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Last active December 10, 2023 22:22
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Advent of Code 2023 Day 10
;; ---- Part 1 ----
(def input-1
:current [1 1]
:prev [2 1]
:distance 0})
(def input-2
{:board (slurp "input-2")
:current [2 0]
:distance 0})
(def up [-1 0])
(def right [0 1])
(def down [1 0])
(def left [0 -1])
(def move {"F" {down right
right down}
"-" {left right
right left}
"7" {left down
down left}
"|" {up down
down up}
"J" {up left
left up}
"L" {up right
right up}})
(def side {"F" {right {:in-dir [left up]}
down {:out-dir [left up]}}
"-" {left {:in-dir [down]
:out-dir [up]}
right {:in-dir [up]
:out-dir [down]}}
"7" {left {:out-dir [up right]}
down {:in-dir [up right]}}
"|" {up {:in-dir [left]
:out-dir [right]}
down {:in-dir [right]
:out-dir [left]}}
"J" {up {:out-dir [right down]}
left {:in-dir [right down]}}
"L" {up {:in-dir [left down]}
right {:out-dir [left down]}}})
(defn next-state [{:keys [board current prev] :as state}]
(let [current-pipe (-> board (clojure.string/split-lines) (get-in current) str)
coming-from (map - prev current)
going-to (get-in move [current-pipe coming-from])
{:keys [in-dir out-dir]} (get-in side [current-pipe coming-from])
inner-pos (map #(map + current %) in-dir)
outter-pos (map #(map + current %) out-dir)
next-pos (map + current going-to)]
(-> state
(assoc :current-pipe current-pipe)
(assoc :prev current)
(update :distance inc)
(assoc :current next-pos)
(update :path conj current)
(update :inner into inner-pos)
(update :outter into outter-pos))))
(next-state input)
(nth (iterate next-state input) 2)
(defn find-greate-distance [state-dir-1 state-dir-2]
(if (= (:current state-dir-1)
(:current state-dir-2))
(:distance state-dir-1)
(recur (next-state state-dir-1)
(next-state state-dir-2))))
(find-greate-distance (next-state input)
(next-state (assoc input :prev [1 2])))
(find-greate-distance (next-state (assoc input-2 :prev [2 1]))
(next-state (assoc input-2 :prev [3 0])))
(def day-input
{:board (slurp "day-input")
:current [16 37]
:prev [16 36]
:distance 0
:inner #{}
:outter #{}
:path #{}
:max-bottom 139
:max-right 139})
(find-greate-distance (next-state (assoc day-input :prev (map + (:current day-input) right)))
(next-state (assoc day-input :prev (map + (:current day-input) left))))
;; debugging
(->> day-input
(#(map + % right))
(assoc day-input :prev)
(iterate next-state)
(#(nth % 1))
(#(dissoc % :board)))
;; ---- Part 2 ----
(def input-3
{:board "...........
:current [1 1]
:prev [2 1]
:max-bottom 8
:max-right 10
:distance 0
:inner #{}
:outter #{}
:path #{}})
(def input-4
{:board "FF7F7F7F7F7F7F7F---7
:current [0 4]
:prev [0 3]
:max-bottom 9
:max-right 19
:distance 0
:inner #{}
:outter #{}
:path #{}})
;; debugging
(next-state input)
(->> input
(iterate next-state)
(#(nth % 3))
(#(dissoc % :board)))
(defn take-tour [{:keys [current] :as state} initial-pos]
(if (= initial-pos current)
(next-state state)
(recur (next-state state) initial-pos)))
(defn expand-region [{:keys [path max-bottom max-right] :as state} to-process]
(let [expanded (reduce
#(conj %1
(map + %2 up)
(map + %2 right)
(map + %2 down)
(map + %2 left))
#{} to-process)
expanded+to-process (clojure.set/union expanded to-process)
minus-path (clojure.set/difference expanded+to-process path)
minus-boundaries (->> minus-path
(remove #(> (first %) max-bottom))
(remove #(> (second %) max-right))
(remove #(< (first %) 0))
(remove #(< (second %) 0)))]
(if (= to-process minus-boundaries)
(recur state minus-boundaries))))
(as-> input $
(take-tour $ (:prev $))
(expand-region $ (clojure.set/difference (:outter $) (:path $)))
(count $))
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