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Last active January 16, 2017 01:45
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Code Challenge #54 - Lattice Paths (Playground w/ markup)
//: # Code Challenge #54
//: ## Lattice Paths
//: It may not be the most clever or direct solution, but the problem can be modeled
//: using Pascal's Triangle ('s_triangle). For a square grid
//: of dimension `N`, the number of paths can be found at the 'central' position of row `2 * N + 1` of
//: Pascal's Triangle.
import Swift
/// The size of the grid, measured in nodes per edge.
let gridDimension = 20
/// The number of iterations of Pascal's triangle we need to compute to find our answer.
/// I'm not doing 2 * N + 1 because the seed value below is already the first row.
let maxRowCount = 2 * gridDimension
/// The seed of Pascal's Triangle is a row with a single value of 1.
var row: [Int] = [1]
//: ## Calculate a row of Pascal's Triangle.
//: This is our workhorse method that generates each succeeding row of Pascal's Triangle.
/// The `nextRow(for:)` method takes the value of any row of a Pascal's Triangle
/// and computes the next row.
/// - Parameter for: The existing row of the Pascal's Triangle upon which the next row
/// will be calculated.
/// - Returns: `[Int]` representing the next row of the Pascal's Triangle.
func nextRow(for row: [Int]) -> [Int] {
/// Each succeeding row of Pascal's triangle is 1 element wider than the last.
let nextRowCount = row.count + 1
/// Our accumulator for the next row's values.
var nextRow: [Int] = []
for i in 0..<nextRowCount {
if i == 0 || i == nextRowCount - 1 {
// The first and last positions of each row of Pascal's Triangle are always 1.
} else {
// All other
nextRow.append(row[i - 1] + row[i])
return nextRow
//: ## Calculate the answer.
//: All we need to do now is to repeatedly call our `nextRow(for:)` method the required
//: number of times to achieve the desired answer.
print("[0] \(row)")
for i in 1...maxRowCount {
row = nextRow(for: row)
print("[\(i)] \(row)")
//: Now that we have the appropriate row of Pascal's Triangle, simply read out the "center"
//: value, which corresponds to the number at index `gridDimension`.
print("Paths: \(row[gridDimension])")
// Answer: 137,846,528,820
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