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Last active December 9, 2018 13:24
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module Dijkstra where
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph as G
import Data.Graph.Inductive.Graph (mkGraph, labNodes, LEdge)
import Data.Graph.Inductive.PatriciaTree (Gr)
import qualified Data.Array as Ar
import qualified Data.Map as M
import qualified Data.Set as S
import qualified Control.Monad.State as St
import Control.Monad.State (State, runState)
import Control.Monad (foldM)
import Data.Maybe (listToMaybe)
import qualified Data.List as L
-- ====== Main program demonstrating the example graph from wikipedia ======
graphResults :: IO ()
graphResults = do
putStrLn "The results of finding the shortest distance on this graph:"
putStrLn $ show eg1Graph
putStrLn "...are:"
putStrLn $ show eg1
newLine :: IO ()
newLine = putStrLn ""
-- ====== Types ======
type Vertex = Int
type EdgeLength = Int
data Edge = Edge
{ es_from_vertex :: Vertex
, es_to_vertex :: Vertex
, es_length :: EdgeLength
newtype NodeLabel = NodeLabel Int
deriving (Show)
type Graph = Gr NodeLabel EdgeLength
-- a distance can either be inifitely far away, or a countable distance:
data Distance = CountableD Int | InfiniteD
deriving (Ord, Eq, Show)
-- the data type that represents a single step within state manipulations
-- to find the shortest path
data StepState =
{ ss_graph :: Graph
, ss_unvisited_set :: S.Set Vertex
, ss_distances :: M.Map Vertex Distance
, ss_parent_nodes :: M.Map Vertex Vertex
, ss_current_node :: Vertex
, ss_target_node :: Vertex
} deriving (Show)
-- ====== Setup functions for Graph ======
genGraph :: [Edge] -> Graph
genGraph edges = mkGraph nodes labeledGraphEdges
numNodes = nodeCountFromEdges edges
nodes = (\i -> (i, NodeLabel i)) <$> [1..numNodes]
labeledGraphEdges = labeledGraphEdgeFromEdge <$> edges
labeledGraphEdgeFromEdge :: Edge -> (Vertex, Vertex, EdgeLength)
labeledGraphEdgeFromEdge edge =
(es_from_vertex edge, es_to_vertex edge, es_length edge)
nodeCountFromEdges :: [Edge] -> Int
nodeCountFromEdges = length . nodesFromEdges
nodesFromEdges :: [Edge] -> [Vertex]
nodesFromEdges = L.nub . edgesToVertices
edgesToVertices :: [Edge] -> [Vertex]
edgesToVertices edges = [es_from_vertex, es_to_vertex] <*> edges
-- ====== Example Data ======
-- example graph
eg1Graph :: Graph
eg1Graph = genGraph
[ Edge 1 2 7
, Edge 1 3 9
, Edge 1 6 14
, Edge 2 3 10
, Edge 2 4 15
, Edge 3 4 11
, Edge 3 6 2
, Edge 4 5 6
, Edge 5 6 9
eg1InitStepState :: StepState
eg1InitStepState = initStepState eg1Graph 1 5
eg1 :: [Vertex]
eg1 = St.evalState shortestPath eg1InitStepState
-- ====== Functions to set up initial state ======
-- build an initial StepState from a graph and initial and target
-- vertices, which will then be used to find the shortest path
initStepState :: Graph -> Vertex -> Vertex -> StepState
initStepState graph initialVertex targetVertex =
{ ss_graph = graph
, ss_unvisited_set = set
, ss_distances = distances
, ss_parent_nodes = M.empty
, ss_current_node = initialVertex
, ss_target_node = targetVertex
vertices = verticesFromGraph graph
set = S.fromList vertices
distances =
let dists = M.fromList $ zip vertices $ repeat InfiniteD
in M.insert initialVertex (CountableD 0) dists
-- ====== The main State action; uses various other State actions ======
-- State action that finds the shortest path (as a list of vertices)
-- given an initial StepState
shortestPath :: State StepState [Vertex]
shortestPath = do
neighboursWithTentativeDistances <- getNeighboursWithTentativeDistances
updateDistancesAndParentsIfShorter neighboursWithTentativeDistances
setNewCurrentNodeAsMinimumDistanceNeighbourFrom neighboursWithTentativeDistances
maybePath <- getPathIfDone
case maybePath of
Nothing -> shortestPath
Just path -> pure path
-- ====== Some helper functions ======
addDistances :: Distance -> Distance -> Distance
addDistances (CountableD x) (CountableD y) = (CountableD $ x + y)
addDistances _ _ = InfiniteD
(&+&) :: Distance -> Distance -> Distance
(&+&) = addDistances
currentNode :: StepState -> Vertex
currentNode = ss_current_node
verticesFromGraph :: Graph -> [Vertex]
verticesFromGraph graph =
fst <$> labNodes graph
-- ====== State actions used to compose the main State action ======
getPathIfDone :: State StepState (Maybe [Vertex])
getPathIfDone = do
state <- St.get
targetNodeVisited <- getTargetNodeVisited
smallestDistanceOfNodesIsInfinity <- getSmallestDistanceOfNodesIsInfinity
pure $
if targetNodeVisited || smallestDistanceOfNodesIsInfinity
pure $ parentPathFromParentMapAndTarget (ss_parent_nodes state) (ss_target_node state)
getTargetNodeVisited :: State StepState Bool
getTargetNodeVisited = do
state <- St.get
pure $ S.notMember (ss_target_node state) (ss_unvisited_set state)
getSmallestDistanceOfNodesIsInfinity :: State StepState Bool
getSmallestDistanceOfNodesIsInfinity = do
tentativeDistances <- M.elems . ss_distances <$> St.get
pure $ minimum tentativeDistances == InfiniteD
parentPathFromParentMapAndTarget :: M.Map Vertex Vertex -> Vertex -> [Vertex]
parentPathFromParentMapAndTarget parentMap targetNode =
L.reverse $ targetNode : L.unfoldr go targetNode
go previousNode =
let maybeFoundParent = M.lookup previousNode parentMap
in (\foundParent -> (foundParent, foundParent)) <$> maybeFoundParent
updateDistancesAndParentsIfShorter :: [(Vertex, Distance)] -> State StepState ()
updateDistancesAndParentsIfShorter neighboursWithTentativeDistances =
St.modify $ \state ->
let currentNode = ss_current_node state
in foldr (go currentNode) state neighboursWithTentativeDistances
go currentNode (vertex, tentativeDist) prevState =
let distances = ss_distances prevState
needToUpdate =
maybe True (\distance -> distance > tentativeDist) (M.lookup vertex distances)
if needToUpdate
{ ss_distances = M.insert vertex tentativeDist distances
, ss_parent_nodes = M.insert vertex currentNode (ss_parent_nodes prevState)
setNewCurrentNodeAsMinimumDistanceNeighbourFrom :: [(Vertex, Distance)] -> State StepState ()
setNewCurrentNodeAsMinimumDistanceNeighbourFrom verticesWithDistances =
St.modify $ \state ->
let maybeVertex = fst <$>
case verticesWithDistances of
[] -> Nothing
_ -> Just $ L.minimumBy (\x y -> compare (snd x) (snd y)) verticesWithDistances
in case maybeVertex of
Just vertex -> state { ss_current_node = vertex }
Nothing -> state
removeCurrentNodeFromUnvistedSet :: State StepState ()
removeCurrentNodeFromUnvistedSet =
St.modify $ \state ->
let currentNode = ss_current_node state
unvisitedSet = ss_unvisited_set state
in state { ss_unvisited_set = S.delete currentNode unvisitedSet }
getNeighboursWithTentativeDistances :: State StepState [(Vertex, Distance)]
getNeighboursWithTentativeDistances = do
currentNodeDistance <- getCurrentNodeDistance
state <- St.get
graph :: Graph
graph = ss_graph state
currentNode :: Vertex
currentNode = ss_current_node state
neighboursAndLengths :: [(EdgeLength, Vertex)]
neighboursAndLengths = G.lneighbors graph currentNode
unvisitedSet :: S.Set Vertex
unvisitedSet = ss_unvisited_set state
unvisitedNeighbours = filter (\(_, vertex) -> S.member vertex unvisitedSet) neighboursAndLengths
lengthVertexPairToVertexCurrentNodeDistancePair (edgeLength, vertex) =
(vertex, currentNodeDistance &+& (CountableD edgeLength))
neighboursWithTentativeDistances = fmap lengthVertexPairToVertexCurrentNodeDistancePair unvisitedNeighbours
pure neighboursWithTentativeDistances
getCurrentNodeDistance :: State StepState Distance
getCurrentNodeDistance = do
stepState <- St.get
currentNode = ss_current_node stepState
distances = ss_distances stepState
currentNodeDistance = distances M.! currentNode
pure currentNodeDistance
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