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Last active July 12, 2017 11:39
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  • Save JuanCabre/8253af30d5a3e2aa7560fb1fce118d8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save JuanCabre/8253af30d5a3e2aa7560fb1fce118d8b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"""This module enables connecting to a KEYSIGHT N6075B power measurement device and measuring power in a certain
Right now, this assumes that the device is already set to be a voltage priority power source on output @1.
import socket
class MeasurementDevice:
def set_marker_2_position_relative_to_trigger_point(self, distance_to_trigger_point):
self.send_command(b':SENSe:DLOG:MARKer2:POINt ' +
bytes(str(distance_to_trigger_point), 'ascii'))
def set_marker_1_position_relative_to_trigger_point(self, distance_to_trigger_point):
self.send_command(b':SENSe:DLOG:MARKer1:POINt ' +
bytes(str(distance_to_trigger_point), 'ascii'))
def enable_current_measurement(self):
self.send_command(b':SENSe:DLOG:FUNCtion:CURRent 1,(@1)')
def trigger_immediately(self):
def start_data_logging(self, log_file_name="current"):
self.send_command(b':INITiate:IMMediate:DLOG "internal:/' +
bytes(log_file_name, 'ascii') + b'.dlog"')
def abort_data_logging(self):
def get_average_current_in_interval(self):
"""Return the average current between both markers in amps. This might not return if logging did not run long
enough so that the second marker was reached"""
self.send_command(b':FETCh:DLOG:CURRent:DC? (@1)')
data = self.receive_reply(4096)
return float(data)
def receive_reply(self, size):
data = self.socket.recv(size)
return data
def send_command(self, command):
self.socket.sendall(command + b"\n")
def connect_to_device(address):
"""Connect to the measurement device found at <address> and return a MeasurementDevice object holding the status."""
device = MeasurementDevice()
device.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
device.socket.connect((address, 5025))
return device
def start_measurement(device):
"""Convenience method for starting logging on device, start triggering immediately, enabling measurement of current
and set marker 1 to the same position as the trigger"""
def get_average_current_to_time_delta(device, time_delta):
"""Convenience method for getting the average current between marker 1 and a time_delta in seconds. Data logging
must run at least as long as time_delta is, or otherwise this might not return."""
return device.get_average_current_in_interval()
__author__ = "Roland Kunkel"
__license__ = "Apache-2.0"
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