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Last active January 31, 2021 07:24
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This is a sample of the Method Missing implementation for dynamic invoke closures
class MySampleClass {
Map props = [:]
def propertyMissing(String propertyName, String value) {
props[propertyName] = value
def propertyMissing(String propertyName) {
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
println """
method: ${name}
args: ${args}
static def $static_methodMissing(String name, Object args) {
println "El metodo estático de nombre [$name] y argumentos [$args] no existe"
MySampleClass.myStaticMethod("Ejemplo", "invocación", "dinámica")
def object = new MySampleClass()
object.someProperty = "Esta propiedad no existe"
println object.someProperty
object.doSomethingWithArgs("Hola", "Desveloper", 33)
class ActionExecutor {
Map<String, Closure> actions = [:]
def methodMissing(String name, args) {
Closure closure = actions[name]
if(closure) {
} else {
throw new MissingMethodException(name, ActionExecutor.class, args)
List elements = ['This', 'is', 'a', 'sample']
ActionExecutor ae = new ActionExecutor()
ae.actions << ['sortArgs': { args -> args.sort{ it.toLowerCase() }}]
ae.actions << ['printArgsLenght': { args -> println args.collect{ "$it:${it.size()}"} }]
List sorted = ae.sortArgs(*elements)
class MiniGorm {
def db = []
def methodMissing(String methodName, args) {
methodName = methodName.toLowerCase()-"findby"
switch(methodName) {
case {it =~ /notlike+/ }:
def property = methodName - "notlike"
db.findAll { elem-> !elem[property].contains(args[0])}
case {it =~ /like+/ }:
def property = methodName - "like"
db.findAll { elem-> elem[property].contains(args[0])}
"Operacion no soportada"
List people = [
[first: "Omar", last:"Bautista"],
[first: "Jorge", last:"Valenzuela"],
[first: "Mia", last:"Bautista"],
[first: "Maria", last:"Ojeda"]
def miniGorm = new MiniGorm(db:people)
println miniGorm.findByFirstLike("Maria") // [first: "Maria", last:"Ojeda"]
println miniGorm.findByLastLike("Bautista") // [first: "Omar", last:"Bautista"], [first: "Mia", last:"Bautista"]
println miniGorm.findByLastNotLike("Bautista") // [first: "Jorge", last:"Valenzuela"], [first: "Maria", last:"Ojeda"]
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