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Last active August 29, 2015 14:17
Chart exercise 2
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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Death on the Streets of NYC
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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Mapping Assignment Two
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Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Depression treatment for black inmates

##Pitch: How are black inmates screened and treated for depression? Slug: mentallyill-black-inmates

####Who cares? Those suffering from mental illness, families with someone who has mental illness, [black] activists/organizations, people concerned about the costs of prisons ####Why do we care now?

In the past year, there has been national media attention on several instances of police violence against black mentally ill suspects and inmates. On March 9, 27-year-old Anthony Hill, an unarmed black male suffering from bipolar disorder, was fatally shot by a police officer in Georgia. An episode of This American Life, aired Feb. 13, “Cops See it Differently, Part Two,” detailed a black mentally ill man’s struggle with being harassed by the police.

Already in 2015, conditions within prisons have received national media attention (e.g. Rikers, [Attica](

##Students at risk of death or injury in traffic violence Authors: Cristina Furlong and Julia Haslanger #####Our community in a sentence: Children at risk of being involved in (specifically the victim of) a motor vehicle accident in Queens. ##Pitch: ####Who cares:

  • Parents and caregivers of schoolchildren
  • City government, particularly agencies involved in Vision Zero, including NYPD, DOT, Department of Health, Department of Ed
  • Advocacy groups, including Make Queens Safer, Transportation Alternatives, Families for Safe Streets

####Why we care now:

##Queens students at risk of injury or death in traffic violence Authors: Cristina Furlong and Julia Haslanger #####Our community in a sentence: Children at risk of being involved in (specifically the victim of) a motor vehicle accident in Queens.

We will make connections between existing data on High Priority Safe Routes to Schools Programs, NYPD Collision Data and Safety Education Data to determine best practices for reducing the risks of children being injured or killed on their commutes to and from school.

####How we will identify this group as a community:
This community would reflect those who are immediately affected by traffic violence in close proximity to a neighborhood school. The refined community are those beyond the children who can work to affect change to the policies and risks that cause children to be inured or killed in traffic violence.

  • 1: Age Range: 3 to 14 years old as the main at-risk group