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Last active June 17, 2024 02:03
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Shows that pixel x and pixel y are the same thing scaled by 180/pi
import sympy as sp
pi = sp.pi
def perley_lmn_from_icrs(alpha, dec, alpha0, dec0):
dra = alpha - alpha0
l = sp.cos(dec) * sp.sin(dra)
m = sp.sin(dec) * sp.cos(dec0) - sp.cos(dec) * sp.sin(dec0) * sp.cos(dra)
n = sp.sin(dec) * sp.sin(dec0) + sp.cos(dec) * sp.cos(dec0) * sp.cos(dra)
return l, m, n
def perley_icrs_from_lmn(l, m, n, alpha0, dec0):
dec = sp.asin(m * sp.cos(dec0) + n * sp.sin(dec0))
ra = alpha0 + sp.atan2(l, n * sp.cos(dec0) - m * sp.sin(dec0))
return ra, dec
def griesen_celestial_to_native(alpha, delta, alpha_p, delta_p, phi_p):
phi = phi_p + sp.atan2(
-sp.cos(delta) * sp.sin(alpha - alpha_p),
sp.sin(delta) * sp.cos(delta_p) - sp.cos(delta) * sp.sin(delta_p) * sp.cos(alpha - alpha_p)
theta = sp.asin(
sp.sin(delta) * sp.sin(delta_p) + sp.cos(delta) * sp.cos(delta_p) * sp.cos(alpha - alpha_p)
return phi, theta
def verify_fits(fits_file):
Shows each pixel has constant l,m.
from import fits
from astropy.wcs import WCS
from astropy import units as au, coordinates as ac
import numpy as np
def perley_lmn_from_icrs(icrs: ac.ICRS, phase_center: ac.ICRS) -> au.Quantity:
ra = icrs.ra
dec = icrs.dec
ra0 = phase_center.ra
dec0 = phase_center.dec
dra = ra - ra0
l = np.cos(dec) * np.sin(dra)
m = np.sin(dec) * np.cos(dec0) - np.cos(dec) * np.sin(dec0) * np.cos(dra)
n = np.sin(dec) * np.sin(dec0) + np.cos(dec) * np.cos(dec0) * np.cos(dra)
return np.stack([l, m, n], axis=-1) * au.dimensionless_unscaled
with as hdul0:
image = hdul0[0].data[0, 0, :, :] # [Nm, Nl]
Nm, Nl = np.shape(image)
w0 = WCS(hdul0[0].header)
# RA--SIN and DEC--SIN
m_pix = np.arange(Nm)
l_pix = np.arange(Nl)
M, L = np.meshgrid(m_pix, l_pix, indexing='ij')
pointing_coord, spectral_coord, stokes_coord = w0.pixel_to_world(
L, M, 0, 0
ra0, dec0 = w0.wcs.crval[0], w0.wcs.crval[1]
phase_center = ac.ICRS(ra0 * au.deg, dec0 * au.deg)
pointing_coord = pointing_coord.transform_to(ac.ICRS)
lmn = perley_lmn_from_icrs(pointing_coord, phase_center)
dm = np.diff(lmn[:, :, 1], axis=0)
dl = np.diff(lmn[:, :, 0], axis=1)
assert np.std(dm) < 1e-10
assert np.std(dl) < 1e-10
pixel_size_l = au.Quantity(w0.wcs.cdelt[0], au.deg)
pixel_size_m = au.Quantity(w0.wcs.cdelt[1], au.deg)
def griesen_native_to_celestial(phi, theta, alpha_p, delta_p, phi_p):
alpha = alpha_p + sp.atan2(
-sp.cos(theta) * sp.sin(phi - alpha_p),
sp.sin(theta) * sp.cos(delta_p) - sp.cos(theta) * sp.sin(delta_p) * sp.cos(phi - phi_p)
delta = sp.asin(
sp.sin(theta) * sp.sin(delta_p) + sp.cos(theta) * sp.cos(delta_p) * sp.cos(phi - phi_p)
return alpha, delta
def griesen_xy(phi, theta, theta_c, phi_c, phi_p):
x_griesen = (180 / pi) * (
-sp.cos(theta) * sp.sin(phi - phi_p) + sp.cot(theta_c) * sp.sin(phi_c) * (1 - sp.sin(phi - phi_p)))
y_griesen = -(180 / pi) * (
-sp.cos(theta) * sp.cos(phi - phi_p) + sp.cot(theta_c) * sp.cos(phi_c) * (1 - sp.sin(phi - phi_p)))
return x_griesen, y_griesen
def xy_from_lmn(l, m, theta_c, phi_c, phi_p, alpha0, dec0):
n = sp.sqrt(1 - l * l - m * m)
ra, dec = perley_icrs_from_lmn(l, m, n, alpha0, dec0)
phi, theta = griesen_celestial_to_native(ra, dec, alpha0, dec0, phi_p)
x, y = griesen_xy(phi, theta, theta_c, phi_c, phi_p)
return x, y
def main():
# Define symbols
alpha0, dec0, l, m, dl, dm = sp.symbols('alpha0 dec0 l m dl dm')
x, y = xy_from_lmn(l, m, theta_c=pi / 2, phi_c=0, phi_p=pi, alpha0=alpha0, dec0=dec0)
x = sp.simplify(x)
y = sp.simplify(y)
print(f"x={x}, y={y}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
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