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Last active December 4, 2024 15:35
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A data structure representing a 2D grid of homogeneous values. Has methods for examining data geometrically and avoids out-of-range exceptions that are common when working with Arrays.
/// Represents a point on a grid.
/// - Note: Instances of this type are not bound to any particular Grid and may be invalid depending on the size of the grid.
public struct GridCoordinate: Equatable, Hashable, CustomStringConvertible {
/// The origin point of the grid.
public static let zero = GridCoordinate(x: 0, y: 0)
/// The column (East/West) position of this coordinate.
public let x: Int
/// The row (North/South) position of this coordinate.
public let y: Int
/// Create a new instance of GridCoordinate.
/// - Parameters:
/// - x: The horizontal component of the coordinate.
/// - y: The vertical component of the coordinate.
public init(x: Int, y: Int) {
self.x = x
self.y = y
/// Offsets the x and y components of the coordinate by the specified size vector.
public func offset(by size: GridSize) -> GridCoordinate {
GridCoordinate(x: x + size.width, y: y + size.height)
/// Scales the x and y components of the coordinate by the scale value.
/// - Parameter scale: The multiplier applied to the x and y components.
/// - Returns: A new `GridCoordinage` with the scaled components.
public func scaled(by scale: Int) -> GridCoordinate {
GridCoordinate(x: x * scale, y: y * scale)
/// Tests if two GridCoordinates are adjacent.
/// - Parameters:
/// - other: The other GridCoordinate to test against.
/// - allowDiagonalAdjacency: When `true`, coordinates sharing a corner will be considered adjacent.
/// When `false`, only coordinates sharing an edge will be considered adjacent.
/// - Returns: `true` if the coordinates are adjacent, otherwise returns `false`.
public func isAdjacentTo(_ other: GridCoordinate, allowDiagonalAdjacency: Bool = false) -> Bool {
// A coordinate cannot be adjacent to itself.
guard self != other else { return false }
let dx = abs(x - other.x)
let dy = abs(y - other.y)
if allowDiagonalAdjacency {
return dx <= 1 && dy <= 1
} else {
return dx <= 1 && dy == 0 || dx == 0 && dy <= 1
/// Test if two coordinates are adjacent within the same grid row.
/// - Parameter other: The other coordinate to test against.
/// - Returns: `true` if the coordinates are adjacent, otherwise returns `false`.
public func isHorizontallyAdjacentTo(_ other: GridCoordinate) -> Bool {
// If they're not in the same row, return false.
guard self.y == other.y else { return false }
// If the x distance is 0, they're the same point. If it's greater than 1, they don't touch.
return abs(self.x - other.x) == 1
/// Test if two coordinates are adjacent within the same grid column.
/// - Parameter other: The other coordinate to test against.
/// - Returns: `true` if the coordinates are adjacent, otherwise returns `false`.
public func isVerticallyAdjacentTo(_ other: GridCoordinate) -> Bool {
// If they're not in the same column, return false.
guard self.x == other.x else { return false }
// If the y distance is 0, they're the same point. If it's greater than 1, they don't touch.
return abs(self.y - other.y) == 1
/// Get the direction from this coordinate to another.
/// This will only return a value if:
/// * The coordinates are not the same.
/// * The coordinates are on a vertical, horizontal or 45° line.
/// - Parameter other: The other coordinate to get the direction to.
/// - Returns: A `GridDirection` if the conditions are met, otherwise returns `nil`.
public func direction(to other: GridCoordinate) -> GridDirection? {
let dx = other.x - x
let dy = other.y - y
if dx == 0 && dy == 0 { return nil }
else if dx == 0 && dy < 0 { return .n }
else if dx == 0 && dy > 0 { return .s }
else if dx < 0 && dy == 0 { return .w }
else if dx > 0 && dy == 0 { return .e }
else if dx == dy && dx > 0 { return .se }
else if dx == dy && dx < 0 { return .nw }
else if dx == -dy && dx > 0 { return .ne }
else if dx == -dy && dx < 0 { return .sw }
return nil
public var description: String { "(\(x), \(y))" }
// MARK: - Operators
public static func + (lhs: GridCoordinate, rhs: GridCoordinate) -> GridCoordinate {
GridCoordinate(x: lhs.x + rhs.x, y: lhs.y + rhs.y)
public static func - (lhs: GridCoordinate, rhs: GridCoordinate) -> GridCoordinate {
GridCoordinate(x: lhs.x - rhs.x, y: lhs.y - rhs.y)
public static func += (lhs: inout GridCoordinate, rhs: GridCoordinate) {
lhs = lhs + rhs
public static func -= (lhs: inout GridCoordinate, rhs: GridCoordinate) {
lhs = lhs - rhs
/// Designates a heading on the Grid using a compass analogy.
/// In this type, the `.n` (North) direction corresponds to up on the screen, or decreasing row indices. The `.e` direction
/// points to the right or increasing column indices. The `.s` direction points down, or increasing row indices. The `.w`
/// direction points to the left, or decreasing column indices. The rest of the cases are 45 degree diagonals between two
/// of the cardinal directions.
public enum GridDirection: String, CaseIterable, CustomStringConvertible, Comparable {
/// A set of only cardinal (no diagonal) directions.
public static let cardinals: [GridDirection] = [.n, .e, .s, .w]
case n, ne, e, se, s, sw, w, nw
/// Get the coordinate offset that will translate into the specified direction.
public var offset: GridCoordinate {
switch self {
case .n: GridCoordinate(x: 0, y: -1)
case .ne: GridCoordinate(x: 1, y: -1)
case .e: GridCoordinate(x: 1, y: 0)
case .se: GridCoordinate(x: 1, y: 1)
case .s: GridCoordinate(x: 0, y: 1)
case .sw: GridCoordinate(x: -1, y: 1)
case .w: GridCoordinate(x: -1, y: 0)
case .nw: GridCoordinate(x: -1, y: -1)
public var description: String { self.rawValue.uppercased() }
public var sortOrder: Int {
switch self {
case .n: return 0
case .ne: return 1
case .e: return 6
case .se: return 4
case .s: return 3
case .sw: return 5
case .w: return 7
case .nw: return 2
public var opposite: GridDirection {
switch self {
case .n: return .s
case .ne:return .sw
case .e: return .w
case .se: return .nw
case .s: return .n
case .sw: return .ne
case .w: return .e
case .nw: return .se
public static func < (lhs: GridDirection, rhs: GridDirection) -> Bool {
lhs.sortOrder < rhs.sortOrder
/// Represents a continuous line of Coordinates.
/// Currently, this is restricted to lines that are horizontal, vertical, or at a 45 degree
/// diagonal; corresponding to the GridDirections enum. Lines are not tied to any particular
/// Grid and may contain points that are invalid for that grid.
public struct GridLine: CustomStringConvertible {
/// The starting coordinate of the GridLine.
public let start: GridCoordinate
/// The direction the line travels away from the start.
public let direction: GridDirection
/// The length of the line, in grid squares.
public let length: Int
/// The ending coordinate of the GridLine.
public var end: GridCoordinate {
start + direction.offset.scaled(by: length - 1)
/// Create a new instance of GridLine.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The starting coordinate of the GridLine.
/// - end: The ending coordinate of the GridLine.
public init?(start: GridCoordinate, end: GridCoordinate) {
guard let dir = start.direction(to: end) else { return nil }
self.start = start
self.direction = dir
self.length = max(abs(end.x - start.x), abs(end.y - start.y)) + 1
/// Create a new instance of GridLine.
/// This initializer calculates its end value using the given direction and length.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The starting coordinate for the line.
/// - direction: The direction the line travels away from the start.
/// - length: The length of the line.
public init(start: GridCoordinate, direction: GridDirection, length: Int) {
self.start = start
self.direction = direction
self.length = length
/// Get all coordinates within the line, ordered from `start` to `end`.
public var allCoordinates: [GridCoordinate] {
(0..<length).map { start + direction.offset.scaled(by: $0) }
/// Check if this line intersects another line.
/// This check is based on sharing at least one coordinate, it is possible for two diagonal lines not to intersect if
/// one line starts on an even x and the other starts on odd.
/// - Parameter line: The other line to test interaction with.
/// - Returns: Returns `true` if the lines share at least 1 coordinate, otherwise returns `false`.
public func intersects(line: GridLine) -> Bool {
let locs = Set(allCoordinates)
let otherLocs = Set(line.allCoordinates)
return !locs.isDisjoint(with: otherLocs)
public var description: String {
"GridLine(\(start) -> \(end))"
/// A the result of a neighbor search.
/// Its generic type will always be the same as the Grid which created it.
public struct GridNeighbor<T>: CustomStringConvertible {
/// The value of the neighbor.
public let value: T
/// The coordinate of the neighbor within the Grid.
public let coordinate: GridCoordinate
/// The direction from the starting coordinate in which this neighbor lies.
public let direction: GridDirection
/// Create a new instance of `GridNeighbor`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - value: The value of the neighbor coordinate.
/// - coordinate: The grid coordinate of the neighbor.
/// - direction: The direction this match lies from the starting coordinate.
public init(value: T, coordinate: GridCoordinate, direction: GridDirection) {
self.value = value
self.coordinate = coordinate
self.direction = direction
public var description: String { "Neighbor{value: \(value), pos: \(coordinate), dir: \(direction.rawValue)}" }
/// An object which represents size, measured in grid squares.
public struct GridSize: CustomStringConvertible {
/// A GridSize with zero width and height.
public static let zero = GridSize(width: 0, height: 0)
/// The width of the area, in grid squares.
public let width: Int
/// The height of the area, in grid squares.
public let height: Int
public var area: Int { abs(width * height) }
/// Create a new instance of GridSize.
public init(width: Int, height: Int) {
self.width = width
self.height = height
public var description: String { "GridSize{w: \(width), h: \(height)}"}
/// An object which represents a rectangular area of the grid.
public struct GridRect: CustomStringConvertible {
/// The origin square of the rect.
/// Generally, this would be throught of as the top-left corner. The exception is when
/// the size contains a negative width or height.
public let origin: GridCoordinate
/// The size of the grid.
public let size: GridSize
public var description: String { "GridRect{x: \(origin.x), y: \(origin.y), w: \(size.width), h: \(size.height)}" }
/// The width of the GridRect.
public var width: Int { size.width }
/// The height of the GridRect.
public var height: Int { size.height }
/// Create a new instance of GridRect
public init(origin: GridCoordinate, size: GridSize) {
self.origin = origin
self.size = size
/// The area contained in the GridRect.
public var area: Int { size.area }
/// Returns a normaized GridRect, where both the width and height are non-negative.
public var normalized: GridRect {
let dx = width < 0 ? width : 0
let dy = height < 0 ? height : 0
return GridRect(origin: GridCoordinate(x: origin.x + dx, y: origin.y + dy), size: GridSize(width: abs(width), height: abs(height)))
/// Indicates whether or not this GridRect is degenerate because has a zero width or height.
public var isDegenerate: Bool { width == 0 || height == 0 }
/// Expand the GridRect by adding the specified number of complete rings around it.
/// Each ring moves the origin by -1 in the x and y axes and adds 2 to the width and height.
/// Will always return a normalized GridRect.
public func expanded(by rings: Int) -> GridRect {
let rect = self.normalized
return GridRect(origin: GridCoordinate(x: rect.origin.x - rings, y: rect.origin.y - rings), size: GridSize(width: rect.width + 2 * rings, height: rect.height + 2 * rings))
/// Returns all of the coordinates on the outer ring (but still within) the GridRect.
/// The returned array of coordinates does not guarantee any particular order.
/// If you want the ring *outside* the GridRect, expand it by 1 ring and then get `outerRing`.
public var outerRing: [GridCoordinate] {
guard !isDegenerate else { return [] }
let t = GridLine(start: origin, direction: .e, length: width - 1)
let r = GridLine(start: t.end.offset(by: GridSize(width: 1, height: 0)), direction: .s, length: height - 1)
let b = GridLine(start: r.end.offset(by: GridSize(width: 0, height: 1)), direction: .w, length: width - 1)
let l = GridLine(start: b.end.offset(by: GridSize(width: -1, height: 0)), direction: .n, length: height - 1)
return [t, r, b, l].flatMap { $0.allCoordinates }
/// An object which simplifies interactions with 2D homogenous data arrays.
/// This type is designed for both convenience and safety: it provides numerous methods for searching the grid while preventing
/// Array out-of-bounds exceptions.
public struct Grid<T: Comparable> {
/// An axis to search along.
public enum SearchType {
/// Will search in a horizontal line (both directions) from the starting point.
case horizontal
/// Will search in a vertical line (both directions) from the starting point.
case vertical
/// The underlying Grid data.
public let data: [[T]]
/// Get the width of the Grid.
public var width: Int
/// Get the height of the Grid.
public var height: Int
/// Create a new instance of Grid.
/// - Parameter data: The data to base the grid on.
/// - Warning: The data object must not be empty and all rows must be the same width.
public init(data: [[T]]) {
guard !data.isEmpty, !data[0].isEmpty else { fatalError("Cannot init with empty data.") } = data
width = data[0].count
height = data.count
/// Returns the value at the specified coordinate if the coordinate is valid.
/// This provides a crash-proof means of accessing values within the grid. It is not possible
/// to get an out-of-bounds access execption because the validity of the coordinate is
/// determined prior to array access.
/// - Parameter coordinate: The position in the Grid to retrieve the value for.
/// - Returns: The value at the specified position, or `nil` if the position is invalid.
public func value(at coordinate: GridCoordinate) -> T? {
return isValid(coordinate: coordinate) ? data[coordinate.y][coordinate.x] : nil
/// Find all matches of a specific element within the Grid.
/// - Parameter match: The element to match within the grid.
/// - Returns: An array of zero or more coordinates of elements that matched the provided element.
public func findAll(_ match: T) -> [GridCoordinate] {
findAll(matching: { $0 == match })
/// Find all elements in the grid matching a predicate closure.
/// - Parameter matching: The comparison closure to test whether the element should be included in results.
/// - Returns: An array of zero or more coordinates of elements that matched the predicate.
public func findAll(matching: (T) -> Bool) -> [GridCoordinate] {
data.enumerated().reduce(into: []) { partialResult, row in
let y = row.offset
let elements: [GridCoordinate] = row.element.enumerated().reduce(into: []) { partialResult, rowItem in
let x = rowItem.offset
if matching(rowItem.element) {
partialResult.append(GridCoordinate(x: x, y: y))
partialResult.append(contentsOf: elements)
/// Return neighbors of the specified coordinate.
/// This function will only return results from valid Grid coordinates. If the specified coordinate
/// lies along an edge of the Grid, then neighors will not be returned for directions with coordinates
/// that fall outside of the Grid.
/// - Parameters:
/// - coordinate: The coordinate to return neighbors of.
/// - allowDiagonals: Whether or not to consider diagonally-adjacent coordinates as neighbors. Defaults to `true`.
/// - Returns: An array of `GridNeighbor` objects.
public func neighbors(of coordinate: GridCoordinate, allowDiagonals: Bool = true) -> [GridNeighbor<T>] {
let dirs: [GridDirection] = allowDiagonals ? GridDirection.allCases : GridDirection.cardinals
return dirs.compactMap { dir in
let pos = coordinate + dir.offset
guard let value = value(at: pos) else { return nil }
return GridNeighbor(value: value, coordinate: pos, direction: dir)
/// Indicates whether or not the coordinate lies within the boundaries of the Grid.
/// - Parameter coordinate: The coordinate to test for validity.
/// - Returns: A `Bool` value indicating the validity of the coordinate.
public func isValid(coordinate: GridCoordinate) -> Bool {
(0..<width).contains(coordinate.x) &&
public func isValid(line: GridLine) -> Bool {
isValid(coordinate: line.start) && isValid(coordinate: line.end)
/// Returns all values along the line ordered from the start point to the end point.
/// - Parameter line: The line to return values for.
/// - Returns: An array containing zero or more values found along the line.
/// - Note: Lines may contain points that fall outside the grid. Those invalid points will not return values.
public func values(on line: GridLine) -> [T] {
line.allCoordinates.compactMap { value(at: $0) }
/// Search along an axis from the starting coordinate, finding all contiguous elements that match the predicate.
/// This will iteratively search in both directions along the indicated axis until either the predicate returns
/// false or the edge of the Grid is reached. If the starting point is invalid (outside the Grid) or does not match
/// the validation closure, then this method will return `nil`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The starting coordinate of the search.
/// - searchType: The axis to search along.
/// - matching: The predicate closure that indicates whether elements are considered matches.
/// - Returns: A GridLine encompasing the coordinates that matched elements or `nil` if the starting coordinate was invalid.
public func linearSearch(start: GridCoordinate, searchType: SearchType, matching: @escaping (T) -> Bool) -> GridLine? {
let searchDirections: [GridDirection] = (searchType == .horizontal) ? [.w, .e] : [.n, .s]
let min = raySearch(from: start, direction: searchDirections[0], matching: matching),
let max = raySearch(from: start, direction: searchDirections[1], matching: matching)
else { return nil }
return GridLine(start: min, end: max)
/// Searches in the specified direction from the starting point, finding all contiguous elements that match the predicate.
/// This will iteratively search in the indicated direction until either the predicate returns false or the edge of the Grid is reached.
/// If the starting position is invalid (outside the Grid) or does not match the validation closure, then this method will return `nil`.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The starting coordinate of the search.
/// - direction: The direction to search in.
/// - matching: The predicate closure that indicates whether elements are considered matches.
/// - Returns: A GridCoordinate indicating the furthest contiguous element matching the predicate or nil if the starting
/// coordinate is invalid.
public func raySearch(from start: GridCoordinate, direction: GridDirection, matching: (T) -> Bool) -> GridCoordinate? {
guard let startVal = value(at: start), matching(startVal) else { return nil }
var count = 0
while let val = value(at: start + direction.offset.scaled(by: count)), matching(val) {
count += 1
return start + direction.offset.scaled(by: count - 1)
/// Find all contiguous coordinates matching the supplied predicate.
public func floodSearch(from start: GridCoordinate, allowDiagonalMatches: Bool = false, matching: (T) -> Bool) -> Set<GridCoordinate> {
var matches = Set<GridCoordinate>(minimumCapacity: width * height)
var visited: [[Bool]] = Array<[Bool]>(repeating: Array<Bool>(repeating: false, count: width), count: height)
func test(coord: GridCoordinate, visited: inout [[Bool]], matches: inout Set<GridCoordinate>, allowDiagonalMatches: Bool, matching: (T) -> Bool) {
let x = coord.x
let y = coord.y
guard !visited[y][x] else { return }
visited[y][x] = true
guard let value = self[coord], matching(value) else {
/// This is either already visited, off the grid, or does not match.
neighbors(of: coord, allowDiagonals: allowDiagonalMatches).forEach { neighbor in
test(coord: neighbor.coordinate, visited: &visited, matches: &matches, allowDiagonalMatches: allowDiagonalMatches, matching: matching)
test(coord: start, visited: &visited, matches: &matches, allowDiagonalMatches: allowDiagonalMatches, matching: matching)
return matches
/// Returns a grid coordinate that is the result of moving from the start coordinate in
/// the provided direction.
/// If the new coordinate falls outside the grid, `nil` is returned.
/// - Parameters:
/// - direction: The direction to move away from start.
/// - start: The starting coordinate.
/// - Returns: A `GridCoordinate` for the new location, if it is valid. Otherwise returns `nil`.
public func moving(direction: GridDirection, from start: GridCoordinate, distance: Int = 1) -> GridCoordinate? {
let new = start + (direction.offset.scaled(by: distance))
return isValid(coordinate: new) ? new : nil
/// Access a value in the grid by coordinate.
/// Returns the value at the specified coordinate if it is valid. Otherwise, returns `nil`.
public subscript (_ sub: GridCoordinate) -> T? {
value(at: sub)
/// Applies a transformation to every data point in the grid and returns the resulting data.
/// This does not modify the data in the Grid, which is immutable.
/// - Parameter transformer: The closure that will use the a coordinate in the grid and the value at that coordinate
/// to compute a new value for that coordinate.
/// - Returns: A new data set with the transformation applied.
public func transformedData<U>(with transformer: (GridCoordinate, T) -> U) -> [[U]] {
let h = data.count
let w = data[0].count
return (0..<h).map { y in
(0..<w).map { x in
let coord = GridCoordinate(x: x, y: y)
return transformer(coord, value(at: coord)!)
/// Expand the Grid by adding a new perimeter with a fixed value around the existing data.
/// - Parameter value: The value to fill the new perimeter with.
/// - Returns: A new array of type `[[T]]`.
public func outsetData(fillingWith value: T) -> [[T]] {
let w = width + 2
let h = height + 2
var newData = [[T]](repeating:[T](repeating: value, count: w), count: h)
(0..<height).forEach { y in
(0..<width).forEach { x in
newData[y+1][x+1] = data[y][x]
return newData
/// All coordinates on the edge of the grid.
/// Points will start at `(0, 0)` and proceed clockwise around the perimeter.
public var perimeter: [GridCoordinate] {
var result: [GridCoordinate] = []
result.append(contentsOf: (0..<(width - 1)).map { GridCoordinate(x: $0, y: 0) })
result.append(contentsOf: (0..<(height - 1)).map { GridCoordinate(x: width - 1, y: $0) })
result.append(contentsOf: (1..<width).reversed().map { GridCoordinate(x: $0, y: height - 1) })
result.append(contentsOf: (1..<height).reversed().map { GridCoordinate(x: 0, y: $0) })
return result
/// Create a line from the specified coordinate to the edge of the grid in the specified direction.
/// This method enables ray-casting by quickly providing access to all coordinates along the ray's path.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The coordinate to start the line creation at.
/// - direciton: The direction to search until an edge is detected.
/// - Returns: A `GridLine` from `start` to the edge of the grid in the specified direction.
public func lineToEdge(from start: GridCoordinate, direction: GridDirection) -> GridLine {
let offset = direction.offset
var length = 0
while self.isValid(coordinate: start + offset.scaled(by: length)) { length += 1 }
return GridLine(start: start, direction: direction, length: length)
/// Count the number of coordinates matching the provided predicate along a line to the edge of the grid.
/// This is a simple ray-casting algorithm. It is up to the developer to determine what constitutes a match.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The coordinate to start the search at.
/// - direction: The direction to search in.
/// - matching: The predicate that determines whether or not each coordinate along the ray matches.
/// - Returns: An `Int` that is the count of coordinates that matched the predicate along the ray.
public func count(from start: GridCoordinate, direction: GridDirection, matching: (T) -> Bool) -> Int {
let line = lineToEdge(from: start, direction: direction)
return values(on: line)
/// Get the values along a line from the specified coordinate over a specified distance.
/// - Parameters:
/// - start: The coordinate to start the search at.
/// - direction: The direction to search in.
/// - count: The number of values to return.
/// - Returns: An array of values along the line, starting at `start` and proceeding in the specified direction.
public func raySample(from start: GridCoordinate, direction: GridDirection, count: Int) -> [T] {
let line = GridLine(start: start, direction: direction, length: count)
guard isValid(line: line) else { return [] }
return line.allCoordinates.compactMap { value(at: $0) }
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