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Created February 19, 2016 11:09
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Create Posteio container network
docker network create posteio &>/dev/null
id=$(docker network inspect --format "{{.ID}}" posteio 2>/dev/null | cut -c1-12)
[[ -z "$id" ]] && exit 1
MASQUERADE=$(iptables -S -t nat | egrep "POSTROUTING.*br-$id.*MASQUERADE")
[[ -z "$MASQUERADE" ]] && exit 0
source /etc/environment
[[ -z "$POSTEIO_PUBLIC_IPV4" ]] && exit 1
iptables -t nat $(echo "$MASQUERADE" | sed -n "s/^-A/-I/;s/MASQUERADE/SNAT --to-source $POSTEIO_PUBLIC_IPV4/p")
iptables -t nat $(echo "$MASQUERADE" | sed -n "s/^-A/-D/p")
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