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Last active June 14, 2023 08:45
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Fair AsyncIO RLock implementation
import asyncio
from collections import deque
class FairAsyncRLock:
A fair reentrant lock for async programming. Fair means that it respects the order of acquisition.
def __init__(self):
self._owner: asyncio.Task | None = None
self._count = 0
self._queue = deque()
def is_owner(self, task=None):
if task is None:
task = asyncio.current_task()
return self._owner == task
async def acquire(self):
"""Acquire the lock."""
me = asyncio.current_task()
if self.is_owner(task=me):
self._count += 1
# If the lock is free or reentrant, acquire it immediately
if self._count == 0:
# if self._count == 0 or self._owner == me: (redundant second clause)
self._owner = me
self._count += 1
# Create an event for this task
event = asyncio.Event()
# Wait for the lock to be free
await event.wait()
except asyncio.CancelledError:
self._owner = me
self._count = 1
async def release(self):
"""Release the lock"""
me = asyncio.current_task()
if self._owner is None:
raise RuntimeError("Cannot release un-acquired lock.")
if not self.is_owner(task=me):
raise RuntimeError("Cannot release foreign lock.")
self._count -= 1
if self._count == 0:
self._owner = None
if self._queue:
# Wake up the next task in the queue
event = self._queue.popleft()
async def __aenter__(self):
await self.acquire()
return self
async def __aexit__(self, exc_type, exc, tb):
await self.release()
import asyncio
from time import monotonic_ns, perf_counter
import pytest
from fair_async_rlock import FairAsyncRLock
async def test_reentrant():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
async with lock:
async with lock: # This should not block
assert True
async def test_exclusion():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
got_in = False
async def inner():
nonlocal got_in
async with lock:
got_in = True
# Acquire the lock, then run the inner task. It shouldn't be able
# to acquire the lock.
async with lock:
await asyncio.sleep(0) # Give the inner task a chance to run
assert not got_in
async def test_fairness():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
order = []
async def worker(n):
async with lock:
# Start several tasks to acquire the lock
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(5)]
# Make sure they all start and try to acquire the lock before releasing it
await asyncio.sleep(0)
async with lock:
pass # Release the lock
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
assert order == list(range(5)) # The tasks should have run in order
async def test_unowned_release():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Cannot release un-acquired lock."):
await lock.release()
async def worker():
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Cannot release un-acquired lock."):
await lock.release()
await asyncio.gather(worker())
async def test_performance():
# This test is useful for measuring the overhead of the locking mechanism and can help determine whether it's
# suitable for high-concurrency scenarios.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
num_tasks = 1000
order = []
async def worker(n):
async with lock:
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(num_tasks)]
start = monotonic_ns()
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
end = monotonic_ns()
print(f"Time to complete {num_tasks} tasks: {end - start} ns")
assert order == list(range(num_tasks)) # The tasks should have run in order
async def test_stress():
# We'll create a large number of tasks that all try to acquire and release the lock repeatedly.
# This can help identify any issues that only occur under high load or after many operations.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
num_tasks = 100
iterations = 1000
async def worker(n):
for _ in range(iterations):
async with lock:
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(num_tasks)]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
async def test_hard():
# "Hard" Test: We'll create a scenario where tasks are constantly being created and cancelled,
# while trying to acquire the lock. This can help identify any issues related to task cancellation and cleanup.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
num_tasks = 100
iterations = 1000
async def worker(n):
for _ in range(iterations):
async with lock:
if n % 10 == 0: # Cancel every 10th task
raise asyncio.CancelledError
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(num_tasks)]
with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError):
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
assert lock._count == 0 # The lock should be released after all tasks are done
assert lock._owner is None
async def test_lock_status_checks():
# We should add tests to validate the is_owner method in the FairAsyncRLock class.
# This method is crucial as it determines whether a lock can be acquired or released by the current task.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
# The lock should not have an owner initially
assert not lock.is_owner()
# After acquiring the lock, it should be owned by the current task
async with lock:
assert lock.is_owner()
async def test_nested_lock_acquisition():
# While reentrancy was tested, it was not tested in a nested scenario involving more than one task.
# We can design a test case where multiple tasks try to acquire a lock which is already owned by a task
# that is itself waiting for another lock. This tests the behavior of the FairAsyncRLock in nested lock
# acquisition scenarios.
lock1 = FairAsyncRLock()
lock2 = FairAsyncRLock()
lock1_acquired = asyncio.Event()
async def worker():
async with lock1:
lock1_acquired.set() # Signal that lock1 has been acquired
await asyncio.sleep(0) # Yield control while holding lock1
# At this point, lock1 is released
async def control_task():
task = asyncio.create_task(worker())
await lock1_acquired.wait() # Wait for worker to acquire lock1
assert lock1.is_owner(task=task) # worker task should own lock1
async with lock2: # Acquire lock2
assert lock1.is_owner(task=task) # worker task should still own lock1
await task # Await completion of worker task after lock2 is released
await control_task()
async def test_starvation():
# While fairness was tested, starvation, where a low-priority task could potentially be waiting forever
# while higher-priority tasks continuously acquire the lock, is not explicitly covered. The design of the
# FairAsyncRLock should prevent this from happening, but it could be worthwhile to add a test case that
# specifically tests for this condition.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
order = []
async def worker(n):
async with lock:
# Start a low-priority task
low_priority_task = asyncio.create_task(worker(0))
# Give it a moment to start
await asyncio.sleep(0)
# Start several high-priority tasks
high_priority_tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(1, 10)]
# Wait for all tasks to complete
await low_priority_task
await asyncio.gather(*high_priority_tasks)
# Check that the low-priority task was able to acquire the lock
assert 0 in order
async def test_concurrent_acquisition():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
result = []
async def worker(n):
await lock.acquire() # This will block until the lock can be acquired
await asyncio.sleep(0) # Yield control
await lock.release()
# Start several tasks concurrently
tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(i)) for i in range(5)]
await asyncio.gather(*tasks)
# All tasks should have been able to acquire the lock, but only one at a time
assert len(result) == 5
async def test_performance_comparison():
fair_lock = FairAsyncRLock()
asyncio_lock = asyncio.Lock()
num_tasks = 1000
async def worker(lock):
async with lock:
await asyncio.sleep(0) # Simulate some work
# Measure performance of FairAsyncRLock
fair_tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(fair_lock)) for _ in range(num_tasks)]
start_fair = perf_counter()
await asyncio.gather(*fair_tasks)
duration_fair = perf_counter() - start_fair
# Measure performance of asyncio.Lock
asyncio_tasks = [asyncio.create_task(worker(asyncio_lock)) for _ in range(num_tasks)]
start_asyncio = perf_counter()
await asyncio.gather(*asyncio_tasks)
duration_asyncio = perf_counter() - start_asyncio
print(f"Time to complete {num_tasks} tasks with FairAsyncRLock: {duration_fair} seconds")
print(f"Time to complete {num_tasks} tasks with asyncio.Lock: {duration_asyncio} seconds")
# We find that it's about the same performance as asyncio.Lock.
async def test_lock_released_on_exception():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
with pytest.raises(Exception):
async with lock:
raise Exception("Test")
assert lock._count == 0
assert lock._owner is None
async def test_release_foreign_lock():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
async def task1():
async with lock:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # Sleep to ensure that task2 gets to the point where it's waiting for the lock
async def task2():
# Wait for both tasks to complete
await lock.release()
except RuntimeError as e:
assert str(e) == "Cannot release foreign lock."
# Create the tasks and schedule them
task1_handle = asyncio.create_task(task1())
task2_handle = asyncio.create_task(task2())
# Wait for both tasks to complete
await asyncio.gather(task1_handle, task2_handle)
async def test_lock_acquired_released_normally():
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
async with lock:
assert lock._count == 1
assert lock._owner is not None
assert lock._owner == asyncio.current_task()
assert lock._owner is None
assert lock._count == 0
async def test_async_release():
# This test checks if the release() method works correctly when turned into an async function.
# It creates two tasks that sequentially acquire and release the lock, ensuring that the second task can
# acquire the lock after the first one has released it.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
async def task1():
async with lock:
await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
async def task2():
async with lock:
task1 = asyncio.create_task(task1())
task2 = asyncio.create_task(task2())
await asyncio.gather(task1, task2)
# Ensure that lock is not owned and queue is empty after tasks are done
assert lock._owner is None
assert len(lock._queue) == 0
async def test_acquire_exception_handling():
# We can simulate an exception occurring in the acquire() method and validate that it does not leave the
# lock in an inconsistent state.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
async def failing_task():
await lock.acquire()
raise RuntimeError("Simulated exception during acquire")
await lock.release()
async def succeeding_task():
await lock.acquire()
await lock.release()
task1 = asyncio.create_task(failing_task())
task2 = asyncio.create_task(succeeding_task())
with pytest.raises(RuntimeError, match="Simulated exception during acquire"):
await asyncio.gather(task1, task2)
# Ensure that lock is not owned and queue is empty after exception
assert lock._owner is None
assert len(lock._queue) == 0
async def test_task_cancellation():
# We need to verify that if a task is cancelled while waiting for the lock, it gets removed from the queue.
lock = FairAsyncRLock()
async def task1():
await lock.acquire()
await asyncio.sleep(0.1) # Let's ensure the lock is held for a bit
await lock.release()
async def task2():
await lock.acquire()
task1 = asyncio.create_task(task1())
task2 = asyncio.create_task(task2())
await asyncio.sleep(0) # Yield control to allow tasks to start
with pytest.raises(asyncio.CancelledError):
await task2
await task1 # Ensure task1 has a chance to release the lock
# Ensure that lock is not owned and queue is empty after cancellation
assert lock._owner is None
assert len(lock._queue) == 0
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