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Using python, get real time crypto prices and conversion rates in excel
from pyxll import xl_func, RTD
import threading
import time
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
Date: 19-April-2021
coin_rtd(crypto: str):
Grab the price of the given crypto-currency from the coinmerketcap website.
convRate_rtd(symb_from: str, symb_to: str):
Grab the current conversion rate from the x-rates website.
These scripts are used together with pyxll to be called from an Excel's cell.
>> pip install requests
>> pip install bs4
>> pip install pyxll
>> pyxll install
1- Install the requirements
2- Add this script into <Path2PyXLL>/examples/
3- Edit the file <Path2PyXLL>/pyxll.cfg by adding this script in the modules section
4- Open Excel
5- For a coin value: in a cell type `=coin_rtd(<yourCoin>)`
-> <yourCoin> can be a string or a cell which contains a string.
-> Examples: `=coin_rtd("Ethereum")` / `=coin_rtd(B3)`
For the conversion rate: in a cell type `=convRate_rtd(<from>, <to>)`
-> <from> and <to> can be a string or a cell which contains a string.
-> Examples: `=convRate_rtd("USD", "EUR")` / `=convRate_rtd(B3, B4)`
These scripts play around with the soup code from the webpages, therefore:
- <yourCoin> should match the full name of a coin, displayed on the website. You can check its validity by visiting the website
and looking for <yourCoin> in the column "Name" (e.g. "SwissBorg")
- <from> and <to> should match a real currency. You can check their validity by visiting the website<from>&to=<to>&amount=1
- if the websites changed, these scripts might now longer be working
- if the cell is only displaying "Waiting...", it's most probably because your argument is incorrect
class CoinMarketCapRTD(RTD):
# URL to the website
URI = ''
def __init__(self, crypto):
self.__symbol = crypto
self.__thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__thread_func)
self.__running = True
async def connect(self):
# Called when Excel connects to this RTD instance
self.__running = True
async def disconnect(self):
# Called when Excel no longer needs the RTD instance
self.__running = False
def __thread_func(self):
while self.__running:
# Get the beautifulSoup of the webpage and convert it to a string
HTML = requests.get(self.URI)
soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML.text, 'html.parser')
text = str(soup)
# Look for the first pattern '"name":"<yourCoin>"' remove the part before
text = text[text.find(f'"name":"{self.__symbol}"'):]
# From now on, the first pattern '"name":"USD","price":' should be directly followed by the price of the coin, in USD
text = text[text.find('"name":"USD","price":')+len('"name":"USD","price":'):]
# The price is followed by the pattern ',"volume24h"'
new_value = float(text[:text.find(',"volume24h"')])
# Update the value in Excel
if new_value != self.value:
self.value = new_value
class ConvRateRTD(RTD):
def __init__(self, symb_from, symb_to):
symb_from = symb_from.upper()
symb_to = symb_to.upper()
self.__URI = f'{symb_from}&to={symb_to}&amount=1'
self.__symbol = symb_from.upper()
self.__thread = threading.Thread(target=self.__thread_func)
self.__running = True
async def connect(self):
# Called when Excel connects to this RTD instance
self.__running = True
async def disconnect(self):
# Called when Excel no longer needs the RTD instance
self.__running = False
def __thread_func(self):
while self.__running:
# Get the beautifulSoup of the webpage and convert it to a string
HTML = requests.get(self.__URI)
soup = BeautifulSoup(HTML.text, 'html.parser')
text = str(soup)
# Look for the first pattern '1.00 {symbol} =' and remove the part before
text = text[text.find(f'1.00 {self.__symbol} ='):]
# From now on, the first pattern '"ccOutputRslt">' should be directly followed by the rate of the USD->EUR conversion
text = text[text.find('"ccOutputRslt">')+len('"ccOutputRslt">'):]
# The first part of the rate is followed by the pattern '<span'
first = text[:text.find('<span')]
# Then extract the second half of the rate
second = text[text.find('"ccOutputTrail">')+len('"ccOutputTrail">'):]
second = second[:second.find('</span')]
# This is the new value
new_value = float(first + second)
# Update the value in Excel
if new_value != self.value:
self.value = new_value
def coin_rtd(crypto: str) -> RTD:
return CoinMarketCapRTD(crypto)
def convRate_rtd(symb_from: str, symb_to: str) -> RTD:
return ConvRateRTD(symb_from, symb_to)
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