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Created February 1, 2018 20:53
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ValueError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-65-a4128a1c8e7f> in <module>()
14 gp =
15 f = gp.marginal_likelihood('f',X,y,0.1)
---> 16 f_star = gp.conditional('fstar',Xnew)
~/anaconda3/envs/kerastf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3-3.3rc2-py3.6.egg/pymc3/gp/ in conditional(self, name, Xnew, pred_noise, given, **kwargs)
502 givens = self._get_given_vals(given)
--> 503 mu, cov = self._build_conditional(Xnew, pred_noise, False, *givens)
504 chol = cholesky(cov)
505 shape = infer_shape(Xnew, kwargs.pop("shape", None))
~/anaconda3/envs/kerastf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/pymc3-3.3rc2-py3.6.egg/pymc3/gp/ in _build_conditional(self, Xnew, pred_noise, diag, X, y, noise, cov_total, mean_total)
453 A = solve_lower(L, Kxs)
454 v = solve_lower(L, rxx)
--> 455 mu = self.mean_func(Xnew) +, v)
456 if diag:
457 Kss = self.cov_func(Xnew, diag=True)
~/anaconda3/envs/kerastf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Theano-1.0.1-py3.6.egg/theano/tensor/ in __add__(self, other)
126 def __add__(self, other):
127 try:
--> 128 return theano.tensor.basic.add(self, other)
129 # We should catch the minimum number of exception here.
130 # Otherwise this will convert error when Theano flags
~/anaconda3/envs/kerastf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Theano-1.0.1-py3.6.egg/theano/gof/ in __call__(self, *inputs, **kwargs)
672 thunk.outputs = [storage_map[v] for v in node.outputs]
--> 674 required = thunk()
675 assert not required # We provided all inputs
~/anaconda3/envs/kerastf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Theano-1.0.1-py3.6.egg/theano/gof/ in rval()
861 def rval():
--> 862 thunk()
863 for o in node.outputs:
864 compute_map[o][0] = True
~/anaconda3/envs/kerastf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/Theano-1.0.1-py3.6.egg/theano/gof/ in __call__(self)
1733 print(self.error_storage, file=sys.stderr)
1734 raise
-> 1735 reraise(exc_type, exc_value, exc_trace)
~/anaconda3/envs/kerastf/lib/python3.6/site-packages/ in reraise(tp, value, tb)
691 if value.__traceback__ is not tb:
692 raise value.with_traceback(tb)
--> 693 raise value
694 finally:
695 value = None
ValueError: Input dimension mis-match. (input[0].shape[1] = 200, input[1].shape[1] = 100)
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