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Last active March 23, 2023 20:57
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This is an (incomplete) list of spike sorting tools available for (extraction and) sorting of spiking data from electrophysiologal experiments.

Software Reference Method Last Release Documentation Language On/Offline Commercial/Free Operating System GUI
SpikeOMatic Gaussian Mixture Model, Dynamic Hidden Markov Model 2010 minimal R/C (?) offline free linux / windowns minimal
Klusta Automatic sorting ? 2016 yes Python / Cython offline Free - yes
Phy >100.000 recording sites 2018 In progress Python offline Free - yes
Wave_Clus Unsupervised, Wavelet and superparam. clustering 2009 yes Matlab offline Free - yes
Plexon Offline Sorter many 2018 yes ? offline commercial Windows only yes
Spike2 Template matching, multiple methods 2017 yes ? On- and offline commercial Windows only
OSort Templated based, unsupervised 2013 yes Matlab On- and offline Free - Yes / minimal
Open Electrophy PCA, peaktovalley, kmeans 2017, no maintainance Yes Python Python offline Free - yes
Tridesclous Successor of open electrophy, designed for dense electrodes 2018 In progress Python, Jupyter Notebooks On-and offline Free - yes
SpikeSort (v0.13dev) Very basic, slim implementation 2016 yes Python offline Free - no
Spyking Circus Massively parallel, smart clustering, greedy template matching (>4k channels) 2018 yes Python offline Free - yes
KiloSort Template matching, GPU optimized 2018 yes Matlab offline Free - Can integrate with Phy GUI
MountainSort PCA based (?) 2018 yes C++ offline / Cloud computing free linux Can integrate with mountainlab
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