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Created September 23, 2013 13:03
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Save Jpunt/6670095 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Grid-system als CSS
<section class="results-container">
<div class="result-count">
<p class="block-left bg-light padding">
@Html.T(this.Model.SearchResult.Total, "{0} object gevonden", "{0} objecten gevonden", "Found {0} work of art", "Found {0} works of art", this.Model.SearchResult.Total)</p>
@Html.T("Geen resultaten", "No results")
<div class="results">
@foreach(var workOfArt in this.Model.SearchResult.Results)
var fileName = Html.UriDataEscape(workOfArt.Media.PrimaryImage.FileName);
var url = WorkOfArtModuleUrls.WorkOfArt(workOfArt);
<div class="result">
<a href="@url" class="block padding bg-light">
<img class="full-width background-cover" src="/static/images/1x1.png" style="height:auto; padding-top:20%; background-image:url(;maxheight=500&amp;maxwidth=500&amp;filename=@(fileName)&amp;cache=yes)" />
<h1 class="h3-like">@Html.LimitOnWordBoundaryText(workOfArt.Title, 50), @workOfArt.Dating.Indication</h1>
<div class="facets">
@Html.Partial("Facets", this.Model)
<div class="pagination">
@Html.Partial("Pagination", this.Model)
.results-container {
@extend .row;
.result-count {
@extend .col;
@extend .all-full;
.results {
@extend .col;
@extend .m-4;
@extend .l-10;
@extend .xl-10;
@extend .reset-padding;
.result {
@extend .col;
@extend .s-full;
@extend .m-3;
@extend .l-3;
@extend .xl-2;
@extend .m-clear-2nd;
@extend .l-clear-4th;
@extend .xl-clear-6th;
.facets {
@extend .col;
@extend .m-2;
@extend .l-2;
@extend .xl-2;
.pagination {
@extend .col;
@extend .all-full;
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