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Created May 9, 2024 15:17
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Save JosiahParry/a8efb10c756844bf2554a54232860927 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Draft of a script that removes all sorts of stuff from vendored rust crates to reduce size
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# we need to vendor the dependencies and then store the checksum
# make the checksum
# writeLines(
# tools::md5sum("src/rust/vendor.tar.xz"),
# "./tools/vendor.md5"
# )
all_vendored_files <- list.files("src/rust/vendor", full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE, all.files = TRUE)
file_exts <- tools::file_ext(all_vendored_files)
# use this to identify directories we might want to remove
# list.dirs("src/rust/vendor", T, F) |>
# lapply(list.dirs, F, F) |>
# unlist() |>
# table() |>
# identify all md files
mds <- file_exts == "md"
# identify all licenses
license_files <- stringr::str_detect(
stringr::coll("LICENSE", ignore_case = TRUE)
# identify all files in benches, tests, examples, misc, ci, and ui-tests
dir_idx <- stringr::str_detect(
# if any of these are true, we want to remove them
to_remove <- dir_idx | mds | license_files
# remove all of these files
# identify all of rust files that havent been removed
all_rust_sources <- all_vendored_files[file_exts == "rs" & !to_remove]
# remove all of the comments from the source files
for (fp in all_rust_sources) {
file_lines <- brio::read_lines(fp)
brio::write_lines(file_lines[!stringr::str_detect(file_lines, "^\\s*//.*$")], fp)
# we need to recompute the hashes for all files in each .cargo-checksum.json
all_checksums <- all_vendored_files[stringr::str_detect(
# remove checksums
for (fp in all_checksums) {
# read the json file
cs <- yyjsonr::read_json_file(fp)
# calculate the new checksums
cs[["files"]] <- lapply(cs$files, openssl::sha256)
# handle null package
if (is.null(cs[["package"]])) {
cs[["package"]] <- "null"
yyjsonr::write_json_file(cs, fp, opts = list(auto_unbox = TRUE))
# recompress
src_dir <- rprojroot::find_package_root_file("src/rust")
compress_res <- withr::with_dir(src_dir, {
"tar", c(
"-cJ", "--no-xattrs", "-f", "vendor.tar.xz", "vendor"
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