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Last active December 23, 2020 06:17
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.include ""
; start defines
.def counter = R16 ; number of array values
.def first_v = R17 ; first value
.def second_v = R18 ; second value
.def temp = R19 ; temporary value
.def suit_num = R20 ; suitable numbers
; end defines
.dseg ; start segment of data
table: .byte 10
; end segment of data
.cseg ; start segment of code
;array: .db 2, 4, 8, 12, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18
array: .db 2, 0, 4, 8, 12, 2, 0, 2, 18, 16
ldi ZH, high(array) ; pointer to array
ldi ZL, low(array)
ldi XH, high(table+1) ; pointer to second value
ldi XL, low(table+1) ; in table
ldi counter, 10 ; number of value to check
ldi suit_num, 0 ; number of suitable numbers
lpm first_v, Z+
lpm second_v, Z
dec counter ; decrease value to check
breq final ; end loop if counter == 0
/* if
??????1? (...0?) - number 1
??????0? (...1?) - number 2
conclusion: numbers differ by 2 */
andi first_v, 0b10 ; logical AND with 2
mov temp, second_v
andi temp, 0b10 ; logical AND with 2
cp first_v, temp
brne modulo_by_4 ; if numbers have different second bits
; then check his modulo (see above why)
rjmp start ; repeat loop
; 00000000 - 8 bit
; ??????00 - number multiplicity by 4
sbrc second_v, 0 ; skip next cmd IF first bit == 0
rjmp start ; otherwise goto main loop
sbrc second_v, 1 ; skip next cmd IF second bit == 0
rjmp start ; otherwise goto main loop
; add it number to table:
inc suit_num ; increase number of suitable numbers
st X+, second_v ; current number to X
rjmp start ; goto main loop
sts table, suit_num ; write number of suitable number to
; first byte of table
end: ; endless loop
rjmp end
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