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Created April 14, 2024 16:13
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Create a single page function reference using base R and quarto.
# Current limitation is that the images that are used are relative to the
# package lib.loc / help so what might be idea lis to extract the image
# and base64 encode them using {b64}
pkg_to_quarto_doc <- function(pkg, out_path = paste0(pkg, ".qmd"), ...) {
tmp <- tempfile()
base_doc <- tools::pkg2HTML(pkg, out = tmp, ...)
# read in html
og <- rvest::read_html(tmp)
# identify all spans—these should be removed
spans_to_remove <- rvest::html_elements(og, "span")
# remove all the spans
for (span in spans_to_remove) {
# get all of the elements
all_elements <- og |>
html_elements("main") |>
# get reference positions
reference_starts <- which(html_name(all_elements) == "h2" & !, "id")))
# count how many elements there are in the html file
n <- length(all_elements)
# identify the reference section ending positions
reference_ends <- (reference_starts + diff(c(reference_starts, n))) - 1
reference_ends[length(reference_ends)] <- length(all_elements)
# extract all of the reference doc
all_references <- Map(
function(.x, .y) {
# create a new html div with a "reference class"
new_div <- read_html('<div class="reference"></div>') |>
# identify all of the children from the reference section
children <- all_elements[.x:.y]
# for each of the children add it to the div
for (child in children) {
xml2::xml_add_child(new_div, child)
# return the div
reference_starts, reference_ends
all_mds <- unlist(lapply(all_references, html_to_md))
# add a quarto yaml header
# adds the TOC to mimic the R function
yaml_header <- "---
toc: true
eval: false
# write the file out
brio::write_lines(c(yaml_header, all_mds), out_path)
# converts a reference to github flavored markdown
# this doesnt create the ::: classes though so it wont be compatible
# with JSX... unless jsx doesnt get mad at html. idk yet.
html_to_md <- function(reference) {
text = reference,
from = "html",
to = "gfm"
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