.float_value;
case 8: (cast(^f64be)dst)^ = cast(f64be)kind.float_value;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case: panic(tprint(number_ti.endianness));
case JSON_True: {
switch ti.size {
case 1: (cast(^bool)dst)^ = true;
case 2: (cast(^b16 )dst)^ = true;
case 4: (cast(^b32 )dst)^ = true;
case 8: (cast(^b64 )dst)^ = true;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case JSON_False: {
switch ti.size {
case 1: (cast(^bool)dst)^ = false;
case 2: (cast(^b16 )dst)^ = false;
case 4: (cast(^b32 )dst)^ = false;
case 8: (cast(^b64 )dst)^ = false;
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case JSON_Null: {
(cast(^rawptr)dst)^ = nil;
case: panic(tprint(kind));
unwrap_struct_ti :: proc(ti: ^rt.Type_Info) -> ^rt.Type_Info_Struct {
if named, ok := ti.variant.(rt.Type_Info_Named); ok {
return &named.base.variant.(rt.Type_Info_Struct);
return &ti.variant.(rt.Type_Info_Struct);
serialize_to_json :: proc(thing: ^$Type) -> string {
ti := type_info_of(Type);
sb: strings.Builder;
serialize_to_json_ti(&sb, thing, ti, 0);
return strings.to_string(sb);
serialize_to_json_ti :: proc(sb: ^strings.Builder, ptr: rawptr, ti: ^rt.Type_Info, indent_level: int) {
do_indent :: proc(sb: ^strings.Builder, indent_level: int) {
for i in 0..<indent_level {
sbprint(sb, " ");
indent_level := indent_level;
if ptr == nil {
sbprint(sb, "null");
switch ti_kind in ti.variant {
case rt.Type_Info_Named: {
serialize_to_json_ti(sb, ptr, ti_kind.base, indent_level);
case rt.Type_Info_Integer: {
if ti_kind.signed {
switch ti_kind.endianness {
case .Platform: {
switch ti.size {
case 1: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i8 )ptr)^);
case 2: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i16)ptr)^);
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i32)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i64)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Little: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i16le)ptr)^);
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i32le)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i64le)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Big: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i16be)ptr)^);
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i32be)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^i64be)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case: panic(tprint(ti_kind.endianness));
else {
switch ti_kind.endianness {
case .Platform: {
switch ti.size {
case 1: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u8 )ptr)^);
case 2: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u16)ptr)^);
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u32)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u64)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Little: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u16le)ptr)^);
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u32le)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u64le)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Big: {
switch ti.size {
case 2: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u16be)ptr)^);
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u32be)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^u64be)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case: panic(tprint(ti_kind.endianness));
case rt.Type_Info_Float: {
switch ti_kind.endianness {
case .Platform: {
switch ti.size {
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^f32)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^f64)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Little: {
switch ti.size {
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^f32le)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^f64le)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case .Big: {
switch ti.size {
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^f32be)ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^f64be)ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case: panic(tprint(ti_kind.endianness));
case rt.Type_Info_Rune: {
sbprint(sb, (cast(^rune)ptr)^);
case rt.Type_Info_String: {
if ti_kind.is_cstring {
sbprint(sb, '"', (cast(^cstring)ptr)^, '"');
else {
sbprint(sb, '"', (cast(^string)ptr)^, '"');
case rt.Type_Info_Boolean: {
switch ti.size {
case 1: sbprint(sb, (cast(^bool)ptr)^);
case 2: sbprint(sb, (cast(^b16 )ptr)^);
case 4: sbprint(sb, (cast(^b32 )ptr)^);
case 8: sbprint(sb, (cast(^b64 )ptr)^);
case: panic(tprint(ti.size));
case rt.Type_Info_Array: {
sbprint(sb, "[\n");
indent_level += 1;
for idx in 0..<ti_kind.count {
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
serialize_to_json_ti(sb, mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte)ptr, idx * ti_kind.elem_size), ti_kind.elem, indent_level);
if idx != ti_kind.count-1 {
sbprint(sb, ",");
sbprint(sb, "\n");
indent_level -= 1;
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
sbprint(sb, "]");
case rt.Type_Info_Dynamic_Array: {
sbprint(sb, "[\n");
indent_level += 1;
raw := (cast(^mem.Raw_Dynamic_Array)ptr)^;
for idx in 0..<raw.len {
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
serialize_to_json_ti(sb, mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte), idx * ti_kind.elem_size), ti_kind.elem, indent_level);
if idx != raw.len-1 {
sbprint(sb, ",");
sbprint(sb, "\n");
indent_level -= 1;
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
sbprint(sb, "]");
case rt.Type_Info_Slice: {
sbprint(sb, "[\n");
indent_level += 1;
raw := (cast(^mem.Raw_Slice)ptr)^;
for idx in 0..<raw.len {
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
serialize_to_json_ti(sb, mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte), idx * ti_kind.elem_size), ti_kind.elem, indent_level);
if idx != raw.len-1 {
sbprint(sb, ",");
sbprint(sb, "\n");
indent_level -= 1;
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
sbprint(sb, "]");
case rt.Type_Info_Struct: {
sbprint(sb, "{\n");
indent_level += 1;
for name, idx in ti_kind.names {
offset := ti_kind.offsets[idx];
type := ti_kind.types[idx];
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
sbprint(sb, "\"", name, "\": ");
serialize_to_json_ti(sb, mem.ptr_offset(cast(^byte)ptr, cast(int)offset), type, indent_level);
if idx != len(ti_kind.names)-1 {
sbprint(sb, ",");
sbprint(sb, "\n");
indent_level -= 1;
do_indent(sb, indent_level);
sbprint(sb, "}");
case rt.Type_Info_Union: unimplemented("Type_Info_Union");
case rt.Type_Info_Enum: unimplemented("Type_Info_Enum");
case rt.Type_Info_Map: unimplemented("Type_Info_Map");
case rt.Type_Info_Bit_Field: unimplemented("Type_Info_Bit_Field");
case rt.Type_Info_Bit_Set: unimplemented("Type_Info_Bit_Set");
case rt.Type_Info_Opaque: unimplemented("Type_Info_Opaque");
case rt.Type_Info_Simd_Vector: unimplemented("Type_Info_Simd_Vector");
case rt.Type_Info_Relative_Pointer: unimplemented("Type_Info_Relative_Pointer");
case rt.Type_Info_Relative_Slice: unimplemented("Type_Info_Relative_Slice");
case rt.Type_Info_Enumerated_Array: unimplemented("Type_Info_Enumerated_Array");
case rt.Type_Info_Tuple: unimplemented("Type_Info_Tuple");
case rt.Type_Info_Any: unimplemented("Type_Info_Any");
case rt.Type_Info_Type_Id: unimplemented("Type_Info_Type_Id");
case rt.Type_Info_Pointer: unimplemented("Type_Info_Pointer");
case rt.Type_Info_Procedure: unimplemented("Type_Info_Procedure");
case rt.Type_Info_Complex: unimplemented("Type_Info_Complex");
case rt.Type_Info_Quaternion: unimplemented("Type_Info_Quaternion");
JSON_Node :: struct {
kind: union { // note(josh): this union must be at the top because we cast pointers
JSON_Object :: struct {
fields: []Field,
Field :: struct {
name: string,
value: ^JSON_Node,
JSON_Array :: struct {
elements: []^JSON_Node,
JSON_String :: struct {
value: string,
JSON_Number :: struct {
int_value: i64,
float_value: f64,
JSON_True :: struct {
JSON_False :: struct {
JSON_Null :: struct {
Lexer :: struct {
text: string,
cur_idx: int,
location: Location,
Token :: struct {
text: string,
int_value: i64,
float_value: f64,
type: Token_Type,
location: Location,
Location :: struct {
line: int,
char: int,
Token_Type :: enum {
init_lexer :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer, text: string) {
lexer.text = text;
lexer.location.line = 1;
lexer.location.char = 1;
get_next_token :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> (Token, bool) { // todo(josh): error values?
if lexer.cur_idx >= len(lexer.text) {
return Token{"", 0, 0, .EOF, {}}, true;
current_location := lexer.location;
c := lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx];
switch c {
case '"': {
text, ok := scan_string(lexer);
if !ok do return {}, false;
token := Token{text, 0, 0, .String, current_location};
return token, true;
case '-', '0'..'9': {
text, int_val, float_val, ok := scan_number(lexer);
if !ok do return {}, false;
token := Token{text, int_val, float_val, .Number, current_location};
return token, true;
case 'a'..'z': {
text := scan_identifier(lexer);
switch text {
case "true": return Token{text, 0, 0, .True, current_location}, true;
case "false": return Token{text, 0, 0, .False, current_location}, true;
case "null": return Token{text, 0, 0, .Null, current_location}, true;
return {}, false;
case ',': advance(lexer, true); return Token{",", 0, 0, .Comma, current_location}, true;
case ':': advance(lexer, true); return Token{":", 0, 0, .Colon, current_location}, true;
case '{': advance(lexer, true); return Token{"{", 0, 0, .Left_Curly, current_location}, true;
case '}': advance(lexer, true); return Token{"}", 0, 0, .Right_Curly, current_location}, true;
case '[': advance(lexer, true); return Token{"[", 0, 0, .Left_Square, current_location}, true;
case ']': advance(lexer, true); return Token{"]", 0, 0, .Right_Square, current_location}, true;
case: panic(tprint(c));
return {}, false;
peek :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> (Token, bool) {
lexer_copy := lexer^;
token, ok := get_next_token(&lexer_copy);
return token, ok;
expect :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer, type: Token_Type) -> (Token, bool) {
token, ok := get_next_token(lexer);
if !ok do return {}, false;
if token.type == type {
return token, true;
unexpected_token(token); // todo(josh): print what we DID expect
return token, false;
scan_string :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> (string, bool) {
assert(lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] == '"');
advance(lexer, true);
start := lexer.cur_idx;
// todo(josh): handle nested strings
for lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) && lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] != '"' {
advance(lexer, true);
if lexer.cur_idx >= len(lexer.text) {
error_message(lexer.location, "End of text from within string.");
return {}, false;
assert(lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] == '"');
end := lexer.cur_idx;
advance(lexer, true);
str := lexer.text[start:end];
return str, true;
scan_number :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> (string, i64, f64, bool) {
start := lexer.cur_idx;
if lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) && lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] == '-' {
advance(lexer, false);
if lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) && lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] == '0' {
advance(lexer, false);
else {
num_loop_1: for lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) {
switch lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] {
case '0'..'9': advance(lexer, false);
case: break num_loop_1;
int_end := lexer.cur_idx;
if lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) && lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] == '.' {
advance(lexer, false);
num_loop_2: for lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) {
switch lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] {
case '0'..'9': advance(lexer, false);
case: break num_loop_2;
end := lexer.cur_idx;
// todo(josh): scientific notation
text := lexer.text[start:end];
if text == "-" {
// todo(josh): this error message is printing a character number one less than what I would expect given
// the length of my input when testing it. Investigate.
error_message(lexer.location, "Expected number after minus sign.");
return "", 0, 0, false;
int_text := lexer.text[start:int_end];
int_value, ok1 := strconv.parse_i64(int_text); assert(ok1);
float_value, ok2 := strconv.parse_f64(text); assert(ok2);
return text, int_value, float_value, true;
scan_identifier :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) -> string {
start := lexer.cur_idx;
ident_loop: for lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) {
switch lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] {
case 'a'..'z': advance(lexer, false);
case: break ident_loop;
end := lexer.cur_idx;
text := lexer.text[start:end];
return text;
advance :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer, do_eat_whitespace: bool) {
lexer.cur_idx += 1;
lexer.location.char += 1;
if do_eat_whitespace {
eat_whitespace :: proc(lexer: ^Lexer) {
whitespace_loop: for lexer.cur_idx < len(lexer.text) {
switch lexer.text[lexer.cur_idx] {
case '\n': {
lexer.cur_idx += 1;
lexer.location.line += 1;
lexer.location.char = 1;
case ' ', '\t', '\r': {
lexer.cur_idx += 1;
lexer.location.char += 1;
case: break whitespace_loop;
error_message :: proc(location: Location, message: string) {
fmt.printf("Error at %d:%d: %s\n", location.line, location.char, message);
tprint :: fmt.tprint;
println :: fmt.println;
sbprint :: fmt.sbprint;
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