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Last active December 10, 2020 18:36
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Closure examples - Here you can see some samples about how to use closures in Groovy
Closure square = { num ->
num * num
Closure pow = { num, index ->
List numbers = [2,5,20,10]
println square(11)
println numbers.collect(square)
println numbers.collect{pow(it,2)}
String regex = /http[s]?:\/\/[-A-Za-z0-9.\/_-]*[-A-Za-z0-9._-]/
Closure isUrl = { text ->
text ==~ regex
Closure collectUrls = { text ->
(text =~ regex).collect()
String sampleText = """Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit Integer
pharetra elit a elit molestie vehicula. Sed in eros mi. Aliquam massa elit, iaculis eget velit non,
malesuada elementum nisl. Cras urna sem, ornare quis turpis id, facilisis ultrices massa. Duis sit amet
pretium ligula. Curabitur in libero vehicula, facilisis diam eget, maximus velit. Vestibulum ut orci at
velit vulputate placerat Nunc varius a arcu nec lacinia. Vestibulum et magna et metus
venenatis suscipit."""
List urls = collectUrls(sampleText)
int urlsCount = sampleText.split(' ').count(isUrl)
assert urls.size() == urlsCount
println """
URLs count: $urlsCount
URLs: $urls
String downloadFolder = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "Downloads"
URL source = "".toURL()
File destination = new File(downloadFolder , "banner.png")
Closure downloadFile = { url, file ->
url.withInputStream {is->
println "start download"
file.withOutputStream {os->
def bs = new BufferedOutputStream( os )
bs << is
println "finish downlad the file $file"
downloadFile(source, destination)
def srcImageRegex = /assets\/images[-A-Za-z0-9.\/_-]*[-A-Za-z0-9._-]/
def webpage = ""
String downloadFolder = System.getProperty("user.home") + File.separator + "Downloads"
Closure collectImageAssets = { text ->
(text =~ srcImageRegex).collect()
Closure toFullUrl = { path ->
Closure downloadFile = { url, fileName ->
File destination = new File(downloadFolder , fileName)
url.withInputStream {is->
println "start download ${fileName}"
destination.withOutputStream {os->
def bs = new BufferedOutputStream( os )
bs << is
println "finish downlad the file $fileName"
List images = collectImageAssets(webpage.toURL().text).collect(toFullUrl)
images.each{ fullUrl ->
String fileName = fullUrl.substring(fullUrl.lastIndexOf('/')+1)
downloadFile(fullUrl.toURL(), fileName)
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