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*& Extractor & table analyzer
*& Author: Joury Jonkergouw
*& Created on: 19.08.2014
*& Last changed: 25.10.2014
*& 12.09.2014; Sven van Leuken; Solved Shortdump with Call Function call
*& Program to analyze contents of a SAP table or datasource.
*& It analyzes all fields part of a table and datasource and comes
*& with an analysis of which fields should be added when creating a
*& new datasource or enhancing a existing datasource
*& Note: It is not possible to analyze datasource who have structures
*& which are based on structures or are technical extraction structures
*& for e.g. 2LIS_11_VAKON or 2LIS_11_V_SSL
*& Caution: Running this program can take very long on big databases!
*& Do not execute in productive systems
*& Parameters:
*& SAP Table: ECC table name (e.g. VBAK)
*& Datasource: Datasource name (e.g. 2LIS_11_VAHDR)
*& Output to Excel: X or blank
*& Output location: Complete path of output file
report zbw_extractor_table_analyzer.
type-pools: abap.
selection-screen begin of block box1 with frame title text-001.
parameter: pm_table type ddobjname obligatory,
* pm_datas TYPE roosource-oltpsource,
pm_excel type c default 'X',
pm_file type rlgrap-filename default 'P:\temp\'.
selection-screen end of block box1.
types: begin of ty_results_h,
line(50) type c,
end of ty_results_h,
begin of ty_results,
table type c length 40,
field type c length 40,
element type c length 40,
datatype type c length 40,
length type c length 6,
decimals type c length 8,
description type c length 60,
total type c length 40,
unique type c length 40,
percentage type c length 40,
used type c length 4,
structure type c length 42,
active type c length 48,
append type c length 6,
add type c length 3,
end of ty_results,
begin of ty_tmcexcfs,
cstruc(30) type c,
fieldname type fieldname,
estruc type tabname,
state(1) type c,
mcapp(2) type c,
end of ty_tmcexcfs.
data : lv_table type ddobjname,
lt_table type table of dfies,
wa_table like line of lt_table,
lt_excfs type table of ty_tmcexcfs,
wa_excfs like line of lt_excfs,
lt_extab type table of ty_tmcexcfs,
lt_excfz type table of ty_tmcexcfs,
lv_estruc(30) type c,
lv_cstruc(30) type c,
lv_extra type roosource-extractor,
lv_exmeth type roosource-exmethod,
lt_dd03m type standard table of dd03m,
wa_dd03m like line of lt_dd03m,
lt_results_h type standard table of ty_results_h,
wa_results_h like line of lt_results_h,
lt_results type standard table of ty_results, "Output type excel with all columns
wa_result like line of lt_results,
lv_type type c,
lv_total type i,
lv_unique type i,
lv_percentage type /bic/of_dec_000004_01,
lv_where type c length 250,
lv_header type string,
lt_split type table of char40,
lr_split type ref to char40,
tp_class type dd02v-tabclass.
field-symbols : type ty_tmcexcfs,
like line of lt_excfs,
type dfies.
* CONCATENATE 'p:\temp\' sy-uname '\Documents\temp\' INTO pm_file IN CHARACTER MODE.
* Clear all variables.
clear: wa_excfs, lv_extra, lv_estruc, lv_exmeth, lt_extab, lv_type,
lt_excfs, lt_excfz, lt_results, lv_header, lt_split, lt_results_h.
** Check if one of the two parameters is filled.
* IF pm_table IS INITIAL." AND pm_datas IS NOT INITIAL.
* MESSAGE e000(38) WITH 'Please enter a table name'.
* If parameter table is filled then assign this value to the structure internal table.
* else get the extractor name from the table roosource.
* IF pm_table IS NOT INITIAL.
** Type is table (T)
lv_type = 'T'.
wa_excfs-cstruc = pm_table.
append wa_excfs to lt_extab.
* Loop over tables part of the structure
loop at lt_extab assigning .
clear: lv_cstruc, lt_table[], lv_total, lv_table, tp_class.
* Store original structure name
lv_cstruc = -cstruc.
* If two characters of the structure name is equal to MC, strip these.
if lv_cstruc(2) eq 'MC'.
shift lv_cstruc left by 2 places.
* Store table name.
lv_table = lv_cstruc.
call function 'DDIF_FIELDINFO_GET'
tabname = lv_table
ddobjtype = tp_class
dfies_tab = lt_table
not_found = 1
internal_error = 2
others = 3.
*- Added 4 checks to make sure only tables (and not views/structures)
*- are being processed. Otherwise program will dump (Sven 12.09.14)
check sy-subrc eq 0.
check tp_class <> 'INTTAB'.
check tp_class <> 'VIEW'.
check tp_class <> 'APPEND'.
* Get total amount of records
select count( * ) into lv_total from (lv_table).
write: / 'Table:', lv_table .
write: / 'Number of records:', lv_total.
write: /.
sort lt_table by fieldname ascending.
sort lt_excfs by fieldname ascending.
loop at lt_table into wa_table.
clear: lv_where, lv_unique, wa_excfs, wa_result.
case wa_table-datatype.
when 'CHAR'.
concatenate wa_table-fieldname '<>' '''''' into lv_where separated by space.
when 'DATS'.
concatenate wa_table-fieldname '<>' '''00000000''' into lv_where separated by space.
when 'CURR' or 'QUAN' or 'DEC' or 'FLTP' or 'INIT1' or 'INT2' or 'INT4' or 'NUMC'.
concatenate wa_table-fieldname '<>' '''0''' into lv_where separated by space.
when 'TIMS'.
concatenate wa_table-fieldname '<>' '''000000''' into lv_where separated by space.
when others.
concatenate wa_table-fieldname '<>' '''''' into lv_where separated by space.
* Count number of records of specific field
select count( * ) into lv_unique from (lv_table) where (lv_where).
* Has no records
if lv_unique eq 0.
wa_result-used = 'N'.
wa_result-used = 'Y'.
* Check if field is part of structure
read table lt_excfs into wa_excfs with key fieldname = wa_table-fieldname cstruc = -cstruc.
* If part of structure then set variable to Y
if sy-subrc = 0.
wa_result-structure = 'Y'.
* If state is active then set variable to Y
if wa_excfs-state eq 'A'.
wa_result-active = 'Y'.
wa_result-active = 'N'.
wa_result-structure = 'N'.
wa_result-active = 'N'.
* If field has records and is not added in the structure, then this should be appended
if wa_result-used = 'Y' and wa_result-structure = 'N' and ( pm_table is initial ).
wa_result-append = 'Y'.
wa_result-append = 'N'.
* If field has records and is not added in the structure, then this should be added
if wa_result-used = 'Y' and ( wa_result-structure = 'N' or ( wa_result-structure = 'Y' and wa_result-active = 'N' ) ) .
wa_result-add = 'Y'.
wa_result-add = 'N'.
** Write output
* WRITE: / 'Field:', wa_table-fieldname, 'Filled records', lv_unique, 'Used:', wa_result-used, 'In structure:',
* wa_result-structure, 'Active:', wa_result-active, 'Append:', wa_result-append, 'Add:', wa_result-add.
* Add results to a internal table. Used for Excel outputting.
wa_result-table = lv_table.
wa_result-field = wa_table-fieldname.
wa_result-element = wa_table-rollname.
wa_result-datatype = wa_table-datatype.
wa_result-length = wa_table-leng.
wa_result-decimals = wa_table-decimals.
wa_result-description = wa_table-fieldtext.
wa_result-unique = lv_unique.
wa_result-total = lv_total.
if lv_total <> 0.
lv_percentage = lv_unique / lv_total * 100.
wa_result-percentage = lv_percentage.
clear wa_result-percentage.
append wa_result to lt_results.
* WRITE: /.
* Output to Excel
if pm_excel eq 'X'.
sort lt_results by field ascending.
* If standard parameter is a table then exclude the structure variables from write statement
lv_header = 'Table,Field,Element,Data type,Length,Decimals,Description,Total records,Filled records,Percentage,Used,In structure,Active,Append,Add'.
split lv_header at ',' into table lt_split.
loop at lt_split reference into lr_split.
clear: wa_results_h.
wa_results_h-line = lr_split->*.
append wa_results_h to lt_results_h.
concatenate pm_file pm_table '_analysis.xls' into pm_file in character mode.
file_name = pm_file
data_tab = lt_results
fieldnames = lt_results_h
file_not_exist = 1
filename_expected = 2
communication_error = 3
ole_object_method_error = 4
ole_object_property_error = 5
invalid_pivot_fields = 6
download_problem = 7
others = 8.
if sy-subrc <> 0.
write: / 'Something went wrong when saving the Excel file'.
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