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Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
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Automate post development language translation for Angularjs webapp with Grunt
Dependencies required
Bower : angular-gettext
Step 1: Create task for extracting texts
'nggettext_extract': {
pot: {
files: {
/* fileblock:html partials */
/* endfileblock */
// Html files
Step 2: Annotate your existing HTML files with "translate" directive as either attribute or element
For example:
original: <h1>Current text</h1>
can be anotated as
<h1 translate>Current text</h1> or <h1> <translate>Current text</translate> </h1>
Step 3 : Create fileblock task to inject Html files dependencies to nggettext task created in Step 1.
fileblocks: {
options: {
/* Task options */
removeFiles: true,
templates: {
html: '${file}'
templatesFn: {
html: function(file){
var path = require('path');
var fileExtension = path.extname(file);
var filename = path.basename(file, fileExtension);
return '\t' + '\'<%= %>/texts/' + filename + '.pot\'' + ':[\'<%= %>/' + file + '\'],';
htmls: {
files: [
src: 'Gruntfile.js',
blocks: {
partials : {
cwd: '<%= %>',
src: ['**/*.html', '!bower_components/**']
Step 4. Annotate nggettext task from Step 1 to automatically inject the file dependencies
'nggettext_extract': {
pot: {
files: {
/* fileblock:html partials */
// All dependencies will be injected here
/* endfileblock */
Step 5. Register another Grunt task to do these steps all in one call.
grunt.registerTask('extract-text','Extract html texts to .pot files in texts/ folder', function(){[
'fileblocks', // To inject dependencies
'nggettext_extract' // To extract annotated texts to separated files
Step 5. Extract the texts
run "grunt extract-text"
Step 6. Do actual translation using various free gettext tools for .po/pot files
I prefer "Poedit"
Step 7. Create grunt task to convert translated texts to Angular-ready javascript files
'nggettext_compile': {
all: {
options: {
module: 'fmuClientApp'
files: {
'<%= %>/texts/translations.js': ['<%= %>/texts/*.pot']
Step 8. Modify the Angular "app" module to apply the changes
angular.module('myapp', [
.run(['gettextCatalog', function(gettextCatalog){
gettextCatalog.debug = true;
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