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Last active October 19, 2020 05:28
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Simple abstraction for immutable buffers using DSA in OpenGL 4.5+.
#include <Graphics/GraphicsIncludes.h>
#include <Graphics/StaticBuffer.h>
StaticBuffer::StaticBuffer(const void* data, GLuint size, GLbitfield glflags)
glCreateBuffers(1, &rendererID_);
glNamedBufferStorage(rendererID_, size, data, glflags);
StaticBuffer::StaticBuffer(const StaticBuffer& other)
glCreateBuffers(1, &rendererID_);
GLint size{};
glGetNamedBufferParameteriv(other.rendererID_, GL_BUFFER_SIZE, &size);
glCopyNamedBufferSubData(other.rendererID_, rendererID_, 0, 0, size);
StaticBuffer::StaticBuffer(StaticBuffer&& other) noexcept
rendererID_ = std::exchange(other.rendererID_, 0);
glDeleteBuffers(1, &rendererID_);
void StaticBuffer::SubData(const void* data, GLuint size, GLuint offset)
glNamedBufferSubData(rendererID_, offset, size, data);
#pragma once
// general-purpose immutable buffer storage
class StaticBuffer
StaticBuffer(const void* data, GLuint size, GLbitfield glflags = GL_DYNAMIC_STORAGE_BIT);
// copies another buffer's data store and contents
StaticBuffer(const StaticBuffer& other);
StaticBuffer(StaticBuffer&& other) noexcept;
StaticBuffer& operator=(const StaticBuffer&) = delete;
StaticBuffer& operator=(StaticBuffer&&) = delete;
bool operator==(const StaticBuffer&) const = default;
// updates a subset of the buffer's data store
void SubData(const void* data, GLuint size, GLuint offset = 0);
template<GLuint Target>
void Bind() const
glBindBuffer(Target, rendererID_);
template<GLuint Target>
void Unbind() const
glBindBuffer(Target, 0);
// for when this class doesn't offer enough functionality
// Note: constness is shallow!
GLuint GetID() const { return rendererID_; }
GLuint rendererID_ = 0;
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