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Last active February 9, 2022 00:18
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System.Security.Cryptography.Cose how to use

How to install

  1. Add dotnet7 nuget feed ( in your Package Sources.
  2. Search and install System.Security.Cryptography.Cose. Don't forget to check the "Include prerelease" checkbox.

Encode and Sign

using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Cose;
using System.Text;

byte[] content = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("This is the content.");

ECDsa myKey = ECDsa.Create();
byte[] encodedMsg = CoseSign1Message.Sign(content, myKey, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);

// You have a CBOR encoded message signed with ECDSA w/SHA256 (ES256).
// that you can share with anyone and they can verify in with your public key.

Decode and Verify

// Having a CBOR encoded message (encodedMsg) a key (myKey) and a content in case of detached content (myContent),
// you decode it and then verify it using the key and the content in case of detached content.
CoseSign1Message msg = CoseMessage.DecodeSign1(encodedMsg);

// The COSE message doesn't carry the content (required for verification), it needs to be supplied.
bool isContentDetached = !msg.Content.HasValue;
bool verified;

if (isContentDetached)
    verified = msg.Verify(myKey, myContent);
    verified = msg.Verify(myKey);

if (!verified)
    throw new Exception("Failed to verify COSE message.");

Console.WriteLine("Message verified!");
Console.WriteLine(isContentDetached ? "COSE message doesn't contain content" : "Content: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString(msg.Content!.Value.Span));

Read and Write [custom] headers.

ECDsa myKey = ECDsa.Create();
var myArrayHeader = new CoseHeaderLabel("my-array-header");

CoseHeaderMap unprotectedHeaders = new CoseHeaderMap();
unprotectedHeaders.SetValue(CoseHeaderLabel.ContentType, "text/plain; charset=utf-8");
unprotectedHeaders.SetEncodedValue(myArrayHeader, GetCborArray());

// Encode but with user-defined headers.
byte[] encodedMsg = CoseSign1Message.Sign(content, protectedHeaders: new CoseHeaderMap(), unprotectedHeaders, myKey, HashAlgorithmName.SHA256);

// -- handle a message like what we just encoded ------------------------
CoseSign1Message msg = CoseMessage.DecodeSign1(encodedMsg);

// Get info from the unprotected headers.
Console.WriteLine("============ Unprotected headers ============");

// Read header value expecting it to be string (tstr).

// Read header value as CBOR encoded bytes, you need to pass the bytes to a CborReader and read it manually.

// Get info from the unprotected headers - using the CoseHeaderMap enumerator.
Console.WriteLine("=== Unprotected headers using enumeration ===");
foreach ((CoseHeaderLabel label, ReadOnlyMemory<byte> encodedValue) in msg.UnprotectedHeaders)
    if (label == CoseHeaderLabel.ContentType)
    else if (label == myArrayHeader)
        throw new Exception("Unknown header found");

// Helpers
static ReadOnlySpan<byte> GetCborArray()
    var writer = new CborWriter();
    writer.WriteStartArray(definiteLength: 3);

    return writer.Encode();

static void PrintCborArray(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> encodedArray)
    var reader = new CborReader(encodedArray);
    int? length = reader.ReadStartArray();

    Console.WriteLine($"Array length: {length?.ToString() ?? "Indefinite"}");

    int elementsCount = 0;
    while (true) 
        CborReaderState state = reader.PeekState();
        if (state == CborReaderState.EndArray) // this wouldn't work with nested arrays.

        string valueAsStr = state switch
            CborReaderState.NegativeInteger or CborReaderState.UnsignedInteger => reader.ReadInt32().ToString(),
            CborReaderState.TextString => reader.ReadTextString(),
            _ => throw new InvalidOperationException()
        Console.Write($"{valueAsStr}{(++elementsCount == length ? "" : ", ")}");


    if (reader.BytesRemaining > 0)
        throw new Exception("Malformed CBOR - Trailing data after reading array");

static string DecodeCborTextString(ReadOnlyMemory<byte> encodedString)
    var reader = new CborReader(encodedString);

    string retVal = reader.ReadTextString();

    if (reader.BytesRemaining > 0)
        throw new Exception("Malformed CBOR - Trailing data after reading string");

    return retVal;

Output of this code:

============ Unprotected headers ============
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Array length: 3
[42, foo, bar]

=== Unprotected headers using enumeration ===
content-type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Array length: 3
[42, foo, bar]

Use GetEncodedValue and SetEncodedValue to operate with any CBOR type.

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